422 search results for “intergenerational justice” in the Public website
Conversation with Dr Graça Machel: intergenerational justice from a human rights perspective
Almost three years after receiving her honorary doctorate, Dr Graça Machel returned to Leiden University. Over the course of two days she spoke with students, researchers, and other interested persons, about human rights – particularly those of women and children – in a world in which these are continually…
Intergenerational Transmission
Intergenerational transmission refers to the complex and dynamic process with which values, ideas and behaviors are transmitted across generations. We are specifically interested in the intergenerational transmission of behaviors and beliefs that might result in harm to the individuals involved or society…
Tim Meijers
Faculty of Humanities
t.meijers@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 3553
Child rights activist Graça Machel speaks in Leiden on justice between generations
Mozambican politician and child rights activist Graça Machel speaks October 27 at Leiden University about her work.
The intergenerational transmission of an extreme belief systems: Theoretical exploration of a new field of study
With the recent rise and fall of IS, academics and policy makers around the world are expressing concerns about the fate of children of former foreign fighters. Will they follow in their parents’ footsteps? In this paper, Layla van Wieringen, Daan Weggemans and Marieke Liem argue that in light of this…
Decolonising International Justice
Around the world, there is a growing movement to decolonise university curricula, with both students and educators seeking to disrupt existing epistemic hierarchies within higher education. This research project aims to unravel what decolonising means in general and what it means for the International…
Temporalities of energy justice: Changing justice conceptions in Dutch energy policy between 1974 and 2022
This article describes that although the use of the concept of energy justice is new, normative interpretations have long been part of energy policy.
Access to Justice in Libya (A2JiL)
This 48-month project is to contribute to a solid, accessible, domestically owned knowledge base for people-centred interventions aimed at strengthening access to justice in Libya (A2JiL), and to disseminate such knowledge among stakeholders, enhancing awareness and the capabilities required to provide…
Intergenerational Justice and Human Rights in a time of Planetary Crises in Africa
Philosophy student Eline van Slijpe wins J.C. Baak Prize
Eline van Slijpe wrote her Master of Philosophy thesis on intergenerational justice: does the current generation have obligations towards future generations? With this thesis she won the biannual J.C. Baak Prize.
Access to Justice in Indonesia
How do poor and disadvantaged Indonesians address the injustices they face in daily life and how can their situation be improved?
Criminal Justice Ethics
Criminal justice raises intricate moral questions concerning the justification of the penal institution, the mode and extent of criminal sanctions enforcement, the content of criminal sanctions (imprisonment, fines, alternative punishments), the nature of the agent holding penal authority, the normative…
Comparative Criminal Justice (MSc)
The master's programme Comparative Criminal Justice at Leiden University focuses on criminology, criminal law and their mutual relationship. The programme offers an international comparative perspective, analysing criminal justice systems, legislation and policies in common law and civil law countri…
Designing justice
Procedural administrative law in a constitutional comparative law perspective
The Uses of Justice in Global Perspective, 1600–1900
The Uses of Justice in Global Perspective, 1600–1900 presents a new perspective on the uses of justice between 1600 and 1900 and confronts prevailing Eurocentric historiography in its examination of how people of this period made use of the law.
Criminal Justice: Socially effective criminal justice 2023-2029
In the Criminal Justice research programme, legal experts, criminal law experts and social scientists – many of whom are criminologists – collaborate on various projects. The research programme focuses on the content and form of decisions that are, can and may be taken in the criminal justice chain…
Research programme War, Peace and Justice
The research group War, Peace and Justice brings together scholars, researchers as well as current and former practitioners to explore issues related to the drivers, nature and (new) dynamics of war and conflict, comprehensive approaches to the promotion of sustainable peace, and the role of justice…
Comparative Criminal Justice MSc
Are you thinking about studying Comparative Criminal Justice? Learn more and watch the videos
Legitimacy and Justice
The legitimacy and justice of political institutions and arrangements are among the perennial and defining subjects of the field of political theory. Political theorists who participate in the research cluster ‘Legitimacy and Justice’ engage in both systematic and historical reflection on the ways legitimacy…
Digitalisation to achieve justice
Digitalisation to achieve sustainable (administrative) justice.
Promoting international criminal justice
How should the international community of states respond to genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity? How can the perpetrators of international crimes be brought to justice? How can international crimes be prevented? How can the international community of states promote international consensus…
Srebrenica and the Search for Justice
National and international actors have attempted to provide accountability for the events at Srebrenica in July 1995. This research project aims to draw lessons learned from those multiple efforts in assessing whether securing a measure of ‘justice’ for the victims has been successful and how national…
- Global Justice and Human Rights
Social Justice Expertise Center (SJEC)
Developments in globalization and industrialization continuously push governments, international organizations and NGOs to reexamine the opportunities available to people at all levels of society to attain basic socioeconomic necessities. Research into existing social justice initiatives has shown a…
Crime and Criminal Justice (MSc)
Detecting and combatting crime is becoming increasingly complex. Security is high on the national and international agenda. The master’s programme Crime and Criminal Justice in Leiden provides the skills to face these challenges.
Teaching excellence is one of the core functions of the War, Peace and Justice (WPJ) research group. WPJ members engage in diverse forms of public engagement, but all share a commitment to education.
to sentencing: a homicide case flow analysis of the Dutch criminal justice system
Homicide engenders broad moral concerns in society, and its aftermath can be understood as a barometer for criminal justice policy. Of all homicides committed, however, only some lead to arrest, to prosecution and ultimately to conviction in court.
