2,018 search results for “crisis and disaster management” in the Public website
Crisis and disaster management
Training and Exercising in Crisis management and Emergency Control
A renewed awareness: Reinvigorating preparedness research for crisis and disastermanagement
In this article Jeroen Wolbers and Sanneke Kuipers take a closer look at disaster preparedness to reinvigorate the academic debate.
Optimization of Patient Flow through EMT Facilities Applying Dynamic Behavioral Simulation Models
This study aims to explore the use of a behavioral-design-based approach in simulating patient flow through EMTs. It provides a dynamic behavioral simulation model to assess the interactions between patients, staff members, and the related dynamic movements/interactions with the health care facility,…
Spontaneous hospitalization in the immediate aftermath of the Manchester arena bombing
This article presents an evidence-based investigation of spontaneous hospitalization and distribution of patients after the Manchester terrorist attack.
A bibliometric review of COVID-19 research in the crisis and disaster literature
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the pressing question is how this global health emergency impacted the research agendas of the field of crisis and disaster science. This article reviewed contributions in ten important crisis and disaster journals in the two and a half years following the COVID-19…
The Leiden University Crisis Research Center
Explaining the origins , patterns and outcomes of crisis management efforts.
Arjen Boin
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
boin@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2233
Public Risk and Disaster
The world’s population increasingly has to deal with risks related to ever-evolving challenges. How humanity as a whole prepares for, responds to, and manages these grand challenges is crucial for the world’s future. In this minor, you will explore and unravel these grand challenges, and look for possible…
The Government of Disasters: State Formation and Disaster Management In South Africa
In this book, Lydie Cabane examines the history of disaster management in South Africa.
Museums of themselves: disaster, heritage, and disaster heritage in Tohoku
The 2011 disasters precipitated widespread concern among heritage scholars about the fate of Tohoku’s cultural properties, tangible and intangible. Damage to not only buildings and landscapes but also ‘formless’ heritage, some worried, could weaken social infrastructure and thus slow or undermine re…
Crisis and Security Management (MSc)
Crises arising from terrorism, cyber threats, and natural disasters dominate world news and make Crisis and Security Management a heavily politicized and hotly debated topic at the top of the national and global societal and governance agenda.
Get to know Crisis and Security Management
Crises arising from terrorism, war, violence, cyber threats, and natural disasters dominate world news and make crisis and security a heavily politicised and hotly debated topic at the top of the national and global societal and governance agenda. This master Crisis and Security Management focuses on…
Get to know Crisis and Security Management
Crises arising from terrorism, war, violence, cyber threats, and natural disasters dominate world news and make crisis and security a heavily politicised and hotly debated topic at the top of the national and global societal and governance agenda. This master Crisis and Security Management focuses on…
Ruins for the future: Critical allegory and disaster governance in post-tsunami Japan
Andrew Littlejohn published the article 'Ruins for the future: Critical allegory and disaster governance in post-tsunami Japan' in American Ethnologist about the ruins left by Japan's 2011 tsunami.
Crisis and Security Management
You are about to start your Master's programme in Crisis and Security Management at Leiden University in The Hague, The Netherlands. Make sure you are well prepared and get your studies off to a good start.
Crisis and Security Management (MSc)
Are you thinking about studying Crisis and Security Management? Learn more and watch the introduction video. Or watch the videos on the track-related pages.
Crisis and Security Management: Cybersecurity Governance (MSc)
Are you thinking about studying Crisis and Security Management: Cybersecurity Governance? Learn more and watch the videos.
Crisis and Security Management: Governance of Crisis (MSc)
Are you thinking about studying Crisis and Security Management: Governance of Crisis? Learn more and watch the videos.
Crisis and Security Management: Governance of Violence (MSc)
Are you thinking about studying Crisis and Security Management: Governance of Violence? Learn more and watch the videos.
Crisis and Security Management: War and Peace Studies (MSc)
Are you thinking about studying Crisis and Security Management: War and Peace Studies? Learn more and watch the videos.
Crisis and Security Management: Intelligence and National Security (MSc)
Are you thinking about studying Crisis and Security Management: Intelligence and National Security? Learn more and watch the videos.
Crisis and Critique Network
This network brings together scholars whose work explores how contemporary frameworks of crisis produce experiences of the present, rehash or disrupt established narratives of the past, and broker specific outlooks on the future. We collaborate in studying these crisis-scapes and exploring how they…
ANZUS cooperation in humanitarian assistance and disaster response in the Asia-Pacific: ships in the night?
In this article Vanessa Newby discusses how the ANZUS states of United States, Australia, and New Zealand that sit on the fringes of the Asia-Pacific, are increasingly using their armed forces to deliver Humanitarian Aid and Disaster Response (HADR) as a way of engaging with the region.
Organizational and Institutional Crisis Management
This article offers a typology for organizational and institutional crisis management that portrays three sorts of crises: a crisis in an organization, a crisis to the organization and a crisis about the organization.
How Europe can reduce flood risk
Europe is expected to experience a greater frequency of severe floods. Paul Hudson discusses the challenges of flood management The Conversation.
