1,190 search results for “van campus tot klein” in the Staff website
Happy Holidays from LACDR
Happy Holidays from LACDR
Doing the CPC Run in The Hague? Collect your free Leiden University running shirt
Technical problems are history with the Teacher Support Desk
For many teachers, they are a lifesaver: the people at the Science Teacher Support Desk. When a teacher has technical problems, they come to the rescue immediately. Veerle Warnders is one of them and she tells us what is so great about her job.
New Executive Board at Leiden University
Leiden University has a new Executive Board. Since 8 February 2021, Annetje Ottow has been the new President and Hester Bijl the new Rector Magnificus of the Board, while Martijn Ridderbos has continued in his role as Vice-Chairman.
‘Handboeken Veiligheid’ are well known: 'Very special that this series has been running for almost 25 years'
For almost 25 years, ‘de Handboeken Veiligheid’ have been a phenomenon. Who does not have a copy on their bookshelf? In 2024, the series will be celebrating its 25th anniversary and next Monday, the Public Prosecution Handbook will be presented: the latest volume in the series. Erwin Muller talks about…
Work to begin on 703 new student flats at Leiden Bio Science Park in mid-2021
Seven hundred and three independent student flats will be built in the entrance area of the Leiden Bio Science Park (LBSP), close to the University Sports Centre. Construction will begin this year and the accommodation is expected to be completed by the start of academic year 2023-2024.
De Januskop van de inkomensongelijkheid in Nederland
Inaugural lecture
Graduation ceremony bachelor and master's programme Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology
Festival, Graduation Ceremony
Lecture series: The Dutch crisis management system
Are you interested in expanding your knowledge on the Dutch crisis management system? Leiden University is organising a unique lecture series on the subject in collaboration with the Netherlands Institute for Public Safety (NIPV). The lectures will take place on 22 April, 13 May, and 3 June.
Inkomen en afkomst zijn risicofactoren bij kans op hart- en vaatziekten
Nederlanders met lage inkomens lopen tot 1,5 keer meer risico op het krijgen van een hartaanval of beroerte dan rijkere landgenoten. Bij Surinaamse Hindoestanen is dit risico 1,9 keer hoger. Dat blijkt uit onderzoek van het LUMC en het HagaZiekenhuis. Nederlandse artsen kijken tot nu toe niet naar deze…
Headache e-diary aimed at more personalised help for patients and physicians
Funded by a ZonMw grant, the LUMC and the Health Campus The Hague will be working with headache patients on research into the use of an electronic headache diary. This resource can help patients gain a better understanding of their migraine attacks and, together with the physician, produce the best…
What we are doing to ensure our students and staff can work and study safely
In the last few days, reports have appeared in the media about security in our buildings. These have raised questions and caused concern. This is to inform you as best we can about the security of our students, staff and visitors, in response to this media coverage. We fully understand there is a need…
Leiden University and Municipality of The Hague to collaborate on sustainability
Leiden University and the Municipality of The Hague signed a collaboration agreement on sustainability on 1 November. Their main goals are to build a network, share knowledge and explore the possibilities of a Climate Centre for the people of The Hague.
This is roughly what the new University Sports and Exam Centre will look like (and where it will be)
The new University Sports and Exam Centre is another step closer. Bigger sports and exam halls, plenty of room for meeting people, an open feel that integrates with the Campus Square and the sports fields, optimal acoustics and an uncompromisingly sustainable building with a green facade and solar panels.…
Sneak peek in het nieuwe Gorlaeus Gebouw
Zou jij wel eens willen zien hoe het belangrijkste gebouw van onze Science Campus op het Leiden Bio Science Park tot stand komt? Op de Dag van de Bouw, op zaterdag 17 juni, kan dat!
A government that works with citizens brings hope, but also many dilemmas
Anthropologist Anouk de Koning about the tottering welfare state and the dilemmas of a government operating as a nearby, friendly partner.
Toetsing van deskundigenadviezen door de bestuursrechter
PhD defence
Opening of the Herta Mohr Building: brand new and also recycled location for Humanities
Light, open and green: a description that fits the new, renovated location of the Faculty of Humanities. The official opening of the Herta Mohr Building took place on 8 October, and it has many remarkable features: for example, recycled ‘mushroom columns’, a pedestrian bridge to the University Library…
Onbekend maar zeer bemind. De noodzaak van onderwaterarcheologie en het onderzoek van maritiem erfgoed voor onze kennis- en identiteitsvorming
Inaugural lecture
Understanding uncertainty
PhD defence
Laura Kamsma wants to make the International Office more visible: ‘Knock on our door’
Laura Kamsma (31) has been coordinating the International Office (IO) of FGGA for a few months now. An introduction to the ambitious Nijmegen native, who has set herself the goal of making the International Office more visible: 'Knock on our door if you have an internationalisation issue. Now you can…
Binnenkijken in het Universiteitsgebouw Spui: ‘We gaan hier iets moois neerzetten’
Ruim twintig nieuwsgierige medewerkers en studenten kregen een rondleiding in het nieuwe universiteitsgebouw van de Universiteit Leiden aan de Grote Marktstraat en het Spui in Den Haag dat in september 2025 de nieuwste locatie van de Campus Den Haag gaat worden. Nu is het vooral een kwestie van door…
Ambassadors visit Leiden: ‘Knowledge knows no borders’
Over 30 ambassadors strengthened their ties with researchers and university leaders in a recent visit to Leiden University. Cross-border collaboration (both literal and figurative) was the theme of presentations and a tour of the Hortus botanicus.
