404 search results for “recognition role” in the Staff website
Hanneke Hulst on realistic expectations for researchers: ‘Let’s stop expecting people to be experts at everything.’
‘Am I setting a good example myself?’ Hanneke Hulst wonders. As Recognition and Rewards project leader, she maintains that we should stop expecting researchers to be experts at everything, even though she herself keeps a lot of balls in the air.
Hundredth Senior Teaching Qualification awarded
Twenty-one dedicated teachers were awarded their Senior Teaching Qualification (SKO) on 21 January. Rector Magnificus Hester Bijl congratulated them in a ceremony in the Academy Building with an extra celebratory touch as the milestone of the 100th SKO certificate was reached.
Sustainability prize for research into the effects of a plant-based diet
Paul Behrens and his team have won the Frontiers Planet Prize of half a million euros for their research into the effects of switching to a plant-based diet.
Psychology Science Day 2022
‘Very interesting’ is what two bachelor students have to say about the stories by Liesbeth van Vliet and Niki Antypa during the Psychology Science Day. The icing on the cake were the poster presentations about the bachelor's theses, admired and commented on by scientists and fellow students. Teachers…
Modelling the role of mycorrhizal associations in soil carbon cycling
PhD defence
The role of good RDM in accelerating scientific progress
Have your teaching portfolio assessed for the Senior Teaching Qualification
Education, Human resources
Jan Reedijk receives honorary doctorate at Polish university
He had been emeritus for 13 years when he suddenly received an email from Poland. Professor of Inorganic Chemistry Jan Reedijk was awarded an honorary doctorate from Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. During the celebration of the 550th anniversary of the birth of patron Nicolaus Copernicus,…
GROW interviews
The Performance & Development interview is changing to GROW: Conversations on Performance, Development and Well-being (Gesprekken over Resultaat, Ontwikkeling en Welzijn). The new GROW interviews offer an opportunity to speak openly with each other about your work, development and well-being.
Leiden Impact Matrix
To help you make the impact or valorisation of your scientific research more clearly apparent, we have created a Leiden Impact Matrix.
Partial BKO certificate
As a PhD candidate, you were primarily hired to do research, although you will probably also have to do some teaching. The partial University Teaching Qualification (Basis Kwalificatie Onderwijs, BKO) certificate provides recognition that a PhD candidate has gained knowledge and experience as a teacher.…
How we’re setting Academia in Motion: by fostering inclusion and enabling data reuse and sharing
‘I’m setting Academia in Motion by fostering inclusive practices and enabling data reuse and sharing, with both researchers and students.’ With these words Naomi Truan, Assistant Professor of German Sociolinguistics at the Leiden University Centre for Linguistics, highlights how she is helping to support…
Feeling safe at Humanities: an all-gender toilet in every building
The university is committed to providing an accessible learning and working environment for students and staff. They should be able to feel at home at our faculty. That is why there is now an all-gender toilet in every humanities building to contribute to that feeling of recognition and safety.
Psychology Lab on Wheels with serious game for recognising emotions
Festival, Citizen Science
Honorable mentions for Hannah Appel and Kimmy Shah (LDT) at VPR/VPRA Scriptieprijs 2024
On Friday 20 September, the Dutch associations for Privacy Law (VPR) and for Privacy Law Attorneys (VPR-A) announced their annual thesis award winner in a ceremony held in the Lorentz Lecture Hall at Leiden Law School. We are very proud that Kimmy Shah and Hannah Appel, recent graduates of the Advanced…
Remarkable achievement: Leiden professor appointed AAAS Fellow
Carlo Beenakker has been appointed a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), the organisation behind the journal Science. Among the Fellows, he is the third Dutch person and first Leiden researcher.
Valerie Frissen wins Lifetime Achievement Award
On 10 October, Valerie Frissen was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award by the Internet Society Foundation. The professor by special appointment received the award in recognition of her tireless efforts in the field of internet freedom, digital rights and internet governance.
Dissertation Prize for Developmental Psychologist Michelle Achterberg
For her research on social-emotional regulation in children Michelle Achterberg on Wednesday, May 25 2022 received the Dutch Association of Developmental Psychology (VNOP) Dissertation Prize. With her PhD research, she mapped out which mechanisms play a role in social emotion regulation in childhood.…
Learning better from data: Rianne de Heide wins prestigious award for her dissertation
How can humans and computers learn from data? To research this, scientists often use so-called Bayesian methods. Although these methods are widely used, they also have limitations and are not always easy to interpret. In her dissertation Rianne de Heide describes some of these problems and introduces…
Archaeologist Natalia Donner receives an award from Panamanian Embassy
In the context of Panama’s independence month, the Panamanian Embassy in the Kingdom of The Netherlands decided to recognize Natalia Donner’s contributions to the study of Panamanian history and culture, as well as her role in a massive repatriation project.
Spinoza Prize for Professor Bernet Elzinga
How can parents avoid passing on stress and mental health problems to their children? Professor of Stress-Related Psychopathology Bernet Elzinga develops simple interventions to help both parents and young people. For her research, she has been awarded the Spinoza Prize, the highest academic honour…
- LUCAS “Role of Experience” reading group with Anna Dlabačová and Lieke Smits
LUCAS “Role of Experience in Arts of Criticism, Rhetoric, and Aesthetics” Research Presentations
Young Talent Award for Anne Urai
Psychologist Anne Urai has received the Young talent award from the Dutch Neuroscience society. She was described as a 'talented, promising early career researcher' and complimented on her international profile, having spent time in London, Paris, Hamburg and New York.
