2,983 search results for “dutch government” in the Public website
Lawyers often too rigid about looted art
Law researcher Evelien Campfens is calling for a better legal treatment of looted art. ‘For lawyers, ownership is a very absolute concept. There is one legal owner and that is that.’ Campfens is a PhD candidate at the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Centre for Global Heritage and Development.
Rogier Kegge in ‘de Volkskrant’ on the nitrogen crisis and the construction project exemption
Rogier Kegge, Assistant Professor at the Institute of Public Law of Leiden University, was interviewed by Dutch newspaper de Volkskrant in response to the recent recommendations by Johan Remkes on how to approach the nitrogen crisis.
New research programme for urgent challenges in Africa
Leiden University and four other Dutch universities will appoint 51 PhD candidates to conduct solution-oriented research for and with the African continent.
Are you interested in Morocco? Take a minor in Rabat!
Students interested in the study of Morocco can enroll in English-taught minor ‘Culture and Society in Morocco’, starting in September at the NIMAR institute in Rabat. The minor is accessible for all students of universities in The Netherlands.
Register now for the Leiden Science Run!
On Saturday 15 April, we are holding the fifth edition of the Leiden Science Run! Are you a student or employee at Leiden University, do you work at the Leiden Bio Science Park or do you just want to run for charity? Everyone is welcome to register. Registration is open from now!
The world wakes up with President Trump
Should we be deeply concerned about the America of Donald Trump? Or will he bring about positive change? This was the main topic of discussion between researchers and students at the Big Leiden Presidential Breakfast on 9 November.
Leiden University for a liveable planet
Scientists from all different disciplines at Leiden University work on sustainability challenges. Together we strive for a liveable planet by connecting these scientists. Are you a researcher and do you want to contribute to tackling sustainability issues? Join our program and work together on solutions…
Dennis Broeders on Russian autonomous internet (NOS)
Russia is planning to protect its own internet against attacks from the Western enemy. President Putin recently signed a law for autonomous internet as a kick off. Critics are worried that the law will mainly be used to oppress the opposition within Russia itself. Dennis Broeders, Associate Professor…
Fatma Çapkurt appointed member of State Committee on Rule of Law
On Friday 3 February, Minister Bruins Slot of the Interior and Kingdom Relations appointed Fatma Çapkurt, of the Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law, to the Dutch State Committee on the Rule of Law. Chaired by Henk Kummeling, Rector Magnificus of Utrecht University, this State Committee…
Alumni event: from peacekeeping to making connections for the future
On Thursday 6 May 2021, alumni of the Bachelor Security Studies (BaSS) and the Master Crisis and Security Management (CSM) were gathered in an online event arranged by the Institute of Security and Global Affairs and the study association L.S.A. Custodia.
Career prospects
A master's degree in Psychology at Leiden University combines theoretical knowledge with academic and professional skills, making you an attractive candidate for many employers. However, there are far more graduates than vacancies, especially in mental health care, and competition is therefore fierc…
Interview with Suliman Ibrahim on Libya in ‘Mare’
Suliman Ibrahim was interviewed by Leiden University’s weekly newspaper ‘Mare’ about his research on Libya.
Video: Is the hypersonic rocket system the new super weapon?
Missiles that travel at approximately six thousand kilometres per hour, up to 5 or 6 times the speed of sound. Has Russia used those against Ukraine and how is that possible? In Leiden University’s Dutch video series ‘De Werkplaats’, Danny Pronk, political scientist, security expert, and researcher…
New Master: Master Cyber Security Engineering
In cooperation with Cyber Security Academie (CSA) and The Hague University of Applied Sciences the new Master Cyber Security Engineering is established and starts in September 2018.
Reijer Passchier in new episode of podcast
Through the use of artificial intelligence, the executive is gaining in efficiency. At the same time, however, the judiciary is trailing behind in the process of digitalisation. Is this a problem, and what can we do about it?
