47 search results for “koos” in the Public website
Koos Boer
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
j.p.boer@law.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 8875
Koos Biesmeijer
j.c.biesmeijer@cml.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Koos Burggraaf
j.burggraaf@lacdr.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 6211
Bonho Koo
b.koo@lic.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Koos van der Hoeven
Faculteit Geneeskunde
j.j.m.van.der.hoeven@lumc.nl | +31 71 526 9111
Naturalis researcher Koos Biesmeijer appointed professor
Ecologist Koos Biesmeijer has been appointed professor Natural Capital at Leiden University per 1 March 2017. His chair will be situated at the Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML), which is part of the Faculty of Science. Through this collaboration, Naturalis Biodiversity Center and Leiden University…
National Bee Count by Koos Biesmeijer receives Communication Initiative Award
The National Bee Count initiative of Professor Koos Biesmeijer (Naturalis/Leiden) and Vincent Kalkman (Naturalis) has received the NWO Communication Initiative Award. The jury praises the initiative, which manages to reach a very wide and diverse audience, while at the same time contributing to the…
Koos Biesmeijer and Claire van Megen nominated for Person of the Year
Koos Biesmeijer, Professor of Natural Capital, and Claire van Megen, an Educational and Child Studies student, are in with a chance of winning Leiden’s Person of the Year title.
The Organising Committee and the Scientific Committee consist of the following people:
Science Council
The Science Council is an advisory committee to the Board of the Institute and consists of the full professors of the Institute.
- Publications
What we can learn from hi-tech nature
Biodiversity in the Netherlands is having a tough time. Professor of Natural Capital Koos Biesmeijer combines research with practical advice: from the greening of industrial parks to solutions inspired by hi-tech nature. Inaugural lecture 9 March.
Symposium on Insect-Plant Interactions 2021
The 18th edition of SIP will be organised by Caroline Mueller at the University of Bielefeld, Germany. More information can be found on the SIP 2024 Homepage. The 17th Symposium on Insect-Plant relationships in Leiden has been held online from 25 to the 30 July 2021.
Invaluable bees and nature’s other services
We depend on nature for so many things: from clean water, wood and food to carbon absorption, water purification and coastal protection, as well as for relaxation, inspiration and identity. Nevertheless, our modern world putting increasing pressure on these ecosystem services. Leiden researchers investigate…
Computational Drug Discovery
Research in this group, headed by Gerard van Westen, focusses on computational methods integrated in different parts of the drug discovery process. More specifically, topics include innovative treatments for cancer, selectivity modeling, translational research, allosteric modulation, drug resistance…
New insights in bee decline
Two scientific papers in Science deliver new pieces of the puzzle for the reasons of bee decline. Professor Koos Biesmeijer comment on this research in articles in the Dutch newspapers Volkskrant and NRC.
Kom naar de GLOBTAXGOV-seminar over belastingconcurrentie
Wat betekent belastinghervorming in de VS? Hoe groot is de invloed van belastingontwijkende multinationals op belastingconcurrentie in ontwikkelde en ontwikkelingslanden? En wat zijn de problemen met belastinguitgaven? Op 7 november vindt een GLOBTAXGOV-T20-seminar plaats op de Campus Den Haag van de…
Awards and Grants 2017
An overview of awards and prizes granted to our staff and students in 2017, as well as special appointments and royal distinctions.
Limits of Tax Jurisdiction
How do tax treaties have to be explained and implemented, and what role does the supranational regulatory process play in this? Which objectives are meant to be used in establishing tax regulations and to what extent are such legislative practices undertaken in a goal-oriented manner?.
Naturalis reopens: researchers in the museum
A rejuvenated Naturalis opens its doors to the public on Saturday 31 August. Many researchers from Leiden University also work at the Naturalis research centre. Their workplace has also undergone a major facelift, and museum visitors can now watch their every move.
Media about the late Nicolaas Bloembergen
Nicolaas Bloembergen, who won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1981, passed away on 5 September in Tucson, Arizona. Bloembergen obtained his PhD on nuclear spin resonance in 1948 at Leiden University. Some articles about his life.
Experts provide three necessary solutions to the biodiversity crisis
It came as a shock to many people: one million plant and animal species are threatened to become extinct. But this number isn’t the most relevant aspect, argue Alexander van Oudenhoven, Koos Biesmeijer and three other experts in Dutch newspaper Trouw. ‘It is more important to realise that the fate of…
How China Studies started in the Dutch East Indies
Leiden has the most highly regarded China Studies programme in Europe. But how did this knowledge find its way specifically to Leiden? For his PhD research Koos Kuiper delved into the unique history of the start of this unique programme.
What we can learn from hi-tech nature
Biodiversity in the Netherlands is having a tough time. Professor of Natural Capital Koos Biesmeijer combines research with practical advice: from the greening of industrial parks to solutions inspired by hi-tech nature. Inaugural lecture 9 March.