Nominations Legatum Stolpianum prize 2024
Meijers symposium: Meijers’ gown to return to Leiden Law School
Van Steenis building now features two all-gender toilets
Rafal Matuszewski elected to the Young Academy of Europe
Rafał Matuszewski has been elected Fellow of the Young Academy of Europe (YAE) in recognition of his academic leadership and outstanding scientific achievements in the fields of ancient Greek history and classics.
Hanneke Hulst looks back on 100 days as scientific director
Our institute is in full swing: the annual staffing review, Recognition & Rewards, Open Science and the introduction of GROW. Besides these positive developments, Hanneke Hulst also sees concerns, for example about the new outline agreement. 'I’m hopeful that together we will find smart ways to deal…
- Space for Academic Debate: Between safe and brave spaces: The role of universities in historical perspective
Stefan Sagel wint Gouden Peer in arbeidsrecht
Stefan Sagel heeft op 10 februari de Gouden Peer arbeidsrecht van het juridische platform Mr. ontvangen. De hoogleraar arbeidsrecht kreeg de onderscheiding op voordracht van twintig juristen uit hetzelfde rechtsgebied.
Open science means better science
Leiden University has an active open science community. Open science means transparency in all phases of research by precisely documenting every step of the way and making this publicly available. ‘It’s time to be open,’ say psychologists Anna van ’t Veer and Zsuzsika Sjoerds. There is increasing awareness…
Luuk van Middelaar in European newspapers on Europe’s response to war in Ukraine
In an essay published in three prominent European newspapers, Professor Luuk van Middelaar takes a close look at Europe’s role in the Russian invasion of Ukraine. ‘Europe shows plenty of political energy, but what is still lacking is strategic cool-headedness, in facing a nuclear power.’
Andrew Sorensen
Faculteit Archeologie
a.c.sorensen.2@umail.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 1681
Luc Amkreutz
Faculteit Archeologie
l.w.s.w.amkreutz@arch.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Anjali Pandit
a.pandit@chem.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5274198
Meehelpen een Serious game ontwikkelen in Psychologielab op Wielen?
Psychology Lab on Wheels makes science accessible for everyone. On Monday 24 June, we will be back with our mobile lab at the Old Observatory near the Singelpark in Leiden. Join our research to learn to better recognise emotions with a Serious game and read more about participant Maxime and game developer…
Francesca Arici wants to raise maths awareness in society
Mathematician Francesca Arici has joined the Raising Public Awareness Committee of the European Mathematical Society. She aims to coordinate and unite the European efforts of communicating and promoting mathematics. ‘We also hope to achieve more recognition for people who do science communication.’
Tensions between China and Taiwan: what's behind it?
For a while, it was uncertain whether prominent American politician Nancy Pelosi would travel to Taiwan. But last Tuesday, she did visit – much to the displeasure of China. Asia expert Casper Wits explains why China reacted so strongly and what the consequences of the visit may be.
The wisdom of the Nahua
Indigenous philosophies have been ignored for too long. This prompted Osiris González Romero to study the wisdom of the Nahua in Mexico. Their philosophy has an important message for the consumption society: see the earth and nature as living beings and not just as resources. PhD defence 22 June.
Ludo Waltman awarded the Derek de Solla Price Medal
Ludo Waltman, professor of Quantitative Science Studies at Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS), has been awarded the Derek de Solla Price Medal.
Employability enhancement
How do we prepare our students for a future labour market in which flexibility, resilience and adaptability are essential?
From the birth of galaxies to an IMAX movie on the big screen. Leiden partnership wins award from the Royal Astronomical Society
Simulation project EAGLE has won the 2022 Group Achievement Award of the Royal Astronomical Society. EAGLE is a large collection of simulations about the formation of galaxies. The largest simulation contains as many as 6.8 billion particles and took months to calculate on the world's fastest superc…
of an Enigma: Exploring Vietnam's Domestic Dynamics and International Role
Lecture, LAC Asia Academy
LUC The Hague: Celebrating Class of 2020 ½ and 2021
Last Friday, Leiden University College The Hague (LUC) celebrated the graduation of the Class of 2020 ½ and 2021. The 186 students received their Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree’s in LUC’s interdisciplinary honours programme Liberal Arts & Sciences: Global Challenges. Under the silver-…
Artificial intelligence can discriminate. How can this be prevented?
What do gender identity and digital technology have to do with each other? Together they are the subject of research at Leiden University. Researchers Tessa Verhoef and Eduard Fosch-Villaronga of the faculties of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and Law will investigate the interaction between artificial…
Nadine Akkerman is the winner of the LUCAS Audience Award 2021
The LUCAS Audience Award 2021 has been awarded to Nadine Akkerman. This is a prize for researchers who appeal to an audience wider than the academic community. The prize consists of 1000 euros, a trophy and eternal fame.
Executive Board column: Opportunities for researchers and donors
If we need funding for a project, equipment or research at the university, we automatically think of the Dutch Research Council or other grant providers. But more and more researchers are managing to connect with people who care about the university.
Gerard van Westen wins KNCV Gold Medal
Gerard van Westen has received the KNCV Gold Medal, the most important Dutch award for chemists under 40. 'It's a huge honour,' says the professor of AI and medicinal chemistry. 'I am now part of the group of people I was always impressed by.'
Searching for science in patent texts
Just like scientific articles, patents cite scientific literature to support their findings. These references provide valuable information on how science is used to develop practical applications. However, extracting this information from patents is not that simple.