2,236 search results for “history van de universiteit” in the Staff website
PhD candidate from Leiden presents international student event
From pipetting in the lab to shining in front of the camera at a global student event. With 8.000 viewers watching the livestream, Marjolein Crooijmans presented the iGEM Giant Jamboree in Paris.
In Memoriam Arie Hordijk
Last week we were informed that Prof. A. Hordijk, emeritus professor at the Mathematical Institute, has passed away. Arie Hordijk (1940) came to the Universiteit Leiden in 1976 and has been a professor of Mathematics of Operations Research at our institute until his retirement in 2005.
Shaping the university of the future. Leiden University joins Una Europa alliance
Leiden University is a member of the Una Europa European alliance. This partnership of 11 research-intensive universities is working to shape the university of the future.
Volunteers needed for brain study in resilience research project
Why do some people with adverse childhood experiences develop mental health conditions whereas others do not? A Leiden research project is looking for volunteers aged between 18 and 24 to help us understand more about human resilience.
PhD Researcher Anastasia Nikulina Wins Nick Ryan Bursary Award 2021
To honour the work of its longstanding chair Nick Ryan, CAA International provides the annual Nick Ryan Bursary Award. The Nick Ryan Bursary Award winner is chosen from each year’s student paper presenters. The award goes towards the costs of attending the CAA Conference the following year, up to a…
Psychology Elevator Pitch: How a better sleep pattern makes students mentally healthier
Do you often find yourself exhausted in the lecture hall or at your workplace? Not great for your mental well-being, as Laura Pape knows. She is investigating how an online self-help program can assist in addressing sleep issues and preventing mental health problems. Join her on this elevator pitch…
Executive Board column: Working together to save energy
The rising energy prices cannot have escaped anyone’s notice. They have dominated the news in recent months. As a university, we too face a big challenge as the prices continue to rise. We will all have to do our bit in the coming months, also in view of the climate crisis that we want to help resol…
Dr. Jonathan Singerton talks about Central Europe and the 19th century World
In December 2024, Dr. Jonathan Singerton (University of Amsterdam) was the featured guest speaker at the last lunch talk of the Fall 2025 semester. A full house assembled to hear Dr. Singerton take us on a journey across the Habsburg Empire and to spots far-flung from Vienna. Dr. Singerton told us a…
Want to protest in The Hague but still give your lecture? Three tips
On Monday 25 November at 13:00, students and staff from higher education institutions are protesting at Malieveld against the announced cuts. How do you ensure that you and your students can be there if you should be teaching then, and cannot or do not want to cancel your class?
Bart Custers and Eduard Fosch-Villaronga examine the legal and ethical aspects of AI in radiology
Researchers at eLaw contribute to groundbreaking volume on AI in radiology, offering legal and ethical frameworks, governance models, and solutions for responsible clinical integration.
Geslaagde studentenconferentie 'empirisch-juridisch onderzoek en het privaatrecht'
Waarom is empirisch-juridisch onderzoek van belang voor de rechtspraktijk en het wetenschappelijke onderzoek? Op die vraag kregen masterstudenten van de afstudeerrichtingen civiel recht, ondernemingsrecht en financieel recht antwoord tijdens het congres over empirisch-juridisch onderzoek en het privaatrecht…
In Memoriam - Bente Hilde Bakker
Recently, our respected and talented former colleague Bente Hilde Bakker passed away after a long and brave fight with illness. She received her mathematical training at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam and also obtained her PhD there under the supervision of Jan Bouwe van den Berg and Robert van…
Podcast: Social Anxiety Disorder
Have you ever experienced the feeling of awkwardness when attending a party where you didn’t know anybody? Ever felt shy at a party within the first few minutes? While this feeling is labelled loosely as feeling socially anxious, social anxiety disorder goes to a much further extent.
Talent for languages test: National Linguistics Olympiad puts language sense to the test for high school students
How would you convert Egyptian hieroglyphs into Latin script? And what is actually the correct translation of dishes on a Vietnamese menu? On Saturday 28 January, high school students from all over the Netherlands will come to Leiden to ponder a series of language-related puzzles. Their goal? To win…
Max van der Horst: “Ethical Vulnerability Mass-Exploitation 101: Theory and Practice”
Lecture, Tech Trends Workshop
Symposium: Inzet van reviews na moord en doodslag in huiselijke kring
Museum Talk with Ina Klaassen (Boijmans van Beuningen): 'The depot: a public private endeavour'
Alumni event, Lecture
Seventeenth-century Dutch were masters in fake news
LUC historian Jacqueline Hylkema unmasks forgeries from the early modern Dutch Republic in the research project "Mapping the Fake Republic".
