1,298 search results for “film and culturele” in the Public website
Film and Video Intermediality
The Question of Medium Specificity in Contemporary Moving Images
Film and Photographic Studies (MA)
The master’s programme in Film and Photographic Studies at Leiden University covers the history and theory of film and photography within the broad context of visual and other media.
Film and Literary Studies (BA)
Do you enjoy a great story? In the Bachelor's programme Film and Literary Studies at Leiden University you study the stories behind the stories. Because what makes a novel fascinating or a horror movie frightening? Study film, literature and media from around the entire world and discover the differences…
Media studies: Film and Photographic Studies
Are you thinking about studying Film and Photographic Studies? Learn more and watch the introduction video.
University Lecturer (UD) in Film and Visual Culture (1 FTE)
Humanities, Centre for the Arts in Society
Film and Video Intermediality: The Question of Medium Specificity in Contemporary Moving Images
In Film and Video Intermediality, Janna Houwen innovatively rewrites the concept of medium specificity in order to answer the questions “what is meant by video?” and “what is meant by film?”
Jeu d'argile: céramique, indentité culturelle, créolisation
Une étude archéo-anthropologique de la céramique des sociétés caribéennes multiculturelles de la période précoloniale à nos jours
V-Cinema: Canons of Japanese Film and the Challenge of Video
Thomas Mes defended his thesis on 9 January 2018.
Europe. Continental Connections in English-Language Gothic Writing, Film and New Media
Haunted Europe offers a comprehensive account of the British and Irish fascination with a Gothic vision of continental Europe, tracing its effect on British intellectual life from the birth of the Gothic novel, to the eve of Brexit, and the symbolic recalibration of the UK’s relationship to mainland…
Films: NVICinema
On some Sunday evenings the NVIC is presenting NVICinema. We bring a varied programme of Dutch or Flemish films, Egyptian classics as well as contemporary Egyptian feature films and short films from young talented directors, all with English subtitles.
Film Studio
The film studio has facilities to record professional videos for a range of educational and/or research purposes.
Humour and Irony in Dutch Post-war Fiction Film, Peter Verstraten
If Dutch cinema is examined in academic studies, the focus is usually on pre-war films or on documentaries, but the post-war fiction film has been sporadically addressed.
Show people, A history of the film star
Show People offers a comprehensive history of the film star from Mary Pickford to Andy Serkis, traversing more than one hundred years and drawing on examples from America, Britain, Europe, Asia and elsewhere.
Film Going Beyond Gender
‘Going Beyond Gender’ reveals how diverse women's experiences and backgrounds can be and how this diversity can affect their opportunities and career in academia. The entire film was recorded in and around the Kamerlingh Onnes Building as well as the Academy Building. The five women featured in the…
Books and films
Leiden University has made history with its many scientific discoveries; a history that is also illustrated in a variety of books and films.
- Theater en film
Film- en literatuurwetenschap
This programme video is presented in Dutch
intertopian mode in the depiction of Turkey-originated migrants in European film
On 7 September 2023 Didem Durak Akser successfully defended a doctoral thesis and graduated.
Film, video and Instagram: students create an online film programme
Film and Photographic Studies master’s students Vanessa and Deirdre created a film programme about the Jewish artist Charlotte Salomon for the Jewish Cultural Quarter. Due to the pandemic, they could no longer hold a physical screening and they decided to move their project online.
Book publication: The Auditory Setting Environmental Sounds in Film and Media Arts
We are excited to announce the book publication of our alumnus Dr. Budhaditya Chattopadhyay: The Auditory Setting Environmental Sounds in Film and Media Arts.
Miguel Mira
Faculty of Humanities
m.mira@hum.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Magnetism and magnetization dynamics in thin film ferromagnets
Promotores: Prof.dr. J. Aarts, Prof.dr. J.M. van Ruitenbeek
electron transmission through layered materials and chiral organic films
In this Ph.D. thesis we study the interaction of low energy electrons with thin materials, namely layered materials (graphene, hexagonal boron nitride, molybdenum disulfide) and organic films. At these low energies the quantum mechanical wavelength of the electron wave function is in the order of a…
Dutch Post-war Fiction Film through a Lens of Psychoanalysis
This week 'Dutch Post-war Fiction Film through a Lens of Psychoanalysis' by Peter Verstraten was published by Amsterdam University Press, the sequel to Humor and Irony in Dutch Post-war Fiction Film from 2016. Each chapter in his 482-page new study begins with a title of Fons Rademakers who made films…
Anne Sytske Keijser
Faculty of Humanities
a.s.keijser@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2217
Film by Itandehui Jansen chosen for Cannes
The short documentary film was selected to the short film corner of the Cannes Film Festival.
