3,957 search results for “europe” in the Public website
International Workshop Maritime Conflicts and their Resolution in Atlantic Europe (13th-17th Centuries)
The International Workshop 'Maritime Conflicts and their Resolution in Atlantic Europe (13th-17th Centuries)' takes place at the University of La Laguna, Tenerife (Spain) from 21 to 22 April 2017.
Representative from ERC Safe & Sound presents paper at WE ROBOT Europe
On 17 October, a representative from the ERC Safe & Sound project attended the first edition of WE ROBOT Europe in Berlin. At the conference, speakers and participants from the academic world, policy bodies and industry shared and discussed their thoughts on robotics regulation in the EU and the US.…
Council of Europe protects children’s rights through action plan in biomedicine
The action plan focuses on addressing key challenges posed by technological developments and trends in biomedical practices
Call for papers: Canonical Life in Western Europe in the Long Tenth Century
On 11 and 12 September 2025, a conference will take place at the KU Leuven, titled: "Canonical Life in Western Europe in the Long Tenth Century: Reforms, Identities and Intellectual Networks (Late Ninth Century - c. 1050)." The organisers invite paper proposals of max. 400 words in English or French,…
Christa Tobler speaks about "ombuds offices in Europe: a success story"
On 28 October 2021, the ombuds office of the city of Zurich - incidentally the very first communal ombuds office in Europe - celebrated its 50th anniversary.
Jaap de Hoop Scheffer on the position of Europe during the G20 summit in Osaka
Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, Professor International Relations and Diplomatic Practice at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs at Leiden University spoke to Belgian (Flemish) news magazine Knack about the position of Europe in relation to the United States and China. ‘Europe has to be careful to avoid…
Master-Apprentice Elective (10 ECTS) - Lettercraft in Early Medieval Europe
The Utrecht-based VIDI project Lettercraft in Early Medieval Europe, AD 481-751 is working on a new database of Merovingian epistolary communication. We are looking for enthusiastic (R)MA students who would like to join us this Fall as research apprentices for the first phase of data entry and analysis.…
Understanding the EU Commission’s White Paper on the Future of Europe: Armin Cuyvers on Verfassungsblog
On 10 April the Verfassungsblog published the blog by Armin Cuyvers entitled: Five Scenarios for Europe – Understanding the EU Commission’s White Paper on the Future of Europe.
'British TV channels in Europe could be off air in event of hard Brexit'
British television channels transmitted in Europe are facing an unpleasant surprise: in the event of a hard Brexit their licences will have to be sorted out correctly, otherwise TV screens may be going black.
Sadovski talks about religious hyperdiversity in early modern south-east Europe
On October 11, the Austria Centre Leiden teamed up with the Leiden Jewish Studies Association to welcome Dr. Lena Sadovski for a lunch time talk. Fifteen colleagues from across the university, including retirees and graduate students, attended Dr. Sadovski's fascinating lecture entitled “When religion…
First comprehensive study on gun violence in Europe identifies alarming trends
The steady decline in lethal gun violence in the EU came to halt in 2012 and some countries, such as Sweden, have even noticed an increase since then. An arms race among drug criminals and an increase in the availability of illegal firearms could lead to more criminal and gun violence. This is one of…
Report of the Conference: “China, the Netherlands and Europe”, 9th of February
How do Chinese view the Netherlands, and what do they experience here? These and other matters were discussed February 9th at the conference: “China, the Netherlands and Europe” which took place in Leiden. The conference, organized by the LeidenAsiaCentre, also marked the opening of the Leiden Asia…
ERC Creative Europe Culture grant for Alexandria: (re)activating common urban imaginaries
From 2020 to 2023, Professor Miguel John Versluys and his research group will participate in an international consortium co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union in the framework of the international project “Alexandria: (Re)activating Common Urban Imaginaries”. This ERC project…
Dr. Jonathan Singerton talks about Central Europe and the 19th century World
In December 2024, Dr. Jonathan Singerton (University of Amsterdam) was the featured guest speaker at the last lunch talk of the Fall 2025 semester. A full house assembled to hear Dr. Singerton take us on a journey across the Habsburg Empire and to spots far-flung from Vienna. Dr. Singerton told us a…
Genetics proves it: Indo-European did not come to Europe on horseback
Horses were first domesticated in South-West Russia, is the conclusion drawn by an international team of researchers writing in the well-respected journal Nature. Their conclusion resolves a longstanding archaeological question. But, surprisingly enough, this domestication did not contribute to the…
The social roots of radicalisation: What Europe’s largest extremism study reveals
The rise of extremism in Europe has increased polarisation. The EU-funded DRIVE project, led by Tahir Abbas, Professor of Radicalisation Studies from Leiden University’s Institute of Security and Global Affairs, explores how social, structural, and individual factors contribute to radicalisation, offering…
Vici grant for Anouk de Koning for research on Prototyping Welfare in Europe
Leiden's cultural anthropologist Anouk de Koning is receiving a Vici research grant for her project ‘Prototyping Welfare in Europe: Experiments in State and Society’ to study welfare experiments in four countries and to examine what they tell us about the futures of European welfare states.
