383 search results for “etnische profiling” in the Staff website
New research reveals link between finger tapping and Alzheimer's
Suddenly getting lost, failing to recognise family members, or forgetting words and names are well-known symptoms of Alzheimer's disease. Psychologists have now discovered that the disease also manifests in more subtle ways: through the rhythm of finger tapping.
- update faculteitsbestuur
Jasper's day
Jasper Knoester is the dean of the Faculty of Science. How is he doing, what exactly does he do and what does his day look like? In each newsletter, Jasper gives an insight into his life.
Subsidy for development of tools for rheumatic diagnosis
Digital diagnostic tools should improve the diagnostic process of patients with musculoskeletal complaints, so that they can receive the right treatment more quickly.
Museum Talks: ‘Our access to the past starts with in-depth knowledge of objects’
Geert-Jan Janse has always been fascinated by the way objects can bring the past closer. On 16 November, he will present a Museum Talk about his work as the director of the Vereniging Rembrandt (Rembrandt Association).
Vacancy: Part-time Programme Assistant Position: Advanced MSc International Relations and Diplomacy
Education, Organisation, Human resources
Kamaran Palani: ‘Completing my PhD at Leiden University is a dream of me and my deceased father’
Starting your PhD during two major crisis in your country; it happened to Kamaran Palani, PhD student at the Dual PhD Centre and ISGA who lives in Erbil, the capital of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. In spite of the difficulties in his county, Palani (34) stuck to his PhD-research about the fluidity…
'It’s the complexity of this group of patients that makes the challenge of improving their quality of life so interesting’
Dialysis patients experience a range of physical and mental symptoms that interact and influence each otherIn her doctoral research, psychologist Judith Tommel wanted to find the optimum approach to help these dialysis patients improve their quality of life. ‘We need to make sure we avoid excluding…
New technology could prevent the mass cull of male chicks
A staggering 6.5 billion chicks are killed worldwide every year. These are generally male chicks that are of no economic value. In Ovo has developed technology that can quickly determine the sex of a chick, to ensure that only female chicks are hatched. The first 150,000 chicks have now hatched in this…
‘Ties with Leiden University important for prospective prime minister Dick Schoof’
Dick Schoof kan ook wel de buurman van de Haagse faculteit worden genoemd. Vooral vanuit zijn rol bij de NCTV werkte hij veel samen met de Universiteit Leiden en hielp hij onderwijs en onderzoek vooruit, vertelt hoogleraar Terrorisme en Contraterrorisme Edwin Bakker. ‘Voor een kritische vriend was altijd…
Medical Delta professor Jaap Harlaar: ‘This form of collaboration is in my blood’
Hundreds of thousands of Dutch people suffer from pain caused by knee osteoarthritis and the number is rising fast. Prof. Jaap Harlaar specialises in clinical biomechanics. His research is helping improve osteoarthritis treatment. Harlaar has been appointed Medical Delta Professor and now holds posts…
Hall of Fame Leiden Law School staff 2023
Lots of employees celebrated special successes in 2023. Here’s a list of all those scholarships, awards and honours.
Gerrit Dusseldorp joins Liveable Planet Interdisciplinary Programme: ‘Archaeologists can provide the time-depth perspective’
With the retirement of Wil Roebroeks, Gerrit Dusseldorp will take his place as the archaeological representative in the Liveable Planet Interdisciplinary Programme as an Associate Professor. An expert on the behaviour of early human hunter-gatherers, he will look at the interaction between humans and…
KNAW subsidy strengthens cooperation between Leiden religious scholars and secondary school teachers
Markus Altena Davidsen was 'extremely happy' when he heard that he and his colleagues had been awarded a grant from the KNAW pilot fund for science communication. Together with partners from all over the country, they are working on a book that should inspire secondary schools to renew their education…
‘Lifelong development is the perfect way to connect science with society’
As well as offering students a first-rate education, Leiden University provides a wide range of training for professionals, so they can be lifelong learners. And that is not just of value to participants. ‘As a university, you start a dialogue with society to achieve better knowledge together.’
Science for Sustainable Societies: a new bachelor’s programme
The new interdisciplinary bachelor's program in Science for Sustainable Societies starts in the 2025-2026 academic year.
Sarah Cramsey appointed professor: ‘I want to uncover the underrepresented stories in history’
Sarah Cramsey was appointed professor by special appointment of Central European Studies at the Institute of History on 14 September. 'I am keen to incorporate different scholarly approaches into my work and raise the profile of Central European Studies in Leiden.'
We need to talk about methods. The methodological potential of Area Studies within the Humanities
Lecture, LIAS Lunch Talk Series
Public Support for Citizenship Expansion in South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan
Lecture, LIAS Lunch Talk Series
Leiden Tolkien Talks: Interdisciplinary Approaches in Anticipation of “The War of the Rohirrim”
Information session: Birmingham-Leiden Strategic Collaboration Fund
Three different perspectives on how the online world has fundamentally changed the way we live our lives
In the ESOF2022 mini-symposium organized by the Social Resilience & Security programme, international experts with a background in psychology, philosophy, and law discussed how the online world is related to adolescent mental health issues, moral and emotional awareness and children’s rights. In three…
Inaugural Lecture by Federica Mogherini: Europe Hub Launch Event
Professionalizing your community: an example from data management
- Strategic Plan Meeting Leiden Science
The role of good RDM in accelerating scientific progress
When science meets practice: knowledge production and the Indonesian leftist scientists in times of decolonization
Lecture, Global Histories of Knowledge Seminar
Bilingual and international education central to World Teachers Programme
In this bilingual profile, you follow university teacher training with a special focus on language, culture and diversity in bilingual and international education. Student Lauren Rutherford and educator Tessa Mearns talk about this programme.
