299 search results for “literature in adriaanse takes” in the Staff website
- Forgotten heroes
POSTPONED - Arabic Echoes and Persian Refrains: Devotional Poetry and Intersonicality in Eighteenth- And Nineteenth-Century North India
Lecture, LUCIS What's New?! Series
Arabic Echoes and Persian Refrains: Devotional Poetry and Intersonicality in Eighteenth- And Nineteenth-Century North India
Lecture, LUCIS What's New?! Series
Cybernetics, the Game of Go, and Autopoeisis in Premodern Chinese Literature
Lecture, China Seminar
The International Air Law Moot Court takes online to the next level
Like many moot court competitions around the world, the Leiden-Sarin International Air Law Moot Court Competition was conducted fully online this year. The International Air Law Moot Court is an unparalleled forum for bringing together students and aviation professionals who share a passion for air…
Being able to host international organisations by taking that extra step
The number of international organisations has increased over the last decades. As has the number of cities interested in housing these organisations. International organisations bring wealth to cities and help improve their reputation. They often act as a magnet for other international corporations.…
Exhibition at the KOG: 'Plastic Justice – A creative take on plastic and law'
From 3 to 13 December you can see the exhibition Plastic Justice at the Kamerlingh Onnes Building. Esther Kentin, coördinator of the Leiden Advocacy Project on Plastic, saw the exhibition at the Plastic Health Summit and initiated a collaboration with the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague.
Meet Dr. Jonathan Stökl, LJSA Member
Before coming to Leiden, Dr. Stökl was Reader in Hebrew Bible / Old Testament at Kings College London.
Honorary doctorates for Belgian virologist Marc van Ranst and German Arabist Beatrice Gründler
Leiden University is awarding an honorary doctorate to virologist Marc van Ranst. Van Ranst has been one of the main advisers of the Belgian government during the Covid pandemic. German Arabist Beatrice Gründler will also receive an honorary doctorate for her work in the field of Oriental Manuscript…
The James Webb Telescope takes stunning photos. But what exactly are we looking at?
For over a year now, the James Webb Telescope has been sending stunning images that exceed astronomers’ expectations. The photos are fascinating to see, but what exactly are we looking at? Assistant professor Melissa McClure explains.
Adapting to salinity: Dutch mosquitos do take it with a grain of salt
Dutch mosquitos are more resilient to saltwater than previously thought. Environmental scientist Sam Boerlijst discovered this during his PhD research at the Hortus botanicus. This knowledge is crucial for understanding how mosquito-borne disease transmission might change in the future.
Human noise makes cod inactive. When it gets quiet again, they take off
She narrowly defied bureaucracy and spent days angling for cod. In the North Sea, marine biologist Inge van der Knaap discovered that noise significantly disturbs fish behaviour. ‘There is now a lot of attention for underwater noise.’
new study advisor Hanne Bergink: ‘I will always encourage students to take good care of themselves’
Hanne Bergink started as the new study advisor and career advisor at Archaeology in mid-February. Aside from helping students out when they encounter issues during their studies, she will also focus on job market preparation. ‘I have experience as a coach to help people with their personal developme…
Construction Day: Time to come and take a look in the University’s new Spui Building
You might be wondering what the reconstruction of the former V&D store at Spui in The Hague looks like now. If so, you can come and find out for yourself. On Saturday 8 June 2024, from 10.00 – 13.00 hrs., the building site of the new Campus The Hague Leiden University Building will be open to the pu…
Anna Dlabacova receives ERC Starting Grant for research on late medieval prayer books
Assistant Professor Anna Dlabacova has been awarded a Starting Grant by the European Research Council. She will use this grant of around 1.5 million euros to conduct research on the Dutch vernacular ‘book of hours’.
on climate change: "Especially as a researcher, you shouldn't always take the plane to a conference"
On Thursday afternoon, 6 October, Lara Wierenga, Anne Urai and Niels van Doesum kicked off the first edition of Psychology Connected, a recurring event organised by the Science Committee, where big questions and small conversations easily alternate.
Wim van Anrooij
Faculty of Humanities
w.van.anrooij@hum.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Kiki and Esther show that lowering work pressure takes hard work
All those new initiatives and new policies are nice, but how do they affect work pressure and student welfare? You can judge that best by walking around on the work floor, according to Kiki Zanolie (Faculty Council) and Esther van Leeuwen (Institute Council). As chair persons, they work diligently to…
Geslaagde studentenconferentie 'empirisch-juridisch onderzoek en het privaatrecht'
Waarom is empirisch-juridisch onderzoek van belang voor de rechtspraktijk en het wetenschappelijke onderzoek? Op die vraag kregen masterstudenten van de afstudeerrichtingen civiel recht, ondernemingsrecht en financieel recht antwoord tijdens het congres over empirisch-juridisch onderzoek en het privaatrecht…
How much time will it take to log my travel? This and other questions about the new mobility policy
From 1 November we will have a new mobility policy and will track our commuting with an app. The new regulation is more sustainable and will also save us time and effort, say the union reps from the Local Consultative Body.