Tim Visser
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
t.visser@law.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Aafke Oldenbeuving
a.oldenbeuving@cml.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Fewer flowering plants in Dutch nature: national and international media coverage
In Dutch nature, plant species that depend on pollination by insects are disappearing. Environmental scientist Kaixuan Pan shows this after analysing 87 years of measurements from more than 365,000 locations. Several national and international media reported on the study results. Below is an overview…
Buzzing decline: Dutch landscape is losing insect-pollinated plants
The Netherlands is losing plant species that rely on pollination by insects. Leiden environmental scientist Kaixuan Pan demonstrates this after analysing 87 years of measurements from over 365,000 plots. The news is alarming for our biodiversity and food security. ‘75 per cent of our crops and 90% of…
Rechtspraktijk in beeld
Woensdag 7 september bezochten de nieuwe eerstejaarsstudenten Rechtsgeleerdheid en Criminologie de Stadsgehoorzaal voor een College Tour met als thema: Strafzaken en de media. Presentatrice Annemarie Brüning, bekend van Hart van Nederland, ging hierover in gesprek met professionals uit het vakgebied…
At Beehive it's all about students
Working together, sharing information, communicating and having the same goals. At the official opening on 30 November, biologist Koos Biesmeijer compared Beehive, Leiden University's new student centre in The Hague, with the activities in a real beehive.
King and Queen consult China experts in Leiden
King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima attended a meeting at Leiden University on 1 October to prepare for their state visit to China. China experts informed them about such topics as the image that Chinese people have of the Netherlands.
Hopeful insights on climate and biodiversity in LDE white paper
A banker who puts making money second and makes a profit nonetheless. A farmer who stops ploughing and using insecticides but still has a good harvest. A new white paper by Leiden-Delft-Erasmus and Naturalis Biodiversity Center shows how the meeting of disciplines provides solutions to climate change…
Leiden one of ten BiodiverCities in Europe
Leiden has been selected as one of ten cities in the European BiodiverCities project. The aim of the project is to increase the quality of life in these cities, for instance by developing a green infrastructure and enhancing biodiversity. The Municipality of Leiden will work together with Naturalis…
State Secretary Sander Dekker receives national research agenda Nature4Life
State Secretary Sander Dekker of Education, Culture and Science received the national research agenda Nature4Life on 31 January. This research agenda, in which Leiden University is involved, focuses on research on biodiversity, ecology and evolution.
Hall of Fame 2022
In 2022, many of our staff and students won fantastic prizes and were awarded important research grants.
Awards and Grants 2021
An overview of awards and prizes granted to our staff and students in 2021, as well as special appointments at Leiden University and other institutions.
Tirza Cramwinckel
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
t.a.cramwinckel@law.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 1383
IBL coordinates project to search for new medicines in marine biodiversity
Gilles van Wezel of the Institute of Biology Leiden will lead a European consortium to search for new medicines and disease-suppressive microbes while preserving biodiversity. The consortium will explore the largely unknown potential of marine microorganisms.
Hulpgoederen brengen naar Oekraïne: ‘Ook iemand anders had nu wat aan mijn studie’
Samen met andere studenten bracht Fien Lurvink hulpgoederen naar Oekraïne en nam vluchtelingen mee terug.
Secrets of 17th-century letters finally laid bare
The archive of a 17th-century postmaster has been discovered in the Museum for Communication in The Hague. Using new scanning techniques, the international research team Signed, Sealed & Undelivered, headed by literary scholar Nadine Akkerman from Leiden University and historian David van der Linden…
Even voorstellen: Geerten Waling en Anne Heyer
Sinds september 2010 werken Geerten Waling en Anne Heyer in het NWO project ‘The Promise of Organization’.
Towards a liveable future
Humans have influenced nature since as early as the Ice Age, and over the past century man’s impact has become even greater with our many new technologies and a growing world population. Leiden researchers study this impact and how we can keep it within reasonable limits so that nature can be preserved.…
‘Citizens should be able to rely on information provided by Tax and Customs Administration’
Information provided by the Tax and Customs Administration is something that concerns every citizen. So it is not surprising that the Tax hotline receives around 10 million calls each year. The Benefits Affair emphasised the citizen’s perspective in communications with the Tax and Customs Administration.…
‘Climate damage and nature loss are unfairly distributed. And so are the solutions’
In the fight for a liveable planet, we desperately need a fairer distribution of wealth and equal rights for all, argues anthropology professor Marja Spierenburg. ‘That will also generate broad-based support for sustainable development.’
CML's Stans Award 2021
CML grants three Stans Awards each year, known as the best PhD paper, best student thesis and best outreach from the past year. The CML staff nominated students and colleagues and this year’s jury Prof.dr. Koos Biesmeijer and Prof.dr. Nicole de Voogd made the final decision.
Nicole de Voogd appointed as Professor Global change and marine ecosystems
As of 1 May 2018, Nicole de Voogd has been appointed as Professor by special appointment Global change and marine ecosystems at the Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML). She is currently senior researcher at Naturalis Biodiversity Center in the field of tropical marine ecosystems.
Liveable Communities: project with a sustainable outlook
With the Liveable Communities – Liveable Planet project, Marja Spierenburg, Professor of Anthropology of Sustainability and Livelihood, is showing that scientists are driven by ambition, hope and faith. She is linking Vrouw Vennepolder, a polder in Zuid-Holland, to the UN climate goals.