Acting Dean of the Faculty of Science: Paul Wouters shares a glimpse of his double life
Paul Wouters came to the Faculty of Science for a few months to help with organising day-to-day issues after the previous dean left. This has involved rather more than he expected. ‘I can now really understand why every faculty has its own dean.’
Andrea Evers’ role in the new Executive Board of PsychologyAndrea Evers’ role in the new Executive Board of Psychology
The new Executive Board of the Institute of Psychology became effective on 1 February 2022. Scientific director Andrea Evers tells us where she gets her energy from.
Can extreme antisocial behaviour be traced back to the brain?
The brain structure of young people with conduct disorder differs significantly from that of their typically developing peers. This is the conclusion of an international study that analysed more than two thousand MRI scans, recently published in The Lancet Psychiatry. Dr Moji Aghajani, one of the principal…
Crash course in journalism: students make a podcast with TV presenter Twan Huys
Leiden students are producing ‘College Tour, the podcast!’ with TV presenter Twan Huys. In next to no time, they have to find top journalists and prepare hard-hitting interviews. We take a look behind the scenes.
Young researchers looking for partnerships in Indonesia
A number of young researchers recently took part in a knowledge mission to Indonesia, aiming to build a lasting relationship with the country. How did they find the trip, what did they do, and how are they creating new connections with scientists in Indonesia?
How Oncode-PACT is bringing new cancer medicines closer with 325 million in Growth Fund money
How can you ensure that more experimental drugs reach the finish line? At the moment, only one in twenty cancer drugs that are tested on humans makes it to the market. This is an enormous loss for patients and society. With a grant from the National Growth Fund, Oncode-PACT aims to efficiently select…
Listening, asking questions and soaking up the atmosphere at the Bachelor’s Open Day
So many interesting programmes, but which one suits me best? It was the Bachelor’s Open Day in Leiden and The Hague on Saturday 12 October. Among the many things to do in The Hague, prospective students could find out more about three new bachelor’s programmes: Science for Sustainable Societies, Cybersecurity…
Personal Professional Skills Lab: a certificate for the development of FSW bachelor students
In line with the university and faculty ambition: ‘Future-oriented development of students’, from now on all FSW bachelor students can follow a three-year elective, faculty programme with certificate for personal-professional development, the programme starts with current first-year students; they are…
Success with NWO for social and behavioural scientists
Ten Leiden social and behavioural scientists have successfully applied for the NWO Open Competition. With this Open Competition, NWO gives researchers the chance to start small, high-risk, innovative or promising research projects.
Judi Mesman on leaving LUC: ‘It’s been a wild ride’
A moment of reminiscence and to see what lies ahead. After having been Dean of Leiden University College The Hague (LUC) for six years, Judi Mesman takes the time to reflect.
Inge Schilperoord nominated for the Dutch Libris Prize 2016
Psychology alumna Inge Schilperoord works as a forensic psychologist in the Pieter Baan Centre, a psychiatric observation clinic. Her debut novel 'Muidhond' about a man struggling with his paedophilic tendencies, has received the Bronze Owl 2015 for best Dutch debut novel. Schilperoord: 'The detective…
Greater job satisfaction thanks to a career coach: ‘All the puzzle pieces fell into place’
You need not be completely miserable in your current job to start a discussion about your professional development. And if internal career coaching still feels like too big a step, you can take a look at the university’s Career Platform instead.
Meijers Lecture and New Year’s Reception: starting the new year full of enthusiasm and inspiration!
In traditional style, 2025 was ushered in at our faculty with the Meijers Lecture followed by the New Year's Reception. On Thursday 16 January 2025, the Meijers Lecture took place in the Lorentz Lecture Hall where the Meijers Prizes and the Van Wersch Springplank Prize were also awarded. At the New…
‘The historical pedigree of New Wars and New Terrorism’: meet LUCIR scholar Isabelle Duyvesteyn
Isabelle Duyvesteyn, Professor of International Studies and Global History at the Institute of History and member of the advisory board of Leiden University’s Centre for International Relations (LUCIR) is widely regarded as an expert on civil wars and conflicts. Her new book, Rebels and Conflict Escalation,…
From research in space to director on earth
After ten years and one day, Leiden Observatory has a new director. As of 1 September, Ignas Snellen will set the course for the astronomical institute. In this interview, you will get to know Ignas. Or at least a little. That is why we gave him five dilemmas and asked the people around him who he really…
Jonathan Hak on the paramount importance of the truth – and why we shouldn’t always take images at face value
Hak, lawyer, international imagery law lecturer, and adjunct associate professor, talks about his PhD research on the use of images in international criminal prosecutions. He was a public prosecutor in Canada for over 30 years and dealt primarily with the prosecution of homicides and other major cri…
Open science means better science
Leiden University has an active open science community. Open science means transparency in all phases of research by precisely documenting every step of the way and making this publicly available. ‘It’s time to be open,’ say psychologists Anna van ’t Veer and Zsuzsika Sjoerds. There is increasing awareness…
‘We moeten diversiteit minder vieren, het moet vanzelfsprekend zijn’
Op welke manieren kan inclusieve communicatie ervoor zorgen dat mensen zich welkom voelen? Hierover ging het D&I-symposium van Universiteit Leiden.
How the eating habits of a limited group of Americans determine sustainability
Masses of hamburgers, steaks, cheese and a lot of eggs: Americans love their animal products. But researcher Oliver Taherzadeh discovered that only a relatively small group of high-volume consumers need to modify their diet to achieve an enormous environmental gain.
Wanted: Educational innovations for the Comenius Leadership Fellowship or Dutch Education Award
Exploration of the endocannabinoid system using metabolomics
PhD defence
Administrative burden in universities: Key dimensions, potential drivers, and implications for university-based research
CWTS Seminar