1,374 search results for “intellectual property law” in the Staff website
Dutch benefits department has ‘crossed the line’ once again
The benefits department of the Dutch Tax Administration has attempted to reach backroom agreements with the judiciary about the decision period in benefits cases. Lecturer in tax law Martijn Nouwen says this harms the legal protection of victims.
Israël must alleviate plight of Palestinians now
The International Court of Justice has issued an interim ruling calling on Israel to take immediate action to prevent genocide. South Africa had accused Israel of violating its obligations under the Genocide Convention, which both countries are a party to. Professor of Public International Law Larissa…
Requesting facilities for working from home
If you work at home on a structural basis – at least one day a week – and you have an employment contract for 19 hours or more, you can request facilities for working from home
Bart Custers on tech companies involved in criminal activities
Governments are increasingly cracking down on tech companies like X, Telegram and Clearview that flout the law, with a fine, ban or criminal prosecution. In practice, however, this has little effect. A tougher stance is needed, argues Bart Custers, Professor of Law and Data Science at eLaw – Center…
Helping students with micro-macro thinking in chemistry
How do classroom demonstration experiments help students learn chemical reasoning? Marie-Jetta den Otter, PhD student at ICLON, researched this. She defends her thesis on 6 December.
The molecular secrets of medicinal cannabis
Chronic pain, nausea or vomiting due to chemotherapy. If you suffer from such ailments, medicinal cannabis can be a godsend. Though a downside is that it can make patients high. Therefore, Leiden researchers from the Oncode Institute are investigating alternatives that do not make you high. In Nature…
Call for Applications: The 2023 Estoril Political Forum
Publication: Engaging with Everyday Sounds by Marcel Cobussen
'Engaging With Everyday Sounds' is a rich and inspiring exploration of the role of sounds in everyday life, including their impact on human actions, emotions, and imagination. Marcel Cobussen intertwines sonic studies with philosophy, sound art, sociology and more to create an impressively lucid and…
- Europaeum conference on parliamentary culture (22-24 June 2022)
Professor Ann Skelton appointed as Children’s Rights Chair at Leiden University
Leiden University’s Executive Board has appointed South African Professor Ann Skelton as the new Chair of Children’s Rights in a Sustainable World as of 1 October 2022.
The Camel’s Hobble: Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī on the Practical Intellect
Lecture, LUCIS What's New?! Series
The role of space in driving sustainability, security, and development on Earth
A new report reveals five actions that leaders can take to contribute to economic development, advance global security and sustainability, and make space a safe and globally accessible domain.
Mariëlle Bruning: coronavirus measures and pressure on children’s rights
Children are suffering disproportionally from the coronavirus measures. They feel depressed more often compared to other age groups. But what about the legal perspective? Are children’s rights being violated?
FvD politican Gideon van Meijeren in court for inciting violence
The Netherlands Public Prosecution Service has demanded that Gideon van Meijeren, Dutch Member of Parliament in the Forum for Democracy (FvD) party, be handed 200 hours of community service for inciting violence. Marloes van Noorloos, Associate Professor of Criminal Law, discusses when a comment turns…
Tinder match? Use facial recognition first
Recent developments in AI mean nobody is anonymous nowadays. The search engine PimEyes can find any photo of anyone that’s ever been placed online. No more Tinder Swindlers… or personal privacy. Everyone’s findable now. But is that even allowed?
'Frontex should have confined itself to a supportive role'
Frontex, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, is currently facing serious criticism. Over a short space of time, it has been significantly expanded. And the larger the Agency becomes, the more often it comes under fire.
Martijn Nouwen on Wopke Hoekstra’s investment in safari enterprise that escaped taxation in Africa
The Pandora Papers turned the spotlight on Wopke Hoekstra’s investment in an African safari company via a tax haven. Apparently, there was no tax evasion, but that does not seem to be the whole story. Martijn Nouwen, assistant professor in tax law, explains in Follow the Money how the safari enterprise…
Is threatening politicians a danger to democracy?
After the episode of TV programme 'Collegetour' featuring Dutch Minister of Finance Sigrid Kaag, more attention is (rightly) being paid to threats made to politicians. Jeroen ten Voorde, Professor of Criminal Law and Criminology, answered pressing questions about this topic on Dutch news programme '…
The Rule of Law Under Challenge: The Enmeshment of National and International Trends
VVI Research Meetings 2023-2024
Philosophy student Eline van Slijpe wins J.C. Baak Prize
Eline van Slijpe wrote her Master of Philosophy thesis on intergenerational justice: does the current generation have obligations towards future generations? With this thesis she won the biannual J.C. Baak Prize.
Max van Duijn and Vasiliki Kosta join The Young Academy
Leiden researchers Max van Duijn (Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science) and Vasilika Kosta (Leiden Law School, Europa Institute) will join The Young Academy (Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences) KNAW)).
Increase in capitalization thresholds
Temporary anti-squat measures in the North Cluster
Student Fiscaal recht organiseert gastcollege staatssecretaris Van Rij over belastingrecht en duurzaamheid
Voormalig demissionair staatssecretaris van Fiscaliteit en Belastingdienst Marnix van Rij gaf op 17 juni in samenwerking met universitair docent Esther Huiskers-Stoop een gastcollege over belastingrecht en duurzaamheid. Deze lezing werd op initiatief van student Darya de Wilt georganiseerd.