Carmen van den Bergh
Faculty of Humanities
c.van.den.bergh@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2067
The purpose of LENS – to foster, coordinate and support research in the area of the visual arts and visual media of photography, film, video and digital media – is connected to the objectives of the Master program Film and Photographic Studies.
Aida Gholami
Faculty of Humanities
a.gholami@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
About the programme
The Film and Photographic Studies programme will equip you with a broad and interdisciplinary knowledge of lens-based media.
Philosophising by making films: ‘I’ve never understood the material so well before.’
There was a time when student Lelani Antar wanted to go to film school. She ended up studying International Studies, yet she didn’t quite say goodbye to film. For her minor, she and three other students made an essay film.
LEiden university NexuS of Arts | Media | Politics
The purpose of LENS is to foster, coordinate and support research of visual media of analog and digital photography, film, and video, and the visual arts.
- Career prospects
Admission and application
Find out how to apply for Film and Photographic Studies at Leiden University by following our step-by step guide.
An overview of the courses
Academy of Creative and Performing Arts film makes it to Cannes
The short film Alma & Esperanza , directed by Itandehui Jansen, a PhD candidate (directing supervisor Professor Dr. Kitty Zijlmans) of the Leiden University Academy for Creative and Performing Arts, has been selected to the Short Film Corner of this year’s edition of the Cannes International Film Fe…
Film: How to become an ethical scientist
Scientists are regularly confronted with questions of integrity. A new film teaches students how to handle this issue.
Ambient sounds: Indian film versus sound art
Audible Absence: Searching for the Site in Sound Production
Science & Cinema: Leiden researchers at the Leiden International Film Festival
A film and quiz at the Old Observatory, a film whose ending you decide or a political satire in The Hague. These are some of the options at Science & Cinema, the 444 edition, a special programme during LIFF, the Leiden International Film Festival.
NWO Graduate programme: Arts in Society
Exploring cultural production in Europe, Latin America and Africa, the institute’s research programme focuses on the continuous interconnectedness of the Arts and Society in both the textual culture of literature, learning and public debate and the visual culture of art, architecture, film, photography…
Admission requirements
To be eligible for Film and Photographic Studies at Leiden University, you must meet the following admission requirements.
Peter Verstraten over het succes van Koreaanse films
What makes South Korean films successful? In the first part of the video series 'The World of the Korean Wave', University Lecturer Peter Verstraten discusses the recent success of South Korean cinema.
Alumnus Simone participating in National ThinkTank: ‘A good imagination is essential’
Say biodiversity loss, and then say humanities. These two terms may not seem an obvious combination, but alumnus Simone Scholte explains that her Film and Literary Studies degree actually offers a unique perspective on the problem. She is therefore one of the 20 students participating in this year’s…
Leiden University Film at Short Film Corner Cannes Festival
The short documentary film was selected to the short film corner of the Cannes Film Festival.
Shadow Game Screening with film maker Els van Driel
On 10 March students of the advanced master's in International Children’s Rights and the Dutch Child Law master's watched the documentary Shadow Game with filmmaker Els van Driel.
Finale Student and City film competition in Leiden
What makes Leiden the best student city in the Netherlands? This was the question students were invited to answer in films about their city. The winner will be announced on 29 June in the Schouwburg in Leiden.
Sander Hölsgens
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
s.r.j.j.holsgens@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Marcos Neto de Cordova
Faculty of Humanities
m.neto.de.cordova@hum.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
An Auteur in Constant Flux:Investigating Transboundary Cinema in Tunç Okan’s Trilogy of Migration
How do we define the works of a film director whose films cross many established boundaries at once?
About the programme
The master in Media Studies is a one-year programme with four specialisations. Each specialisation explores connections between the various media and examines both present-day and historical material.