464 search results for “die natalis 2024” in the Staff website
Natalie Everts
Faculty of Humanities
n.c.everts@umail.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272768
Natalie Schaller
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
n.e.schaller@fgga.leidenuniv.nl | +31 70 800 8206
Natalie Grasser
grasser@strw.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Natalie den Breugom de Haas
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
n.c.den.breugom.de.haas@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 6 4287 3259
Leiden University celebrates curiosity at 449th Dies Natalis
How has evolution shaped our curiosity? And how does that curiosity ensure that we now have the technological ability to discover whether we are alone in the universe? This was all covered during the celebration of Leiden University’s 449th Dies Natalis.
Dies Natalis all about innovating and connecting
‘We could share our knowledge more with others and apply it more widely,’ said Annetje Ottow, President of the Executive Board, while presenting the new Strategic Plan on the University’s 447th Dies Natalis. The new Strategic Plan therefore focuses on innovating and connecting, among disciplines and…
Princess Beatrix to attend 450th Dies Natalis
Her Royal Highness Princess Beatrix of the Netherlands will attend the Dies Natalis ceremony at Leiden's Pieterskerk on Friday 7 February to celebrate our 450th anniversary.
Esther Captain, Gert Oostindie and Valika Smeulders win Die Haghe Prize 2024
Researchers Esther Captain, Gert Oostindie and Valika Smeulders have won the Die Haghe Prize 2024. They were awarded the prize for their book The colonial and slavery past of Hofstad The Hague.
Executive Board Annetje Ottow launches new strategic plan at the Dies Natalis
‘It truly is a plan by and for us all,’ said Annetje Ottow, President of the Executive Board, at the Dies Natalis celebration on 8 February. Leiden Law School was also actively involved developing in the strategic plan.
Value of science the focus of 448th Dies Natalis
The importance of science communication and cross-boundary collaboration, and the ‘mantra’ of diminishing social cohesion in society: these all came up at Leiden University’s 448th Dies Natalis. A panel discussion including Leiden’s mayor Lenferink, music and two honorary doctorates completed the special…
‘Als onderzoeker leer je veel van projecten die verder reiken dan je eigen expertisegebied’
Als nieuwe hoogleraar Ontwikkelingspsychologie pleit Anna van Duijvenvoorde voor meer samenwerking in de wetenschap. Daarom moedigt ze jonge onderzoekers zich aan te melden bij een netwerk. ‘Het biedt je een bredere blik op de wetenschappelijke wereld.’
Dies Natalis Festival for Alumni: a birthday party for 700 guests
Workshops, tours, talks, music, an AI photobooth, interviews, a special poem and the launch of the LUF Children’s Fund. Alumni celebrated their alma mater’s 450th birthday in style on Saturday at the massively oversubscribed Dies Natalis Festival.
Tip: watch the recording of the Dies Natalis
A musical celebration of the 440th dies natalis
On the occasion of the 440th DIES NATALIS, celebrated on Monday 9 February, Leiden University proudly awarded an Honorary Doctorate to William Christie, renowned harpsichordist, conductor, musicologist and teacher, and the foremost pioneer in the renewed appreciation of Baroque music in France, notably…
Leiden University celebrates Dies Natalis: ‘Ahead of the times for 450 years’
An extra-long cortège, three honorary doctorates, a quiz about 450 years of university history, a Dies Natalis rap and a call to defend academic freedom: these all featured in Leiden University’s 450th Dies Natalis celebration and the official start of its jubilee year.
- FSW Education fair 2024
Annual Tax Statement 2024 available
Dies Natalis
University ceremony
- COGLOSS seminars 2024-2025
Projects 2023-2024
In 2023-2024 seven (teams of) teachers received a Grassroots or Grass shoots grant. Here you can read about their projects.
Snow, a mini-cortège and a new rector: a special Dies Natalis
No procession of professors, just a handful of people in the church and snowdrifts outside Leiden’s Pieterskerk: 8 February 2021 was no ordinary Dies Natalis. Carel Stolker transferred the rectorate to Hester Bijl, and Annetje Ottow became the new President of the Executive Board. With an honorary doctorate…
Classic: 4 Questions on the origins of the university and the Dies Natalis
Every year around 8 February, Leiden University, the oldest university in the Netherlands, is celebrating its birthday. Why does the King still receive a telegram on the day of the Dies Natalis? 4 questions on the origins of Leiden University and its traditions for celebrating its foundation day.
