2,314 search results for “de world van takes en culture” in the Staff website
University Workshop: Ecocritical Perspectives in East Asian Art and Culture
Binge- eating disorder in the Arabic world and the Netherlands
PhD defence
Book presentation 'In This Fragile World', edited by Annachiara Raia
A World Ablaze: Making Sense of Wars Today
The ambiguity of the post-verbal modal morpheme DE in Sichuanese
Lecture, CHiLL series
Archaeology brings 3D scanning into the classroom
In the course 'From Ceramics to Plastics: The Mediterranean in 12 objects' students were taught to work with 3D scanning technologies. One of the underlying reasons to introduce students to this technology was to teach them to reproduce objects. ‘More and more archaeological information is stored in…
Decolonisation in art: 'That darkness says: up to here and no further'
It was not light, but its absence that caught Stephanie Noach's attention a few years ago. With her research on darkness in art, she aims to show how darkness can question and sometimes even undermine colonial imagery.
Minecraft in Morocco: virtual building blocks bring the past to life
Getting young people excited about history is quite possible without books. Researchers from Leiden travelled to Morocco to work with schoolchildren on reconstructing cultural heritage in the popular video game Minecraft. The result: one virtual 14th-century city gate – and 20 teens with a greater appreciation…
Graduation ceremony bachelor and master's programme Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology
Festival, Graduation Ceremony
Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology book launch
Online book launch
Film night: 'Une femme est une femme' (1961) with passion talk by Sylvie de Leeuwe
Lecture + film screening
Opening of the Herta Mohr Building: brand new and also recycled location for Humanities
Light, open and green: a description that fits the new, renovated location of the Faculty of Humanities. The official opening of the Herta Mohr Building took place on 8 October, and it has many remarkable features: for example, recycled ‘mushroom columns’, a pedestrian bridge to the University Library…
Sixth Conference of the European Network for Teaching Arabic (ENTA-6): Teaching Arabic Across Contexts
Doing Family before the State. Recognition of de facto families in Dutch migration law practice
VVI Research Meetings 2023-2024
Sara Polak
Faculty of Humanities
s.a.polak@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2142
- Unification of the Mediterranean World Research Seminars 2022-2023
Nico Schrijver member of EU-UK Withdrawal Agreement Arbitration Panel
Nico Schrijver professor emeritus in Public Law and State councillor at the Council of State has been appointed by the European Union and the United Kingdom as a member of the Arbitration Panel which is authorised to settle disputes on the EU-UK Withdrawal Agreement.
European Day of Languages
Alumni interview with Marleen Hogendoorn
Marleen Hogendoorn (36) studied Dutch Language and Culture at Leiden University and is now editor-in-chief of the feminist monthly OPZIJ.
What influence did French really have on Dutch?
Just as some people today dislike English influences on the Dutch language, in early modern times people also criticised the Frenchification of Dutch. But to what extent did French actually leave its mark in our language? PhD student Brenda Assendelft made a surprising discovery. PhD defence 24 May.
From Tenochtitlan to Ciudad de México: Colonial Urban Legacies and Environmental Consequences
Cultural continuities and discontinuities: the Neolithic ornament assemblages from Franchthi (Greece)
Leiden Tolkien Talks: Interdisciplinary Approaches in Anticipation of “The War of the Rohirrim”
A Special Territory: Visions of Hong Kong and its People
PhD defence
Traitors, profiteers or collaborators: ‘The Jewish Council has long been judged too harshly’
For too long the Dutch collective memory has judged the Jewish Council too harshly. This perspective needs to be adjusted, Bart van der Boom argues in his new book ‘De politiek van het kleinste kwaad’ (lit. ‘The Politics of the Lesser Evil’).
A Nimble Arc: James Van Der Zee and Photography
Lecture, Talk
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Andrew Littlejohn awarded Hunt Postdoctoral Fellowship
Dr. Andrew Littlejohn has been awarded a Hunt Postdoctoral Fellowship by the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research. The fellowship provides funds for early-career scholars to write and publish significant monographs that will impact the development of anthropology.
Trading Responsibility: Navigating national burdens in a globalized world
PhD defence
Fernanda Korovsky Moura
Faculty of Humanities
f.korovsky.moura@hum.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Diana Suhardiman
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
d.suhardiman@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Saskia Cohen-Willner
Faculty of Humanities
s.g.cohen@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Laura Migliori
Faculty of Humanities
l.migliori@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2058
Johan Rooryck
Faculty of Humanities
j.e.c.v.rooryck@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Lara Weiss
Faculty of Humanities
l.v.weiss@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Wahyu Widodo
Faculty of Humanities
w.widodo@hum.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Wim Tigges
Expertisecentrum SOZ
w.tigges@sea.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Caspar Dullemond
Faculty of Humanities
c.c.dullemond@hum.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Mark Loderichs
Faculty of Humanities
m.a.loderichs@hum.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5271646
Swargajyoti Gohain
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
s.gohain@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Amit Kurien
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
a.j.kurien@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Dutch armed forces were willing to accept high casualties in Indonesia
The decolonisation war in Indonesia was violent partly because the Dutch military operated on the conviction that ‘an uprising had to be forcibly suppressed.’ This what historian Christiaan Harinck from the KITLV discovered in his PhD research.
Treaty-making in Southeast Asia as a Cross-cultural Practice
Lecture, COGLOSS lecture
The United States and the War in Gaza: History, Politics, and Culture
Debate, Panel and Q&A session
Meet postdoc Ana Zora Maspoli: ‘I came to Leiden to find a new way to look at the dilemma of Romanisation’
Looking for a different approach in the ongoing discussions on the ethereal matter of Romanisation, Ana Zora Maspoli joined Miguel John Versluys’ research group as a postdoc guest researcher. While she has been active in our Faculty since February 2022, you may not have met her yet due to the Covid-19…
Valedictory lecture prof.dr. J.J. van Hilten
Valedictory lecture
Valedictory lecture by Professor G. Heerma van Voss
Valedictory lecture
Valedictory lecture prof.dr. J.P.R. van Merkesteyn
Valedictory lecture
Inaugural lecture prof.dr. I.B. van Vulpen
Inaugural lecture
Unpacking the rich tapestry of Chinese culture: the interplay between parental socialization and children's social functioning
PhD defence