On the road to justice: some selected suggestions for the future of Social Justice Research
In September 2023 Social Justice Research, a journal from Springer Nature, published a ‘Special Issue on Veteran Reflections’. Eight ‘veterans’ analysed the current status of justice research and suggested new directions and refinements. Herman Steensma, guest member of the section Social, Economic…
Peace, Justice and Development (Advanced LL.M.)
The specialization Peace, Justice and Development at Leiden University examines the legislation that governs international relations in a global society.
Supporting Primary Justice in Insecure Contexts, South Sudan and Afghanistan
How can the emergence of primary justice systems be facilitated and furthered?
Prosecutorial Discretion in International Criminal Justice
On 23 February 2022, Cale Davis defended the thesis 'Prosecutorial Discretion in International Criminal Justice'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. C. Stahn en Dr. J.C. Powderly.
Research group War, Peace and Justice
The War, Peace and Justice group unites scholars and practitioners to explore war dynamics, peace promotion, and justice’s role in conflict and global affairs.
Van der Heijden Chair Social Justice
On the occasion of prof Paul van der Heijden’s stepping down as Rector Magnificus and President of the Executive Board of Leiden University in 2013 the Chair bearing his name on Social Justice was established. It was a “farewell present” of the Leiden University to it’s Rector.
Political Theory: Legitimacy and Justice (MSc)
This political theory specialisation focuses on the concepts of legitimacy and justice—political philosophy’s core themes. Immersing yourself in theories, philosophical and theoretical methods, and complex cases, you will make the leap from opinion to analysis.
Access to Justice and Institutional Development in Libya
An analysis of people’s access to justice and the working of (legal) institutions in post-conflict, democratic Libya
Pre-Trial Detention in the Dutch Juvenile Justice System
To what extent is the legislation and use of pre-trial detention of juveniles in the Netherlands in compliance with international children’s rights standards?
Discrimination and the foundation of justice
On 29 June, Erwin Dijkstra defended the thesis 'Discrimination and the foundation of justice: hate speech, affirmative action, institutional opinions'. The doctoral research was supervised by Paul Cliteur and Bastiaan Rijpkema.
Online price discrimination, justice and regulation
The data-driven economy allows for the collection and processing of large amounts of data. Such data can be used to optimize profits by (dynamically) differentiating prices for different consumers.
Property Conflicts in Post-Gaddafi Libya, in the Context of Transitional Justice
What is the state of access to justice in real property grievances in today’s Libya, and how should it be improved?
Questions of Justice in Law, Literature and the Arts
Questions of justice are not only the concern of legal professionals, politicians and activists, they also permeate culture at large. Literature, Cinema, Music and Artworks often revolve around questions about rights, justice and fairness, raising a wide range of issues, such as: how do we understand…
Imagining Justice for Syria: Water Always Finds Its Way
On 29 april 2020, Beth Van Schaack defended her thesis 'Imagining Justice for Syria: Water Always Finds Its Way'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. C. Stahn.
EU Justice Home Affairs Agencies: Securing Good Governance
Dr Madalina Busuioc has completed a study for the European Parliament titled
Faith in Democracy. Justice, Politics and Transcendence
This book explores the spiritual potential of faith, mysticism and transcendence in answer to the dangers of a mythologised state and the sacro-sanctification of (liberal) democracy and its rule of law.
Thinking Difference between Heidegger and Levinas, Truth and Justice
Highlights the extent to which the two thinkers share a common philosophical framework, while also demonstrating how Levinas shifts the orientation of philosophical thinking from truth to justice.
State-building, Lawmaking, and Criminal Justice in Afghanistan
On 22 June, Najib Amin defended the thesis 'State-building, lawmaking, and criminal justice in Afghanistan: a case study of the prison system’s legal mandate, and the rehabilitation programmes in Pul-e-charkhi prison'. The doctoral research was supervised by Jan Michiel Otto and Pauline Schuyt.
Pre-Trial Detention in the Dutch Juvenile Justice System
On 25 January 2018 Yannick van den Brink defended his doctoral thesis titled ‘Voorlopige hechtenis in het Nederlands jeugdstrafrecht’ (‘Pre-trial detention in the Dutch juvenile justice system’). The doctoral research is supervised by Professor Ton Liefaard and Professor Mariëlle Bruning.
Buddhism and social justice: doctrine, ideology and discrimination in tension
In Sri Lanka, a prominent Singhalese Buddhist monk publicly proclaims that it is not a sin to kill Tamils. In Japan, the family register kept in a Buddhist temple and specifying the outcaste status of a lineage is provided to private detectives investigating the marriageability of a young woman. Throughout…
The Silent Majority: justice for child victims of violence
The position of child victims, globally and in Liberia and their right to physical and psychological recovery and social reintegration covered by art. 39 CRC.
De-escalation of value conflict: Justice and intervention
What are the mechanisms involved in the reconciliation of value conflicts and which interventions are capable of resolving such disputes?
Chair of UN Studies in Peace and Justice
From 1 August 2018, Alanna O'Malley was appointed as Chair of United Nations Studies in Peace and Justice, focusing on the ‘lesser-known actors’ of the UN: women, the youth, the agents of informal diplomatic networks within the UN and actors from the Global South. This Special Chair has been created…