Horizon Europe BIAS & AEQUITAS sister projects join forces to understand the impact of AI on workers
Leiden University's eLaw Center's BIAS Project and the Universidad de la Laguna's AEQUITAS project will collaborate to develop a deeper understanding of AI technologies' impact on workers and inform policies accordingly.
eLaw joins Horizon Europe BIAS webinar on citizen science and AI technologies
On 9 October 2023, Carlotta Rigotti and Eduard Fosch-Villaronga participated in the BIAS webinar on citizen science and AI technologies, namely the first awareness-raising activity of the Horizon Europe BIAS project. They discussed online citizens’ engagement on tackling gender and intersectional biases…
Jorrit Rijpma on Europe's approach to immigration following EU summit
EU Member States are struggling with rising numbers of migrants and asylum seekers. At the recent EU summit, agreements were reached on better controls at the external borders of the European Union and more consultation with countries where migrants come from.
Moritz Jesse on migration and peace in post-war Europe
Dr Moritz Jesse (Associate Professor at the Department of European Law) was invited to present a lecture on the role of migration on peace and stability in post-war Europe at a masterclass for students and staff at the Catholic University of Lille, France. The talk, which bore the title ‘People’s mobility…
#9 | Heidi Maurer and Sophie Vériter on the Future of Diplomacy in Europe
The Hague Diplomacy Podcast aims at bringing the themes of the journal's research off the page, and onto the discussion table. Each episode will feature a guest who will share their insights and personal experience within their practice of or research on diplomacy. Available via SoundCloud, Apple Podcasts…
Jannemieke Ouwerkerk independent and free thanks in part to Veni
‘Without that Veni grant, I would never have been able to delve into my subject so deeply. During the first two months, I only read articles and other professional literature. A dream, I would skip home afterwards.’
Radical steps needed to save Europe’s democratic rule of law from Big Tech
In an op-ed and an interview in Dutch newspaper ‘de Volkskrant’, Reijer Passchier, Assistant Professor in Constitutional Law at Leiden University and Professor of Digitalisation and the Democratic Constitutional State at the Open University, stresses that Europe needs to take radical steps to tackle…
eLaw presented the Horizon Europe BIAS project during the 'Algorithms for Her?' conference
Carlotta Rigotti and Dr Eduard Fosch-Villaronga from Leiden University presented the Horizon Europe BIAS project and its preliminary findings on fairness and diversity biases of AI applications in the labour market during the 'Algorithms for Her?' conference.
”Ecclesia / Iustitia. Spirituality and Criminal Justice in Late Medieval Europe (ca. 1200-1500)” (NIKI)
On May 30 and 31, a workshop will take place at the Dutch Art Historical Institute in Florence (NIKI). This workshop aims to further our understanding of how late medieval societies reconciled the partially contradictory ideals and expectations of Ecclesia and Iustitia at a collective and individual…
CJ Public Lecture: What is happening around Europe’s internal borders?
IAt the Criminal Justice Public Lecture on 20 April, Professor of Law and Society Maartje van der Woude spoke about her research into decisions and practice in relation to intra-Schengen border areas and the free movement of persons. The thinking behind the Schengen area is that where the external borders…
Common breeding birds are doing better in the Netherlands than in Europe
On average, Dutch breeding birds have become more numerous in the period 1980-2010. The common species have even done better than birds in other European countries. Farmland birds are an exception: they declined sharply both in the Netherlands and elsewhere in Europe.
Conference on opportunities and dangers of AI: ‘Europe needs a daring vision’
The SAILS conference The Future of AI is Here (and Guess What … it’s Human) brought together researchers and policy makers to discuss the important issues in the area of artificial intelligence (AI). Where are the opportunities and what are the dangers?