Provincial council election results prove democracy is functioning well
Voters sent a clear signal in the recent Dutch provincial council elections with the 'monster' victory for the Farmer-Citizen Movement (BoerBurgerBeweging, BBB). This sign of ‘social resistance’ has consequences for the policy on nitrogen emissions, according to Geerten Boogaard, Professor of Local…
Should recognition of the state of Israel be a requirement for naturalisation?
The German state of Saxony-Anhalt is set to make recognition of the state of Israel a requirement for becoming a German citizen. However, Peter Rodrigues, Emeritus Professor of Immigration Law, has told Dutch daily newspaper Nederlands Dagblad that introducing a similar measure in the Netherlands would…
LUCSoR Staff Activism Against University Budget-Cuts
On Tuesday, September 17th, the Dutch king, Willem-Alexander, will present the plans of the new government of the Netherlands. This government’s aspirations, led by the party (PVV) of right-wing nationalist Geert Wilders, are mostly defined by budget cuts. One of the sectors receiving such budget cuts…
Three Comenius teaching grants for young Leiden lecturers
Three young lecturers are to receive a Comenius Teaching Fellow grant of 50,000 euros. The grant will allow each of them to implement an innovation project in their teaching.
No one knows if regulation makes the chemical industry safer
The government spends millions regulating companies that work with large quantities of hazardous substances. But we don’t know whether this is making the industry safer. The number of violations and incidents remains constant. This is the conclusion of external PhD candidate Rob in ’t Veld in his dissertation.…
Campus the Hague 'Meet the Employer'
The whole world knows the way to the Leiden institute in Morocco
A delegation from Leiden University visited the Netherlands Institute Morocco (NIMAR) in Rabat at the end of February.
Jaap de Hoop Scheffer on the position of Europe during the G20 summit in Osaka
Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, Professor International Relations and Diplomatic Practice at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs at Leiden University spoke to Belgian (Flemish) news magazine Knack about the position of Europe in relation to the United States and China. ‘Europe has to be careful to avoid…
Grammar school pupils visit Wijnhaven
Professor Bibi van den Berg welcomed a class of grammar school pupils to the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs on 10 May 2019. The children were given and introduction to the university and together with their teachers they discussed the internet and online security.
Luuk van Middelaar on EU Green Deal Industrial Plan
Following developments in the US, the EU has now also opened the door for large-scale State aid to its own sustainable industries. A means to curb China’s power. However, this plan is driving the EU and the US apart.
Ymre Schuurmans: 'Legislature’s turn in discussion on objection period'
In the aftermath of the childcare benefits affair in the Netherlands, the treatment of citizens by public authorities is more often a subject of discussion. This also applies to the period within which citizens can lodge an objection to a government decision.
International Espionage on the Lookout for the Corona Vaccine
With the ongoing development of a corona vaccine, intelligence services worldwide are being deployed for international espionage. Willemijn Aerdts, Lecturer Intelligence Services at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs, was interviewed by the Dutch BNR News Radio. Aerdts is an expert in the…
Jaap de Hoop Scheffer receives honorary title Minister of State
On 22 June 2018, Prime Minister Rutte announced that Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, Professor of International Relations and Diplomatic Practices at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA), together with former ministers Sybilla Dekker and Winnie Sorgdrager, will become Minister of State.
Islam and Society
Knowledge of Muslim societies is essential to function in a globalised world and to fully understand our own Dutch society. Leiden researchers explore the languages, cultures, religions, legal systems and history of Muslim societies and in this way contribute to a centuries-old tradition.
How to create a balanced lobby register? Researchers develop assessment framework on behalf of Ministry
How to represent and assess legitimate interests? On behalf of the Dutch Ministry of Interior and Kingdom Relations, Caelesta Braun and Bert Fraussen developed the framework ‘Afwegingskader Legitieme Belangenvertegenwoordiging’ (Assessment Framework Legitimate Interest Representation). The researchers…
Dimiter Toshkov about Moldovan asylum seekers on nos.nl
It has happened more and more frequently in recent weeks: large groups of Moldovans who come to the Netherlands hoping to get asylum here. This means that Moldovans are currently the largest group of asylum seekers in the Netherlands after Syrians. It is unclear what caused this sudden influx.