Crisis and Security Management: Governance of radicalism, extremism and terrorism (MSc)
Are you thinking about studying Crisis and Security Management: Governance of radicalism, extremism and terrorism? Learn more and watch the videos.
- Crisis Management / Crisis Diplomacy
Protecting against disasters: interdisciplinary perspectives on the notion of protection
What does it mean to protect against disaster in the context of climate change and other cascading environmental crises?
Assist or accuse? Identifying trends in crisis communication through a bibliometric literature review
This article explores crisis communication research clusters in the literature, examining overlaps and intersections among diverse fields.
Public leaders’ organizational learning orientations in the wake of a crisis and the role of public service motivation
This study explores public leaders’ organizational learning orientation in the wake of a crisis. More precisely, we study the association between public leaders’ public service motivation and their learning orientation (instrumental versus political).
Tsagkroni: Radicalisation and Crisis Management
This book discusses theories of crisis management and the radical right, to shed light on how responses to crisis influence radical right parties in their presence, discourse, and evolution. The book offers a comparative perspective by examining case studies with various traditions of radical right…
Oxford Encyclopedia of Crisis Analysis
The volume is one-stop shopping for crisis studies and a number of closely related fields, providing a window onto the latest thinking in the field. The articles reflect cutting edge, state of the art scholarship and pose key questions for research and practical development.
The European Central Bank between the Financial Crisis and Populisms
Sebastian Diessner, Assistant Professor at the Institute of Public Administration, focuses on the role of the European Central Bank in a critical phase toward a new presidency and its approach to monetary policy by looking at both financial market and survey data.
Crisis and change in European Union foreign policy
How do crises produce changes in specific European Union foreign policy areas, and how should we conceptualise these policy changes?
Crisis management
Training and Exercising in Crisis management and Emergency Control
Collaborative Crisis Management Before and During International Summits
Peak Performance: Collaborative Crisis Management Before and During International Summits. This comparative case study probes into conditions for collaborative governance in the security organisation of international summits.
- Self-evaluation MSc Crisis and Security Management
Hirschmann, Crisis Management in International Organisations
Using the League of Nations’ responses to early crises as an explorative historical case study, Political Scientist Gisela Hirschmann investigates how international organisations perceive and respond to existential threats.
Governance of Crisis (MSc)
In the track Governance of Crisis, you will be familiarized with the main body of knowledge on strategic crisis management.
Leiden Leadership Lunch: Political leadership and the COVID-19 crisis
Even though the COVID-crisis continuously evolves and is marked by new realities and uncertainties, we can carefully begin to take stock looking back on the first phases of Dutch crisis management. What can we learn reflecting on the crisis strategies of this extraordinary and transboundary crisis that…
Joeri Lammerts
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
j.lammerts@fgga.leidenuniv.nl | 070 8009500
Dennis Broeders in the Dutch newspaper Volkskrant about the national failure of number 112
Emergency services and governments were caught by surprise on Monday 24 June by the nationwide breakdown of the emergency phone number 112. The breakdown raises the following question: ‘Could this not have been prevented’?
Banking Regulation in and for Crisis
In this article, Lydie Cabane, Assistant Professor at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs, and Martin Lodge address the question of how to manage banking crises, a question that has gained prominence since the banking crisis of 2007-2009. This article sets out the rationale for regulating for…
LEGITIMULT - Legitimate Crisis Management and Multi-level Governance
LEGITIMULT examines how Covid-19 measures by governments impact multilevel governance and democratic governance in 31 European countries
In the hands of a few: Disaster recovery committee networks
This study examines recovery planning committees across Japan's Tohoku region.
Digital Humanitarian Networks: Crisis Management as a Social System
Intelligence of the crowd, or in other words, intelligence of a large, random collective, exists mostly in social media platforms such as twitter. The collective does not comprise (at least not necessarily) experts on crises, just regular people mostly. Nevertheless, there is valuable intelligence to…
Steering Group
Strategic direction of the GTGC initiative lies with a Steering Group, composed of seven members from four Leiden University faculties. Chaired by Leiden's Professor of Global Transformations and Governance Challenges, the Steering Group addresses questions such as overall vision, staffing, communications,…
Editorial: Sanity and Resilience in Times of Corona
This editorial to RHCPP discusses how COVID-19 can be seen as a 'creeping crisis' according to the authors of its lead article (Boin et al, 2020) and how resilience may depend on the real heroes behind the scenes of response to disaster and adversity.
Fairness matters when responding to disasters: An experimental study of government legitimacy
This article by Honorata Mazepus and Florian van Leeuwen in the journal Governance: An International Journal of Policy, Administration and Institutions looks at how evaluations of authorities were influenced by four aspects of a governmental response to a hypothetical disaster.
Shaping the European External Action Service and its post-Lisbon crisis management structures
This article 'Shaping the European External Action Service and its post-Lisbon crisis management structures: an assessment of the EU High Representatives’ political leadership' assesses the role, influence and core aspects of the EU High Representatives’ (HR/VPs) “political leadership” in the context…