Projects 2024-2025
This academic year, seven (teams of) teachers will receive a Grassroots or Grass shoots grant. Here you can read about their projects.
Kiem projects 2024-2025
From health to migration to climate: 25 interdisciplinary research and education initiatives received a Kiem grant in 2024.
Dies Natalis
University ceremony
- Global Histories of Knowledge 2024 - 2025
- Ancient History Research Seminars 2024-2025
- Financial Situation 2024 - 2029
18 billion animals a year: they die, but never end up on our plate
Each year a staggering 18 billion chickens, turkeys, pigs, sheep, goats, and cows either die or are killed without making it onto someone's plate. Environmental scientists Juliane Klaura, Laura Scherer, and Gerard Breeman were the first to calculate this number on a global scale. 'Reducing these numbers…
Honorary doctorate for Canadian-American astrophysicist Sara Seager
Leiden University will confer an honorary doctorate on astrophysicist Sara Seager for her work on exoplanets.
Botanie: een liefde die je niet kunt dwingen
Botanisch filosoof Norbert Peeters vertelt over hoe mensen omgaan met planten in het algemeen, en met onkruid in het bijzonder.
Bas van Rijn wins Fritz Stolz-Preis 2024
LUCSoR alumnus Bas van Rijn was awarded the Fritz Stolz-Preis on 7 June 2024 for his PhD Dissertation “The Experimental Culture of Afterlife Research: Attempts by Spiritual Animal Magnetizers to Prove Life after Death”.
Leiden University presents About Us 2024
Meet the professor: ‘Can my sister be prosecuted for stealing my eraser?’
On the university’s birthday, professors teach a class of 10 and 11-year-olds during Meet the Professor. The professors were bombarded with questions.
Dies natalis 2021
University ceremony
University history complete: Otterspeer presents fourth volume
At the Dies Natalis Willem Otterspeer, Professor Emeritus of University History, presented the fourth and final volume of Groepsportret met Dame, his series on the history of Leiden University. De 'Strategie van de Aanpassing' covers the period 1876-1975. Otterspeer talked about his book in a podcast…
memoriam: Alexander Hendrik (Sander) de Groot (3 april 1943 - 1 april 2024)
Op maandag 1 april 2024 stierf onze leermeester, vriend en gewaardeerd collega Dr. Alexander Hendrik de Groot (Sander).
Europe: History Doesn't Travel in One Direction' (Purdue Univ. Press, 2024)
Lecture, Austria Centre Leiden Lunch Talk
Former Court of Appeal president composes music for transfer of rectorate
Maarten Feteris, the former president of the Court of Appeal and an alumnus of Leiden University, composed the piece ‘Intermezzo’ to mark the transfer of the rectorate during the Dies Natalis on 8 February 2021.
Maureen Rutten - van Mölken: 'Investeren in innovaties die de meeste gezondheidswinst opleveren'
Digitale medische technologie kan een belangrijke bijdrage leveren aan betaalbare zorg en het oplossen van het tekort aan zorgpersoneel. Maar hoe weet je of een innovatie daadwerkelijk waarde toevoegt aan het zorgsysteem?
De Europe Hub groeit verder als netwerk voor wetenschappers die samenwerking zoeken
De Europe Hub verbindt onderzoekers van verschillende faculteiten. Het netwerk biedt hun de kans snel vakkennis uit te wisselen en projecten gezamenlijk te beginnen. Door de hub is een nieuwe minor in ontwikkeling en hij biedt kansen voor onderzoeksfinanciering.
First time in the cortège: ‘I wanted to be part of it’
Is my cap on straight? Where in the cortège will I be walking? These are some of the questions asked by professors joining the Dies Natalis procession for the first time.
Honorary doctorate for anthropologist Rosemary Joyce
American anthropologist Rosemary Joyce will be awarded an honorary doctorate from Leiden University on its Dies Natalis on 8 February. Joyce has delivered important new insights into the ancient Mayan cultures of Central America.
PhD Defenses 2024
LACDR is proud on her young doctorates who have done their defense in 2024. Congratulations to all for their achievement and we wish everyone a successful career and a bright future.
Kaiser Spring Lectures: De geologie van het zonnestelsel: de prachtige planetaire paralellen van tastbare gesteenten en inspirerende landschappen
KNIR Calls March 2024
Education, Research
Salary payment December 2024
Human resources
- Summer festival 2024
- Toogdag 2024 onderzoek
- Salary payment November 2024