Cybersecurity & Cybercrime (BSc)
Since 2022, a higher proportion of people in the Netherlands have been victims of cybercrime than of 'traditional' crime. The Bachelor in Cybersecurity & Cybercrime trains you to become an all-round cyber expert, equipping you to take on the fight against cybercrime.
Carola Schoor on Politico on the State of the European Union speech
Carola Schoor, programme manager for Public Affairs at the Centre for Professional Learning (CPL), reflects on Politico on the State of the European Union speech by Commission President Ursula von der Leyen from a political strategy and messaging perspective.
Dorota Mokrosinska in Trouw on the advantages of political secrecy
Many people wish for political transparency in The Hague. However, political philosopher Dorota Mokrosinska argues in an article in the Dutch newspaper Trouw that there are certain advantages to political secrecy. She states that politicians are better at compromising with one another behind closed…
Bibi van den Berg in I/O Magazine
Professor of Cybersecurity Governance Bibi van den Berg was interviewed recently by I/O Magazine, the magazine of the ICT-research platform The Netherlands.
Africa reconsidered
If you follow the western media, you are likely to think of ‘Africa’ as the continent of origin of desperate migrants, a continent of hunger and disease and a breeding ground for international terrorism. But if you want to see the bigger picture, you should look no further than the African Studies scholars…
Leonard Blussé wins ‘Special Book Award of China’
Professor emeritus Leonard Blussé of the Leiden University Institute for History has won the ‘Special Book Award of China’. The Chinese government awards this prize to translators, writers and editors who have contributed to making China better known among non-Chinese.
Antoaneta Dimitrova in Trouw on Europe and Eastern Neighbouring Countries
Antoaneta Dimitrova, Hoogleraar Comparative Governance, analyseerde als coördinator van het drie jaar durende internationale onderzoeksproject EU-Strat de relatie tussen de EU en de landen van het Oostelijk Partnerschap en deelde haar expertise over dit onderwerp in een artikel in Trouw.
Student project Computer Science for Volvo Ocean Race
Seven bachelor students in Computer Science at Leiden University are participating in a research project on big data and event management. Their work should eventually result in a system that can be applied at the finish of the Volvo Ocean Race in The Hague in June next year.
Giliam de Valk 'How to stay Resilient with Ever-changing Threat Assessment?'
Giliam de Valk, assistant professor at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs, was one of the speakers at the third congress of the National Thinking Tank Integral Security on 6 February.
Andrea Evers
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
a.evers@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 6891
People have found new jobs during coronavirus crisis, but in the same field
Some sectors have been hard hit by the pandemic, whereas others have grown. Yet there was no influx of workers from shrinking to growing sectors. This is the conclusion of research by economists from Leiden University. They published their results in the journal Economisch Statistische Berichten.
Required documents
When you apply for admission, you’ll be asked to submit several documents. The documents that are required depend on your educational background and chosen study programme.
Tuition fees
The tuition fee you have to pay depends on a number of factors. Your nationality and previous Dutch higher education qualifications determine the amount of tuition fee you have to pay.
- LinkedIn Workshop
Love, war and... football: 2024 in Leiden stories
A new government, conflicts around the world and obviously a lot of science: these are the five stories about Leiden University that you enjoyed reading in 2024.
Colonial and Global History Seminar
Lecture, COGLOSS
4 questions for Daan Weggemans, new programme director for bachelor Security Studies
As of 1 January 2020 Daan Weggemans has succeeded Ruth Prins as programme director of the bachelor Security Studies. We asked him several questions about himself and his new position.
Successful first webinar BSc Security Studies
Programme director of the bachelor's programme Security Studies Daan Weggemans kicked off the first webinar for prospective students this afternoon. In Kaltura Live he had an international audience of about 60 interested people.
Scholarship 'Integrated Learning' for Daan Weggemans
At the beginning of March 2020, the Dutch Taskforce for Applied Research (SIA) awarded Daan Weggemans of the Institute of Security and Global Affairs a research grant. The Taskforce is part of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO).