130 search results for “carmen planning” in the Staff website
Feedback on draft Strategic Agenda of the Faculty Strategic Plan
In March, the Faculty Strategic Plan (FSP) Steering Committee invited several forums, groups, students and members of staff to give their feedback on the draft of the Strategic Agenda. This feedback has been collected in several different ways, during meetings, via online feedback forms, or in direct…
Social media
Making use of social media is a good way to meet others or to hear about the latest news and developments. But it also has its downsides: disinformation, trolling, disrespectful comments and even the misuse of (personal) data.
Kabinetsvoorstel voor lager bindend studieadvies: geen goed plan
De Universiteit Leiden vindt de aanpassing van het bindend studieadvies geen verstandig plan.
Putting the strategic plan into practice? 'We do that together'
A strategic plan that resonates with employees. That's how Maaike Barkema describes her work as strategic secretary. Her task? Ensuring that the strategic plan is actually put into practice. 'My work is like a puzzle: I bring the right people together and make sure all the pieces fall into place.'
University signs Digital Sustainability Manifesto: ‘We need a Delta Plan’
Digitalisation can make a huge contribution to a greener future, but it must also be as sustainable as possible. To make significant progress, more collaboration and national leadership will be needed. Leiden University has therefore signed the Digital Sustainability Manifesto, which was presented on…
Kiem initiative culminates in plan to apply for larger grant
The interdisciplinary Kiem project ‘Violence as a Population Health Problem’ has resulted in a plan to apply for a large, yet-to-be-decided research grant. The so-called pressure cooker session at the heart of the project proved very effective.
Irma Mosquera Valderrama
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
i.j.mosquera.valderrama@law.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 6618
New step in development of Humanities Campus: Urban development plan available for viewing
Leiden University has designed a new Urban Development Plan for the Humanities Campus. This plan incorporates participation from the immediate environment (neighbours and nearby residents). The plan will be available for viewing at the Leiden city council offices from 22 December for six weeks.
A new Strategic Plan: this is the direction for the coming years
Did you watch the Dies Natalis on Tuesday the 8th? There, the new Strategic Plan of Leiden University was presented. The plan, Innovating and Connecting 2022-2027, is a plan by and for us all. It came about thanks to the involvement of many colleagues and students, from our Faculty as well.
No holiday plans? Go on a virtual trip this summer!
‘Walking around in a new environment activates our brain’s learning centre. This allows us to learn better, even once we’ve returned to a familiar environment.’ This is the conclusion drawn by neuroscientist Judith Schomaker in her recent publication in Neurobiology of Learning and Memory.
President of the Executive Board Annetje Ottow launches new strategic plan at the Dies Natalis
‘It truly is a plan by and for us all,’ said Annetje Ottow, President of the Executive Board, at the Dies Natalis celebration on 8 February. Leiden Law School was also actively involved developing in the strategic plan.
Opening Academic Year centred around strategic plan: 'Our compass to make decisions'
Het strategisch plan van de faculteit wiskunde en natuurwetenschappen (FWN) werd gepresenteerd tijdens de opening van het academisch jaar 2023-2024.
Planning renovation Pieter de la Court building between 2023 and 2025
In June 2023, it was already announced that the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences will continue to use the Pieter de la Court building until at least 2035. This offers perspective, which is why various departments are working on a plan for works to improve comfort, appearance and sustainabi…
New Year’s Reception like old times, faculty vision and strategy plan presented
After two virtual editions, the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences could finally come together in real life again to celebrate the start of the new year. So it’s no surprise that the central hall of the Pieter de la Court Building was filled with lively chatter during the New Year’s Reception,…
The faculty vision and strategy plan: the importance of the community
Behind the scenes people are working hard on the vision and strategy plan of the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences: a manifest of our priorities and ‘a pamphlet for change,’ according to Dean Paul Wouters and Board Secretary Jordi Kerkum. The faculty-wide conversation about our collective future…
community gives valuable feedback on the faculty vision and strategy plan
On 22 April, all students and staff of the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences received an invitation to join the conversation about the faculty vision and strategy plan. They could do that by attending one of the feedback sessions on 10, 11 and 12 May. Those sessions were a success: the Faculty…
Online Meeting Faculty Strategic Plan: take part and give your opinion!
In June, we will be organising an online meeting on the Faculty Strategic Plan (FSP). The FSP sets out the Faculty’s ambitions for the years ahead and describes how we will respond to new developments while still retaining our strengths. May we ask you to give your opinion on our future?
