655 search results for “literature” in the Staff website
Elsa Charlety | On Zora Neale Hurston
Lecture, Research Seminar
Book Talk - Liminal Diasporas: Contemporary Movements of Humanity and the Environment
Book Talk
POPNET connects with Padraig Maccarron and Shane Mannion
- What's New! ""But where is the third?" Qur’anic Divorce in the Context of Roman, Rabbinic, and Sasanian Law
Essays on the Economics of Household Finance and Social Insurance
PhD defence
Peaceful Alternatives to Asymmetric Conflict
PhD defence
- Leiden Translation Talks
Jews at Home. From Creation to Corona
Conference, First Annual Symposium of the Leiden Jewish Studies Association
“Armez-vous des sciences”? The Creative Lives of African Universities
Lecture, Annual Leiden Terra Incognita Lecture
What skills do students need to function as academic professionals and engaged citizens?
Navigating the Science System: Research Integrity and Academic Survival Strategies
Academic data science: Transdisciplinary and extradisciplinary visions
CWTS Seminar
Different dimensions of openness in open science practices. The importance of collaboration for societal goals
- Forum Antiquum Lectures Series Spring 2023
CRG Seminar: The regime of hopes and broken promises of a large-scale land deal in Senegal: “The company promised an elephant but finally gave
Advanced functional MRI analysis
68th Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale
Entre la utopía tecnocrática y la colegialidad académica
PhD defence
Professional learning of vocational teachers in the context of work placement
PhD defence
Higher Education Knowledge Café: 'Interdisciplinary Education'
Conference, Knowledge Café
- Spinoza Lezing 2024
46th Symposium on Old English, Middle English and Historical Linguistics (#SOEMEHL46)
Sufis in Afghanistan: Contemporary Navigations of Religious Authority across Political Changes
Lecture, LUCIS What's New?! Series
Telling Stories: Narrative Traditions from South and Southeast Asia
Public Support for Citizenship Expansion in South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan
Lecture, LIAS Lunch Talk Series
Graphic Novels in South-Africa: the Work of Nathan Trantraal
Arts and culture
The Myriad Avatars of Izumi Shikibu in Medieval Japan
Liveable Planet Lunch Lecture: ‘If you want to travel far, go together’: transdisciplinary collaboration for a Liveable Planet - Laurens Hessels
Connecting the Dots: The Role of Internationally Mobile Scientists in Linking Nonmobile with Foreign Scientists
Simposio Internacional Violencia, Género y Producción Cultural
Civil Society and International Students in Japan: Methodology and Fieldwork
Developmental effects of polystyrene nanoparticles in the chicken embryo
PhD defence
Rice Eaters in the Land of Cheese
PhD defence
Warrior Women, Gender-bending Plots, Perfect Masculinity: Paradigms of gender in Javanese Amir Hamza narratives
Lecture, LIAS Lunch Talk Series
The Advent of Abrī: The First Wave of Paper Marbling in the Long 16th Century (ca. 1496–1616)
PhD defence
Mediation and Moderation Analysis
Book Presentation: Gāyatrī: Mantra and Mother of the Vedas
Lecture, VVIK Lecture
Approaching Mandarin wh-ex situ: D-linking effect
Lecture, CHiLL series
GTGC Lunch Seminar: Transformation and connections through food/waste in Dutch cities
Environmental opportunities and challenges for IoT technologies in sustainable supply chain operations
PhD defence
Queer migration: lessons from the past and present, thoughts for the future. A Blue-Sky thinking seminar
Conference, A Blue-Sky thinking seminar
The Making of a Standard Mountain: A Road-Construction Campaign of 1934 and the Formation of Mount Huang’s Modern Image
Ethnicity and endogeneity in the welfare state
A conversation with Bonnie Honig on the defence of democracy
European Union as a Global Security Actor: Common Security and Defense Policy and its Challenges in the 2011 Libya Crisis and 2014 Ukraine Conflict
PhD defence
Embedded Bureaucrats and Refugee Integration: How Do Local Bureaucrats’ Social Ties to Host Communities Facilitate Service Provision to Refugees
Lecture, LIMS seminar
Tailoring support for refugee students: ‘They are amazed at the number of options’
Many people have fled to the Netherlands since the outbreak of war in Ukraine, including students. But even before this war, students with refugee backgrounds were eager to study at Leiden University. How does the University help young people from various backgrounds find their way around the Dutch…
Corry Donner on her retirement: 'I’ll definitely miss the intellectual stimulation, but what I want most now is to get out of my head.'
As Board Secretary, Corry Donner aims to be a ‘spider in the web’; someone who keeps a watchful eye on and brings together all the different perspectives of the institute’s board. Now she's left her carefully woven web at the university and transfer her tasks to her successor. Last September, we talked…
Opening of Academic Year on sustainability: optimism and criticism go hand in hand
The theme of the Opening of the Academy Year on 4 September was sustainability and how the university could take the lead as a change agent. How is it going about this and what else can it do? There was also room for a critical note.
Leiden Law Cast: The prison population NL vs. BE with Miranda Boone
Leiden Law Cast is a podcast made by Leiden Law School, Leiden University, for everyone who wants to learn more about current legal issues.