1,186 search results for “criminal law criminal procedure” in the Staff website
LAPP Supports Enforcement Request to the ILT
This week, the cooperation between the Zwerfinator and Leiden University was in the news because of loose labels on deposit bottles. NOS news reported that the Zwerfinator submitted an enforcement request to the Inspectorate. The Leiden Advocacy Project on Plastic (LAPP) is supporting litter waste…
Non-Criminalisation and Super-Criminalisation of Same-Sex Love
Terrorism and Foreign Fighters: Lecture by Dr. Rebecca Mignot-Mahdavi
Interview with Jaap van den Herik by BNVKI
Recently, Jaap van den Herik, professor emeritus Law and IT, was interviewed by the BNVKI (Benelux Association for Artificial Intelligence).
'Court ruling is balancing act between legal review of rules and feasibility of reception of asylum applicants'
According to a recent court ruling, the reception of asylum applicants in the Netherlands is not in line with European requirements. The Dutch Government must take measures to amend the situation. What are the problems concerning the reception of asylum applicants and how realistic are the court’s d…
Eric De Brabandere: 'Both Ukraine and Russia have an interest in a ceasefire'
Last week Russia and Ukraine met for the first time since the outbreak of the war. The talks took place in Belarus.
Mark Klaassen: 'Cabinet acting contrary to Directive on family reunification'
On Friday 26 August 2022, the Dutch cabinet presented its new asylum agreement. According to Assistant Professor Mark Klaassen, the new agreement is barely legal.
Lecture Spring 2023: 'The proper time for marriage: Plato vs. Xenophon on law and persuasion'
LUCIR Book Talk: Contending Orders: Legal Pluralism and the Rule of Law
Human Rights, The United Nations and the Intimacies of International Law: A History
Lecture, INVISIHIST event
Jorrit Rijpma: inperken vluchtelingeninstroom is haast onhaalbaar
Het asielbeleid blijft een hoofdpijndossier voor het kabinet. Een akkoord zou bereikt zijn waarin iedere partij een kleine concessie zou doen. De VVD gaat uiteindelijk toch niet akkoord met deze nieuwe asielwet die gemeentes kan dwingen om asielzoekers op te vangen. De VVD fractie heeft moeite met ‘dwang’…
Legal Intimidation against Environmental Defenders in the Southeast Asia Anthropocene
VVI Research Meetings 2022-2023
- Meijers Lecture and New Year's Reception 2024
Chemical Weapons Use and Legal Pathways to Accountability
Conference, Seminar
Flying taxis: the new kid hovering over the block
The latest innovation in the field of urban mobility could soon be buzzing over our heads. For some, it’s a science fiction dream come true. For others, however, it’s an unwelcome intrusion. ‘It has the potential to be a major development.’
Is sexuality a private matter? Not for LGBTQI+ asylum seekers
Imagine: you’re seeking asylum in the Netherlands due to your sexual orientation or gender identity. The immigration authorities might question you about your sexuality. PhD candidate Elias Tissandier-Nasom, who is researching asylum applications submitted by LGBTQI+ children, explains that the process…
Recipients Meijers Grants 2023
At least six people are off to a good start of the summer, because they are the recipients of a Meijers grant. For the next few years, these researchers will be able to devote themselves to their PhD research. Let’s meet these new PhD candidates!
Can extreme antisocial behaviour be traced back to the brain?
The brain structure of young people with conduct disorder differs significantly from that of their typically developing peers. This is the conclusion of an international study that analysed more than two thousand MRI scans, recently published in The Lancet Psychiatry. Dr Moji Aghajani, one of the principal…
Friend or foe? The role of AI in mitigating biases in HR
AI is already widely being used in HR processes, but it’s unclear whether these applications contribute to fair and inclusive decision making. Leiden researcher Carlotta Rigotti is involved in BIAS, a big consortium research project that aims to provide answers and develop a new, trustworthy AI app…
Meet the Student workgroup D&I Student Wellbeing
On Monday 14 November 2022, our faculty student workgroup Diversity & Inclusion + Student Wellbeing will start working. The workgroup consists of seven motivated student assistants under supervision of the Faculty Coordinator Susanne Deen will get started on making the topics diversity & inclusion and…
‘A country’s immigration narrative really influences the people arriving there’
Immigration and naturalisation policies are an important theme in the upcoming Dutch elections. The Netherlands should be mindful of its immigration narrative, says PhD candidate Hannah Bliersbach, as this greatly influences the relationship between ‘new’ citizens and their new home country.
Ten Leiden researchers awarded a Veni grant
Ten Leiden researchers will receive funding of up to 280,000 euros from the Dutch Research Council (NWO). They will use this grant to develop their research ideas in the coming three years.