Dean Mark Rutgers answers three questions about the Faculty Strategic Plan
For the past year, a steering group has been working hard on the new Faculty Strategic Plan (FSP) for 2022-2027 and the corresponding Implementation Agenda. A number of working groups have also carried out a stakeholder analysis, and several consultation rounds have been held with various bodies, including…
- New travel map makes it easier to plan your business trip by train
Video message Annetje Ottow: Discuss the Strategic Plan on 13 September
Annetje Ottow tells you in this video message why the Executive Board hopes for your active contribution.
Developments Humanities Campus: Renovation of De Vrieshof starts and changed plans Lipsius South
There are some changes in the plans for the development of the Humanities Campus. The Faculty of Humanities along with the central organisation and the Real Estate department need to save costs due to the financial challenges at the faculty and the cuts in higher education. At the same time, we still…
Plans for Faculty of Humanities financial policy are now known: ‘Shared responsibility necessary’
The Faculty of Humanities is heading for a financial deficit in 2024 and subsequent years. After the report of the analysis core group, the Perspective 2028 steering group submitted their advisory in report in May. The Faculty Board has now has drawn up a Plan of Action, in consultation with the institutes…
Will the new plans steer us out of the nitrogen crisis? Expert Jan Willem Erisman explains
They were eagerly awaited: four letters from five ministers that should provide clarity on how to get us out of the nitrogen crisis. Nitrogen expert Jan Willem Erisman explains the plans. And says whether they will get us out of the nitrogen crisis.
The secret for getting top grades? ‘Plan ahead, stay ahead, relax’
Studying in the small hours, jotting down info on cards, revising together; everyone has their own methods for studying. And no sure guarantee exists for study success. Still, it can't hurt to occasionally ask fellow students if they have any tips. For example from Sabine Pennings – bachelor’s student…
No hunger, and not too much global warming? Current UN plan misses opportunities
The United Nations fall short in their recently published guide to address hunger without surpassing the 1.5-degree climate threshold. This initial version is a significant step, according to a group of researchers including those of Leiden University. However, they miss an essential topic: reducing…
Alistair Kefford
Faculty of Humanities
a.kefford@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 70 800 9970
Plan for which VVD is prepared to let Dutch government collapse, caused overburdening of judicial system and violation of children's rights in
The Dutch conservative VVD party plans to make the right to family reunification more difficult for people with temporary residence permits. In Germany, this restriction led to several lawsuits which were won by status holders. Mark Klaassen, Assistant Professor in Migration Law, believes this is a…
Gijsbert Rutten
Faculty of Humanities
g.j.rutten@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2112
Writing your Datamanagement Plan
Planning for Peace in Ukraine
- Strategic Plan Meeting Leiden Science
- Strategic Plan Meeting Leiden Science
- Strategic Plan Meeting Leiden Science
Successful comeback for Leiden Science Run: 65 teams raise 9400 euros for refugee students
Athletic achievements, enthusiastic supporters and a beautiful donation for charity: on Saturday 15 April, the Leiden Bio Science Park was the setting for the 5th edition of the Leiden Science Run. All this was accompanied by bright sunshine. ‘What a joy to be part of!’
Wim Blokzijl
w.j.blokzijl@lic.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Development of broad Languages and Cultures BA programme to change to ‘Renewing and Strengthening Language Programmes’
As you may know, a draft profile for a broad BA programme in Languages and Cultures has been in development for some time. On 21 December 2021, the Faculty Board decided to end the design process of that broad bachelor’s degree programme. However, as the Faculty Board and partners in the discipline…
Data management planning: prepare for fieldwork
VVI Research Meetings 2022-2023
Specialisation meeting: plans for the coming year
Lecture, UMW Team meeting
Workshop: How to write a Data Management Plan (DMP)
Workshop: How to write a Data Management Plan (DMP)
Workshop: How to write a Data Management Plan (DMP)
Workshop: How to write a Data Management Plan (DMP)
Workshop: How to write a Data Management Plan (DMP)
Workshop: How to write a Data Management Plan (DMP)
Workshop: How to write a Data Management Plan (DMP)
Workshop: How to write a Data Management Plan (DMP)
Workshop: How to write a Data Management Plan (DMP)
Workshop: How to write a Data Management Plan (DMP)
How to write a Data Management Plan (DMP)
Workshop: How to write a Data Management Plan (DMP)