Archaeological excavations in Romania show life of earliest modern humans in Europe
In a new article in the journal Scientific Reports, Leiden archaeologist Wei Chu and colleagues report on recent excavations in Western Romania at the site of Româneşti, one of the most important sites in southeastern Europe associated with the earliest Homo sapiens. The site gives an important glimpse…
Marieke Liem in The Economist on drug-related murders in Europe
Marieke Liem, professor at ISGA, discusses how the number of drug-related murders has not decreased in the last years
Anouk van Vliet
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
a.l.van.vliet@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 70 800 9512
Maria Fraskou presents a paper at the International Conference "Europe as a Global Actor"
The Centro de Estudos Internacionais at Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL) will host the
European Space Policy
Lecture, European Union Seminar
Same-sex couples in Europe: more rights in more countries
The trend of legal recognition for gay and lesbian couples is broadening. More and more rights are becoming available to same-sex partners – in more and more European countries. Leiden Law School and the French Institute for Demographic Studies publish detailed database and comparative analysis.
‘Europe actually listens’: three Leiden political scientists about the responsiveness and effectiveness of EU policy
The image of the European Union (EU) as a remote law-making machine is widespread. Quite often journalists and politicians deliberately depict ‘Brussels’ as bureaucratic, even undemocratic, bypassing its citizens. And many of us buy into that image. Nikoleta Yordanova, Anastasia Ershova and Aleksandra…
Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs about the Terrorist Attacks in Europe
An overview of the media appearances of scientists working with the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs about terrorist attacks in Europe, their consequences, and more.
Van Middelaar in Buitenhof on Europe’s position on world stage
On 5 December, Luuk van Middelaar appeared as a guest on Dutch current affairs programme Buitenhof to talk about various European issues, including how Europe had tackled the coronavirus pandemic.
Prof. Ton Liefaard at launch of Council of Europe’s new children’s rights strategy
On the occasion of the launch of the Council of Europe’s new children’s rights strategy 2016-2021, the Republic of Bulgaria hosted a high-level conference in Sofia on the 5th and 6th of April, 2016.
EuDEco Report on the legal analysis (D2.2)
D2.2 comprises the in-depth legal analysis of the initial heuristic model, focused on addressing, in more detail, the main legal concerns for data reusers in the European data economy. This detailed analysis of the legal propositions presented in D2.1 is supplemented by an analysis of the technological,…
Book on Immigrant Integration: “The Civic Citizens of Europe” by Moritz Jesse
Moritz Jesse, Associate Professor of EU Law at the Europa Institute, has published his book, “The Civic Citizens of Europe: The Legal Potential for Immigrant Integration in the EU, Belgium, Germany, and the United Kingdom”.
Carsten Stahn on colonial crimes; the reparations movement stalls in Europe
The wave of restitutions expected after French President Emmanuel Macron’s 2017 promise to return stolen art to Africa has hit legal and political roadblocks. But while former colonial powers are shying away, it seems 'New World' countries have started doing more to repair crimes against First Natio…
archaeologists discover an early form of money from Prehistoric Central Europe
People in the Early Bonze Age used bronze artefacts as a means of payment. This is the conclusion reached by archaeologists Maikel Kuijpers and Catalin Popa in a PLOS ONE article published on 20 January.
Jelle van Buuren discusses the threat of terrorist attacks in Europe in Dutch newspaper Parool
As a result of two attacks in Germany and one attack in France within only one week, fears of new terrorist attacks in Europe have reignited. In France a radicalised police agent stabbed and killed four people. In Germany a man from Syria drove his car into a line of cars wounding sixteen people and…
Seminar 'Public Prosecution Services and the Rule of Law in Europe'
On Thursday 16 June, a seminar will be held on 'Public Prosecution Services and the Rule of Law in Europe' with the subtitle 'Conceptions and Misconceptions on the Required Level of Independence in a Transnational Context Conference theme and objective'.
Horizon Europe grant for research into personalised treatment for high blood pressure
Professor Thomas Hankemeier and his international research team HYPERMARKER have received a 10m-euro grant from Horizon Europe and UK Research and Innovation.
EuDEco case study report (D1.3)
D1.3 describes a set of five case studies relevant in the context of the EuDEco project. Case studies are considered relevant if they are initiatives focusing on the promotion of big data and data reuse or pilots facilitating data reuse in one form or the other. The case studies were expected to allow…
SUPER MoRRI Annual event 2020: RRI across Europe: Exploring the science society interface
On January 29th, the first annual event of the SUPER MoRRI project will be held in the Lipsius building in Leiden and will be thematically organized around engaging the public with research and innovation. Registration is free; hope to see you there!
Lab reorganised and renewed: 'We can now study most of the fauna in Europe'
The Laboratory for Archaeozoological Studies underwent a big reorganization and received a great donation from the Institute of Biology this summer. Laura Llorente Rodriguez explains the impact of this donation and reorganisation in this interview.
Marianne Maeckelbergh
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
m.e.maeckelbergh@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727