1,958 search results for “tuesday taken science insights” in the Staff website
Fitmonth Personal Resilience - FSW
Mechanism-Based Inhibitors and Probes for Neuraminidases
PhD defence
Manipulation of Superconductivity in van der Waals Materials and Thin Films
PhD defence
Ingredients of the planet-formation puzzle
PhD defence
Fitmonth Body & Mind - FSW
Data Structures for Quantum Circuit Verification and How To Compare Them
PhD defence
Toetsing van deskundigenadviezen door de bestuursrechter
PhD defence
Dosing considerations for preterm neonates
PhD defence
Atlantic Advices
PhD defence
- Staff association: Padel Clinic
Navigating corporate responsibility in global supply chains using codes of conduct
PhD defence
Moving statues
PhD defence
- Lunchbyte Chatgpt
- Annual meeting for programme committees 2023
Treasuring teen friendships
PhD defence
Vulnerable Yet Resilient: Representations of Migrant Workers in Contemporary Chinese Prose
PhD defence
Efficient Constraint Multi-Objective Optimization with Applications in Ship Design
PhD defence
The Photographic Surface: Between Substances and Spaces
PhD defence
Digitale dubbelgangers
PhD defence
A Physicochemical Study of Medieval and Post-Medieval Ceramics from the Aegean
PhD defence
De wettelijke grenzen aan ingrijpen in topbeloning
PhD defence
Fitmonth Personal Resilience - FSW
Examination in Ans with support from ECOLe
Studies in Tocharian verbal morphology relevant to the cladistic position of Tocharian in Indo-European
PhD defence
Disability and its Affective Affordances: Deformity, Decay, Disruption, Distortion
PhD defence
Claiming Crisis: An ethnography on agricultural insurance, rural distress and the everyday moralities of quantification in India
PhD defence
Jeu d'argile: céramique, identité culturelle, créolisation; Une étude archéo-anthropologique de la céramique des sociétés caribéennes multiculturelles
PhD defence
A mobile approach-avoidance task
PhD defence
Carl Schmitt’s Hamlet oder Hekuba and the Question of a Philosophy of History
PhD defence
Essays on Legislative Decision-making in the European Union
PhD defence
Picturing Silence: Markers in Musical Performance as a means of Understanding Silences
PhD defence
Sweeping vacuum gravitational waves under the rug
PhD defence
Met de vlam in de pijp door Europa
PhD defence
Giant galactic outflows and shocks in the Cosmic Web
PhD defence
Functionalized two-dimensional membranes and materials for solar-to- fuel devices
PhD defence
Open Doors at CDS: drinks and bites
Network meeting
Towards better policing: achieving norm internalisation and compliance with persuasively designed technology
PhD defence
Contributions to the phylogeny of the haplolepideous mosses
PhD defence
Social Subjecthood?
PhD defence
Faculty opening second semester (Faculty of Humanities)
Lecture, Borrel
The parabolic Anderson model on Galton-Watson trees
PhD defence
Pyrrole-based photoswitchable anion receptors
PhD defence
Introduction to Dutch Research Funding
Information briefing
Sailing into the Future: Professional and Student Perspectives in Maritime Archaeology
Lecture, Faculty Lecture
Information Dynamics in Low Countries' Chronicles (1500-1860)
PhD defence
Does open government promote trust?
PhD defence
Heteronormativity and Gender Norms
PhD defence
These kind of words: number agreement in the species noun phrase in International Academic English
PhD defence
Machine learning-based NO2 estimation from seagoing ships using TROPOMI/S5P satellite data
PhD defence
- Lunchbyte about ANS: assessments and exams’