224 search results for “flows” in the Staff website
The role of bubble formation in sustainable hydrogen production
The sustainable production of hydrogen could potentially be made more efficient by adding a cleverly chosen salt to the process. Researchers at the Leiden Institute of Chemistry (LIC), in collaboration with physicists at the University of Twente, have discovered that the type of salt present in the…
Embryos of the bitterling perform a somersault. This teaches us something new about natural selection
Even embryos can become embroiled in an evolutionary arms race with another species. Leiden biologists demonstrate this with larvae of the rosy bitterling that parasitize the gills of freshwater mussels. They published their research on February 19 in PNAS.
In Memoriam - Professor Bert Peletier
On December 16, 2023, our respected and beloved former colleague prof.dr.ir. Bert Peletier passed away.
Cracking the code: why platinum electrodes corrode
An atomic vandal has finally been caught! Scientists from Leiden University and the Department of Energy’s SLAC National Laboratory have uncovered the mysterious cause behind the rapid corrosion of platinum electrodes. This breakthrough paves the way for more affordable green hydrogen production and…
Leiden workshop on post-consumer textile 'waste’ in the Netherlands (and beyond)
On Thursday 30 May, Leiden University hosts a workshop to foster collaborations to improve the governance of European textile waste export. Different stakeholders, including municipalities, associations of textile collectors and sorters, industry and consumers associations, are warmly invited to join…
Jorrit Rijpma discusses migration legislation on Swedish radio
In an interview with Sveriges Radio, Sweden’s national radio station, Jorrit Rijpma, Professor of European Law, spoke about European legislation concerning migration.
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Rubicon grant for Remko Fermin: superconducting diodes for energy-efficient data centres
Physicist Remko Fermin from Leiden University was awarded a Rubicon grant from NWO. He will use it to study superconducting diodes that could contribute to reducing the CO2 emission of data centres.
Research by Coco Kanters ‘revalues’ money
Money, cultural anthropologist Coco Kanters concludes in her dissertation, is not an intangible or acultural phenomenon. It is a ‘product’ that arises from specific values and can be used for certain goals.
Introducing: Sarah Nelson
Since 1 October 2022, Sarah Nelson is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Institute for History. Below she introduces herself.
Should we build a European mega-dam?
A mega-dam around Europe is a possible solution as protection against rising sea levels. Whether that is really a good idea, was debated on by young professionals during the debate on the future of European coastal protection. 'A big dam may seem safe, but actually isn't,' argued debate winner Haye…
'The Netherlands needs to do more if it wants to change its image of a tax haven'
If the Netherlands wants to change its reputation as a tax haven, it must do more according to Professor of Tax Law Jan van de Streek on American news site Bloomberg.
Martin van Hecke elected APS fellow
Metamaterials researcher Martin van Hecke has been elected American Physical Society (APS) fellow, an honour exclusive to only half a percent of the society's members.
Jan Vleggeert on the Netherlands’ position on tax haven ranking
The Netherlands remains one of the most important locations when it comes to tax evasion. According to Tax Justice Network only the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands and Bermuda play a greater role.
- Media | Art | Politics (MAP)
Stolen Focus: Our Brains Online - The Reading List
There is a reasonable chance that you came to this reading list through a social medium. Now it's our job to keep your attention. We are going to do our best. There are so many distractions; from notifications on your phone, to another screen near you, that may also be screaming for attention. Every…
Lipsius bike parking to become green meeting place
The bicycle parking area in front of the Lipsius building will definitely no longer be used for bicycle parking. Instead, this space will be transformed into an inviting meeting place in a green setting.
Park your bike in the basement of Lipsius or Reuvens
Jorrit Rijpma over asielbeleid toekomstig kabinet
Ontwikkelingshulp- en migratiedeskundigen zien dat er lessen zijn geleerd in het nieuwe regeerakkoord op het gebied van asielbeleid. Maar aan veel toezeggingen kleven cynische voorwaarden.