FGGA’s Cyberweek: education in cybersecurity and digitalisation
During Cyberweek, from 17-24 October, the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs (FGGA) highlighted its research and teaching on cybersecurity, digital developments, and their impact on society.
Interview Anneke Koning: PhD research on transnational sexual exploitation of children
Sexual exploitation of children abroad: the Dutch government calls on its citizens to not look away from 'suspicious situations’ while turning a blind eye to the root causes of the problem themselves. Koning, who recently obtained her PhD on transnational sexual exploitation of children from Leiden…
Leiden students advise the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child
On Wednesday 18 May, the students of the LL.M. Advanced Studies in International Children’s Rights presented their work to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child with the aim to provide recommendations on how to make its decision more accessible to children.
Netherlands and Japan united by a tradition of mutual curiosity
A delegation from Leiden University visited various universities in Japan at the end of March. The strong ties between the Netherlands and Japan are still based on a long tradition of knowledge exchange.
Abortion, Law, and Everyday Ethics in India: Women’s Reproductive Choices in Everyday World
EU Privacy and Data Protection Law applied to AI: Unveiling the Legal Problems for Individuals
PhD defence
‘If you know how the system works, you can stand up for your rights’
Legal protection. What do those involved in youth care and child protection understand by this concept? And what needs to change to improve legal protection? This question was explored by researchers from Leiden University’s Department of Child Law. Their research fits with the government’s ambition…
Nog meer kennis over kinderrechten
Universiteit Leiden en Unicef werken al 10 jaar samen om kennis over kinderrechten uit te breiden en te verspreiden. Ze verlengen deze samenwerking.
Only the dead can tell us: on ancestor worship, law, social status and gender norms in Ancient Egypt
PhD defence
- third?" Qur’anic Divorce in the Context of Roman, Rabbinic, and Sasanian Law
Jorrit Rijpma on increase of boat refugees crossing Channel
At least 27 migrants died on 24 November after their boat capsized in the Channel between France and England.
Russische toeristen weigeren kan alleen op Europees niveau
Naar aanleiding van de aanhoudende oorlog tussen Rusland en Oekraïne willen verschillende Europese landen een inreisverbod invoeren tegen Russische staatsburgers. Maar mogen zij dit zomaar doen?
Presenteren met de Stad | On Tour komt naar het KOG
Cleveringa lecture
Inaugural lecture
The situation in Israel/Palestine and the role of courts
Inaugural panel discussion
- ‘Theatres of Law: Policing, Prosecution, and Performance from Plato to YouTube’ – Workshop with Julie Stone Peters (Columbia University) and
Ariadne Schmidt
Faculty of Humanities
a.schmidt@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2502
Research Martijn Nouwen about secretive EU tax body revealed in media under #TheCode
Under #TheCode European media report about Martijn Nouwens’s research on the secretive EU Code of Conduct Group which is tasked with tackling harmful tax competition in Europe. The stories expose to the wider public for the first time how this diplomatic high-level working group of EU Member States…
The ICJ's interim ruling in South Africa’s genocide case against Israel: what now?
Israel was ordered to take steps to prevent acts of genocide in Gaza. Giulia Pinzauti, an expert on state conflicts and humanitarian law, explains the significance of the case, the specific details of the ruling and what we can expect to happen next.
‘The gatekeepers’ van het internet; waarom een ‘gratis’ internet niet bestaat
Of je nu appt, online nieuws leest, of door Instagram scrolt, jouw gedrag wordt gemonitord. Sterker nog: wát jij ziet, wordt door anderen bepaald. Promovendus Aleksandre Zardiashvili onderzocht de impact van online advertenties en de macht van de bedrijven erachter.
Vidi grants for 12 researchers from Leiden University
An impressive 12 researchers from Leiden University have been awarded an 800,000-euro grant by the Dutch Research Council (NWO). This will enable them to develop their own line of research over the next five years.
Graduation ceremony of the LL.M. Advanced Studies in International Children’s Rights 2022-2023
On Wednesday, 30 August 2023, the graduation ceremony took place in Leiden University’s Academy Building. The ceremony was a momentous occasion, attended by distinguished guests, faculty members, and the proud families and friends of the graduates. The event celebrated the hard work, dedication, and…
26 Research and Education Grants in 2020 for the Institute of Security and Global Affairs
Whilst 2020 has been an unusual and taxing year for colleagues at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA), the Institute nevertheless can look back on an impressive range of successful grant applications during the previous year. This impressive result was achieved on top of excellent results…
Meet the Employer Campus Den Haag
Policing in the US: What’s Feminism Got to Do with It?
Young people and children and the counter-smuggling project
Social Context Matters: Researching Crime Across Countries, Across Cultures
KITLV&VVI Research Talk
Launch of Marco Bronckers’ Liber Amicorum
Conference, Book launch