Psychology-colleagues are raising money for MS-research: ‘Most of us take their cognitive skills for granted.’
Running, walking or horseback riding: colleagues from the Health, Medical and Neuropsychology unit are each working up a sweat this month to raise money for research on Multiple Sclerosis. How much have they collected so far?
Public Administration students take a close look at societal issues in Multi-Level Governance
During the course BBO II: Multi-Level Governance, students learn to make the link between theory and society by completing a challenging practical assignment.
Introducing: Omar Achfay
Omar Achfay recently joined the Institute for History as PhD candidate. Below, he introduces himself.
Five activities to look forward to this semester
A fresh semester means a fresh faculty calendar. There is plenty to do at the faculty again in the coming months. Five interesting activities are listed below.
Psychology Connected: Work, Pressure or Pleasure?
Course design
Whether you’re giving a course for the first time or aiming to update your learning objectives or teaching formats, effective education starts with good course design. This step-by-step plan will help you create or innovate your course: from learning objectives to teaching formats.
the paramount importance of the truth – and why we shouldn’t always take images at face value
Hak, lawyer, international imagery law lecturer, and adjunct associate professor, talks about his PhD research on the use of images in international criminal prosecutions. He was a public prosecutor in Canada for over 30 years and dealt primarily with the prosecution of homicides and other major cri…
In memoriam: Prof. dr. J.T.P. de Bruijn (1931-2023)
On Monday 23 January 2023 J.T.P. (Hans) de Bruijn passed away at the age of 91. Until 1995 he held the Chair of New Persian Language and Culture at Leiden University.
KNAW Early Career Award for Alisa van de Haar: ‘I want to take a more positive approach to migration and multilingualism’
Alisa van de Haar is one of three humanities scholars to win a KNAW Early Career Award this year. The university lecturer of Ancient French Literature is receiving the award for her innovative research on multilingualism and migration. 'It would be nice to use this to set up a project with students.…
Mirjam Sombroek-van Doorn appointed as Professor Law and Health
Starting 1 October 2022, Mirjam Sombroek-van Doorn has been appointed as Professor Law and Health.
KNAW Early Career Awards for two Leiden researchers
Young Leiden researchers Alisa van de Haar and Marleen Kunneman have received a KNAW Early Career Award. The prize, awarded annually for outstanding achievements, consists of 15,000 euros and a unique work of art.
Leiden’s Austria Centre traveled to Budapest, Hungary for the Annual Convention of Austria Centers
The sixteenth Annual Convention of Austria Centers took place in Budapest, Hungary in June 2024. There, colleagues gathered from around the world, coming from Jerusalem, Olomouc, Vienna, Berkeley, Edmonton, Minneapolis, New Orleans, Budapest and, of course, Leiden.
Question fire for ambassadors Germany and France during debate
Europe lives! This became clear last Friday when students debated with the French ambassador to the Netherlands, H.E. Luis Vassy, and his German colleague, H.E. Dirk Brengelmann, on a range of topics relating to Franco-German relations and the European Union.
- start opening facultair jaar
Krista A. Milne
Faculty of Humanities
k.a.milne@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2978
Sebastian Fajardo Bernal
s.d.fajardo.bernal@liacs.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Milan Ismangil
Faculty of Humanities
m.s.ismangil@hum.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Cas Botman
Faculty of Humanities
k.r.w.botman@hum.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Leonie Henkes
Faculty of Humanities
l.c.f.henkes@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Katinka Zeven
Faculty of Humanities
k.zeven@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 1611
Joanna Greenland
Faculty of Humanities
j.m.greenland@hum.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Ye Jiang
Faculty of Humanities
y.jiang.7@hum.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Nicolas Turner
Faculty of Humanities
n.d.turner@hum.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Gislene Da Silva Trindade
Faculty of Humanities
g.trindade@hum.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
How to Study a Polymath
Lecture, LUCIS What's New?! Series
Afronding decanaat Joanne van der Leun
Afronding decanaat Joanne van der Leun
Preventing legal disputes: at the press of a button
Kunnen algoritmen een hulpmiddel zijn voor advocaten en hun cliënten wanneer ze onderhandelen over contracten? In het preventief recht is dit zeker mogelijk, zo toont het promotieonderzoek van Georgios Stathis. Geleidelijk neemt het algoritme hier juridisch werk uit handen.
Peak performances by teams in the operating theatre: What makes a care professional resilient?
Working in an operating theatre is a highly competitive sport. High work pressure, stress, and unexpected developments during operations. This requires a lot from care professionals who need to be mentally resilient to be able to deliver peak performances time and time again. What makes a care professional…
- bestuurlijk talent gezocht vice-decaan onderzoek onderwijs
Start of a new Kernvisie year
Education, Organisation