Ethics and Data Committee is looking for a new member
European grant for Birte Forstmann to create an atlas of the Human Deep Brain
Deep-brain stimulation (DBS) is the most promising surgical treatment for movement and neuropsychiatric disorders, but is accompanied by unwanted side effects. Birte Forstmann, professor by special appointment, has been awarded a ERC Proof of Concept Grant to create an atlas of the human deep brain…
Gianclaudio Malgieri moderates panel at IAPP Data Protection Congress 2024
On 20 November 2024, Gianclaudio Malgieri, Associate Professor of Law and Technology at Leiden University's eLaw department and Co-Director of the Brussels Privacy Hub, will moderate a flagship panel at the IAPP Europe Data Protection Congress in Brussels. The congress is recognised as Europe’s leadnig…
Martine van Trigt joins E.M. Meijers Research Institute as funding advisor
Acquiring external funding for research is becoming increasingly important. Proper support for applying for research grants is essential in this process. As of December, the team of the Meijers Research Institute, responsible for the organisation and quality assurance of research at our faculty, will…
Simulation of infant gut makes predictions about optimal milk
David Versluis successfully simulated an infant gut virtually. This is crucial for research on improvements in formula milk. Currently, such research primarily relies on diaper contents, which is not optimal. Versluis defended his doctoral thesis on April 23.
It’s high time for more interaction between law and science
Climate change, biodiversity loss and environmental pollution are urgent problems that call for close collaboration between lawyers and scientists. Dr Hilde Woker and Dr Jason Rudall, both Assistant Professors at Leiden University, are investigating the important interface between law and science.
CML's Stans Award 2021
CML grants three Stans Awards each year, known as the best PhD paper, best student thesis and best outreach from the past year. The CML staff nominated students and colleagues and this year’s jury Prof.dr. Koos Biesmeijer and Prof.dr. Nicole de Voogd made the final decision.
Working together on the plastic problem: how to keep citizens engaged?
What motivates citizens to participate in a citizen science project on plastic pollution? And does that motivation change over time? Liselotte Rambonnet tried to answer these and other questions with her research on the Clean Rivers (‘Schone Rivieren’) project. Rambonnet is a PhD student at the Institute…
Circularity not yet a priority in energy transition and construction
Are we on the right track towards a circular economy in 2050, with fully renewable energy technology and circular construction? The CML of Leiden University, together with the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL), TNO, Utrecht University and RIVM, is investigating what is needed to achieve…
Circular fuel: researchers and technicians work hand in hand on tomorrow’s solutions
From a meaningless block of plastic to an advanced component that contributes to the energy transition. The technicians and scientists of our faculty think it out in detail and make it a reality. This special project shows that they need each other.
From forming embryo to cancer metastasis: the significance of collective cell movement
Luca Giomi has the first results of his ERC consolidator grant. He discovered that epithelial cells move collectively but in different ways, depending on the scale you look at. It is hexatic at small scales, and becomes nematic at larger scales: it is a multiscale order. This collective movement of…
Els de Busser receives NWO-funding for project in solving cyber security issues
Dr. Els de Busser, assistant professor and researcher at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs, as principal investigator of a consortia, has been awarded 1.45 million euros for a project called C-SIDe.
Why North Korea and Southern Africa are dependent on each other
North Korea may seem like an isolated country but it has strong ties with African regimes. This alliance, which trades in arms despite international sanctions, is increasingly operating out of the liberal world order’s sight, PhD candidate Tycho van der Hoog warns.
Can Parkinson's be stopped by unravelling protein fibres? Anne Wentink finds out with a Vidi grant from NWO
In brain diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's, proteins clump together to form fibres. ‘Chaperone proteins’ unravel those fibres, but in the test tube biochemist Anne Wentink saw that this can also cause new problems. She is going to find out what happens inside cells to determine what a drug…
Publication on the design of multifunctionalized nanoparticles
Despite considerable progress in the design of multifunctionalized nanoparticles (NPs) that selectively target specific cell types, their systemic application often results in unwanted liver accumulation. The exact mechanisms for this general observation are still unclear.