Embedded Bureaucrats and Refugee Integration: How Do Local Bureaucrats’ Social Ties to Host Communities Facilitate Service Provision to Refugees
Lecture, LIMS seminar
Er is zo Veel Meer tussen 1 en 0; Opmaat voor een Antropologie van Digitale Diversiteit
Inaugural lecture
Leerkracht-leerling relaties: leer- én ontwikkelingscontext van kinderen en adolescenten
Inaugural lecture
Meer dan alleen een goed idee. Naar een empirisch onderbouwde aanpak van cybercrime
Inaugural lecture
Nominees bachelor's thesis prize Political Science 2024
The nominees for the IRO Thesis Prize 2024 and the Prof. Dr. J.Th.J. van den Berg-prijs 2024. Who authored the best thesis in Leiden University’s bachelor’s programme in Political Science?
Isaac Scarborough
Faculty of Humanities
i.m.scarborough@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2655
JUL’s Karaoke Night
The Principles of Representative Government: Thirty Years Later
Lecture, Workshop
Back to the Future: What vision of the future did people have during perestroika?
In many Central and Eastern European countries, a period of greater openness emerged in the late 1980s. How did this affect the future perspective of residents? And can we learn anything from this period for our current times? University lecturer Dorine Schellens delves into the literature to investigate…
Book Launch: Capitalism in Contemporary Iran
What did resistance look like in Indonesia during the Second World War?
Stories of resistance in the Second World War are widely covered in Dutch historiography: Hannie Schaft, Erik Hazelhoff Roelfzema, and Professor Cleveringa are some of the best known. But these accounts largely focus on the Dutch domestic perspective. On the other side of the world, a complex colonial…
Clichéd version of an autocracy or a restored democracy? The Turkish elections explained
In less than a week’s time, millions of Turkish people are going to decide who will govern their country for the next five years. These elections promise to be the most closely contested in years, with the opinion polls showing very small differences and everything at stake, including for Europe. Alp…
Blessed Aristocracies: Charismatic authority, rural elites, and historiography in Medieval Yemen
Lecture, Leiden Yemeni Studies Lecture Series
Saskia Rademaker
Faculty of Humanities
s.rademaker@fgga.leidenuniv.nl | +31 70 800 1646
Not only full professors: the entire examining committee can now wear academic dress
Permission was recently given for all members of the examining committee and co-supervisors at PhD ceremonies to wear academic dress, even if they’re not full professors. How historic is this change?
Lara Wierenga
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
l.m.wierenga@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 3787
Duurzaamheid via aansprakelijkheid? Verwacht er niet te veel van (Sustainability through liability? Don’t get your hopes up)
Inaugural lecture
Juul Eijk
Faculty of Humanities
j.w.j.eijk@hum.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5271647
Jelmer Rotteveel
Faculty of Humanities
j.rotteveel@hum.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5271646
Mily Crevels
Faculty of Humanities
e.i.crevels@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Abbas Siavash Abkenar
Faculty of Humanities
a.siavash.abkenar@hum.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Erik Koopman
Faculty of Humanities
e.k.koopman@hum.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Irene Urrutia Schroeder
Faculty of Humanities
i.x.urrutia.schroeder@hum.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Hyojin Pak
Faculty of Humanities
h.j.pak@hum.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Yasmin Saghafi Ameri
Faculty of Humanities
z.y.saghafi.ameri@hum.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Petr Koluch
Faculty of Humanities
p.v.koluch@hum.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5271646
Rozemarijn Vlijm
Faculty of Humanities
r.vlijm@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 1646
LUCDH Lunchtime Speaker Series: Colonial Korean Print Shops through Computer Vision
The Market of Health, Vigor and Beauty in the Dutch East indies: The Role of Irregular Physicians and Pharmacies
Lecture, Global Histories of Knowledge Seminar
Maia Casna investigates respiratory disease in the past with an NWO PhD in the Humanities grant
Every year, an NWO PhD in the Humanities grant is awarded to a prospective PhD candidate at the Faculty of Archaeology. This year, the grant went to Maia Casna, enabling her to study respiratory disease in the past. ‘My hypothesis is that the rapid formation of cities in the medieval Netherlands, must…
Archaeology students play important role in visit indigenous Ka’apor people
As part of Mariana Françozo’s BRASILAE project, a group of representatives of the Ka’apor people was invited to visit Leiden. The Ka’apor, an indigenous people from Brazil, are some of the present-day relatives of the Tupi-speaking peoples who used to live in the northeastern region of Brazil, claimed…
die werkt zal eten, en daarom maar vol ijver door" Brouwers Fabriek van Aarden Vaatwerk 1901-1905
PhD defence