Nico Schrijver member of EU-UK Withdrawal Agreement Arbitration Panel
Nico Schrijver professor emeritus in Public Law and State councillor at the Council of State has been appointed by the European Union and the United Kingdom as a member of the Arbitration Panel which is authorised to settle disputes on the EU-UK Withdrawal Agreement.
Staff symposium on student well-being 'Today's Students'
FGGA in 2023: This was the year of our faculty
2023 was another year full of highlights and special moments for the faculty of Governance and Global Affairs. Find out what the year was like in this year overview: we take you through the most important moments and news items month of each month.
Workshop ‘Caribbean World Heritage Sites in the light of today’s global challenges: the case of Historic Bridgetown and Its Garrison'
Last month (February 5-8 2024), the University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus, Barbados, hosted a workshop entitled ‘Caribbean World Heritage Sites in the light of today’s global challenges: the case of Historic Bridgetown and Its Garrison’.
Leiden University 17th in global sustainability ranking
Leiden University has taken 17th place in the UI Green Metric, a global sustainability ranking for universities. Over 1,400 universities from all around the world took part in the ranking.
Onboarding New Employees: Lightning-Fast Faculty Introduction
A tour, presentations, drinks, and a quiz: new employees were warmly welcomed at the first faculty onboarding session. On a Thursday afternoon, they got to know the faculty.
Protest in Wijnhaven building has ended
Everything is peaceful again in and around the Wijnhaven building at Campus The Hague. Earlier today, the location was the scene of a large pro-Palestinian protest. Lectures were cancelled. In the end, everyone left the building voluntarily.
Call to attend: action meetings of WOinActie and trade unions
A Nimble Arc: James Van Der Zee and Photography
Lecture, Talk
Food for Thought: Health and Wellbeing in a Healthy Society - Youth
Lecture, Food for Thought
Research Seminar
Conference, Research Seminar
Valedictory lecture prof.dr. J.J. van Hilten
Valedictory lecture
Over nut en noodzaak van onderzoek naar hoger onderwijs
Inaugural lecture
Valedictory lecture by Professor G. Heerma van Voss
Valedictory lecture
Valedictory lecture prof.dr. J.P.R. van Merkesteyn
Valedictory lecture
Inaugural lecture prof.dr. I.B. van Vulpen
Inaugural lecture
Exploring Leiden University College: A personal journey with alumna Georgina Kuipers
It has been just over a decade since the first students graduated with Leiden University’s unique Liberal Arts and Sciences Bachelor degree. We caught up with one of those pioneering graduates.
Limited ICT services due to fire Leiden Bio Science Park
Personal wishes to Carel Stolker by FGGA Scientific Directors & LUC Dean
By way of appropriate 'Twitter-Vlog thank you's', the Dean of LUC Judi Mesman and FGGA Scientific Directors Bernard Steunenberg (BSK) and Joachim Koops (ISGA) sent their personal wishes and gratitude to Rector Carel Stolker, who will hand over the rectorship to incoming rector Hester Bijl on 8 February…
Call for Applications for MIASA Individual and Tandem Fellowships 2024
Join the Leiden University Services Department panel
- Wijnhaven building open again from Monday 16 October
Onzekerheid beïnvloed - de rol van emoties tijdens conflicten en strafbepaling
Month of Tutankhamun: Egypt's most legendary pharaoh
November marks exactly 100 years since the discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb. To celebrate this special discovery, the Faculty of Humanities, together with various parties, is organising the 'Month of Tutankhamun': a month full of activities around Egypt's most legendary pharaoh.
Een onzekere wereld - van complottheorieën naar alarmsignalen in ons brein
In memoriam: Alexander Hendrik (Sander) de Groot (3 april 1943 - 1 april 2024)
Op maandag 1 april 2024 stierf onze leermeester, vriend en gewaardeerd collega Dr. Alexander Hendrik de Groot (Sander).
Leiden University Libraries acquires a rare map of Suriname
Leiden University Libraries (UBL) has acquired a rare manuscript map of Suriname. The map from 1830 is almost 2.5 meters long and is highly detailed. It was hand-drawn by Helmuth Hendrik Hiemcke (1808-1858), one of the official surveyors employed by the colonial administration, and shows Suriname in…