Jan Vleggeert and Jan van de Streek on ethics and tax law
If we want tax evasion to become a thing of the past then there has to be more balance in how tax advisers are educated, according to tax professors Jan Vleggeert and Jan van de Streek.
Studying archaeological roads gives insights into connectivity and movement
Archaeologist Tuna Kalayci investigates roads in a recent edited book. What happens if we think of roads not only as containers of action but also as dynamic and complex phenomena, as the action itself? This question inspired Dr Tuna Kalayci to bring together various studies across a wide range of epochs…
Martijn Nouwen in Der Spiegel About the New EU Code of Conduct Against Harmful Tax Practices
Der Spiegel reports about the planned reform of the EU Code of Conduct aimed at tackling harmful tax practices of EU Member States. A reform is urgently needed to tackle remaining forms of tax competition, which cost EU countries billons of euros every year.
Posthumous doctorate Thijmen Nuninga: 'Right, duty, remedy or The promise of the rule'
On Thursday 22 September 2022, the posthumous PhD ceremony will be held of Thijmen Nuninga who passed away February this year. His doctoral thesis had already been approved at that time.
And the winner is… Results of the annual physics image competition
Salt crystals, a nano-sized golf stick and molten glass. The LION Image Award competition of 2023 yielded a lot of beautiful images once again. But in the end, only one can be the winner.
Jorrit Rijpma: inperken vluchtelingeninstroom is haast onhaalbaar
Het asielbeleid blijft een hoofdpijndossier voor het kabinet. Een akkoord zou bereikt zijn waarin iedere partij een kleine concessie zou doen. De VVD gaat uiteindelijk toch niet akkoord met deze nieuwe asielwet die gemeentes kan dwingen om asielzoekers op te vangen. De VVD fractie heeft moeite met ‘dwang’…
Call for Master’s students and PhD students Law for Europeaeum: 19-21 April, Oxford
Education, Research, Social
A journey towards change: The fAiM Roadshow
The Faculty's Academia in Motion (fAiM) Roadshow has embarked on an inspiring journey across our institutes. The goal? To work together with all the expertise within the faculty towards a cultural transformation focused on Recognition & Rewards and Open Science.
A shared path to well-being: ‘Someone has to be the first to say: let’s do things differently’
How do we offer students a helping hand without losing sight of our own well-being? This was the question that study advisers, lecturers, deans and student support staff tried to answer at the Staff Symposium on Student Well-being.
Isaac Scarborough
Faculty of Humanities
i.m.scarborough@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2655
Liesbeth Claes
Faculty of Humanities
l.m.g.f.e.claes@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 8016
Art Academy students design 450th anniversary logo
Students from the Royal Academy of Art The Hague (KABK) designed the 450 lustrum logo.
First comprehensive study on gun violence in Europe identifies alarming trends
The steady decline in lethal gun violence in the EU came to halt in 2012 and some countries, such as Sweden, have even noticed an increase since then. An arms race among drug criminals and an increase in the availability of illegal firearms could lead to more criminal and gun violence. This is one of…
How light and noise pollution disrupt aquatic life
Fish populations in lakes and rivers have declined in recent decades. This is probably due to light and noise pollution. The Horizon Europe grant enables ecologist Hans Slabbekoorn to investigate this and improve the situation for migrating fish. In order to do so, a seven-metre-long swimming tunnel…
What do maths and blood clots have to do with each other?
Mathematics can help predict thrombosis. Mathematician Mark Alber has developed models that even aid in suggesting treatments. In the Kloosterman lecture on 27 June, he will explain how this works.
College or university? Computer science students in the right place
The right student in the right place. That is what LIACS programme director Frank Takes and education coordinator Joyce Glerum are aiming to do with the ‘Wisselstroom’ project. By next year, they hope to have a standardised protocol that will make it easier for computer science students to transfer…