Jorieke Manenschijn
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
j.i.manenschijn@law.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5278595
Tessa van Buchem
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
t.j.m.van.buchem@law.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 5390
'EU integration is an opportunity to protect our national constitutional values jointly'
The euro crisis of 2010 has shown that the Eurozone lacks economic cohesion and that EU fiscal integration is needed for a stable euro. But can this integration exist without clashing with the national constitutional interests of the Member States? Frederik Behre looked into this matter in his PhD-thesis…
‘Children’s healthcare rights deserve more attention’
‘Children’s rights are somewhat of a poor relation’, says Professor of Law and Health Mirjam Sombroek-van Doorm. In her inaugural lecture, she will emphasise how more attention needs to be paid to children’s rights in current thinking on law and health.
Seminar 'Public Prosecution Services and the Rule of Law in Europe'
Global Online Thesis Topic Meetings (GOTTMs) in IP and unfair competition
Mamadou Hébié represents Latvia and the African Union in landmark use of force and climate change cases
Dr Mamadou Hébié, Associate Professor of International Law at the Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies, served last week as legal counsel in the world’s first advisory proceedings concerning climate change before the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS), on the one hand, and…
Shopping by appointment: What happens to your personal data?
In the Netherlands it is now possible to visit non-essential shops if you make an appointment beforehand. But when you book an appointment you have to provide a lot of personal data. Are shops allowed to ask you for all this data and what happens to it?
Grant for workshop series on Ocean Governance
Dr. Vanessa Newby (ISGA) and Dr. Catherine Jones from St Andrews won a grant worth over €23.000 from the RSE Saltire Facilitation Network Award entitled: ‘Worse Things Happen at Sea’: The Governance & Security of the Ocean. The grant will comprise three workshops in 2022: one in Leiden, one in Edinburgh…
Polish challenge: Can and should courts decide on the supremacy of EU law?
Towards the Establishment of a New International Humanitarian Law Compliance Mechanism
PhD defence
Experimental Studies on the Normative Force of Law: The Problem of 'Treatment Resistance'
Contribution can Scholarship make to the Development of International Criminal Law?
Conference, Discussion
Historian Ronald Kroeze: 'We must view political integrity from a historical perspective'
The democratic rule of law is under pressure due to a series of scandals and integrity issues, as seen in the recent parliamentary inquiries. Professor Ronald Kroeze explains: 'Public office holders are expected to show complete dedication, but that norm is quite absolute, and what we mean by it is…
The Dutch government wants to declare an asylum crisis, but what does that mean?
More people seeking asylum, overcrowded asylum accommodation and asylum procedures that take years because of a lack of capacity. The current government wants to declare an asylum crisis but what is that exactly and can they just do that?
Context matters: Law society relations in water governance in Laos and Myanmar
VVI Research Meetings 2023-2024
- Global Questions Seminar
ESOF 2022: The future of work
Opportunities and challenges of digitalisation, the platform economy, and flexibilisation of European labour markets.
ESOF 2022: The effect of the online world on adolescents
In the online panel discussion of ESOF 2022 ‘The effect of the online world on adolescents’, together with Amy Orben, Professor Eveline Crone, Sterre van Riel, Professor Anne-Laura van Harmelen and Professor Jan Sleutels, Professor Ton Liefaard shared his research on adolescents and the online world…
Merge the Dutch Senate and House of Representatives
A new Senate (Eerste Kamer) has been elected in the Netherlands and the current government coalition has lost its majority. The majorities in both the Senate and the House of Representatives (Tweede Kamer) have not been this far apart for quite some time. High time to merge both chambers, argues Wim…
The Grotius Centre launches The Leiden Investment Treaty Arbitration Database
On the 1 June 2021, Professor Eric De Brabandere and Dr Daniel Peat of the Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies of Leiden Law School launched the Leiden Investment Treaty Arbitration Database.
Bart Custers on using genealogical DNA in criminal cases
The Public Prosecutor's Office (OM) and the Netherlands Forensic Institute (NFI) want to use private DNA databases for genealogical research in criminal investigations. The method could be used in serious criminal cases that have stalled and it is already being used in investigations abroad. Whether…
before the State. Recognition of de facto families in Dutch migration law practice
VVI Research Meetings 2023-2024
Podcast De Verbranders critical of European border and asylum procedures
The Dutch asylum application centre in Ter Apel is overburdened, an issue that is currently a prominent feature in the Dutch media. In podcast De Verbranders, PhD students Neske Baerwaldt and Wiebe Ruijtenberg engage in dialogue, and use different angles to examine themes related to migration, borders…
Keep track of the things you save: FGGA's data experts are here to help
Can you account for all the information and data in your possession? How do you deal with personal information? What do you do if there is a data breach? How do you save your data and are you aware of the regulations you need to adhere to while doing so? Where do you go if you are having ICT problems…
The Emergence of Democratic Firms in the Platform Economy: Drivers, Obstacles, and the Path Ahead
PhD defence