1,189 search results for “van campus tot klein” in the Staff website
Kristiaan van der Heijden: outlook education year 2023/2024
Vacatures Raad van Advies
De Raad van Advies bestaat uit leden die een binding hebben met de faculteit. Daarnaast zijn zij goed thuis in de wereld van de advocatuur, de rechterlijke macht, de overheid en het bedrijfsleven. Het faculteitsbestuur gebruikt de adviezen van de Raad van Advies bij de beleidsontwikkeling van de faculteit…
Work Conference Health Campus The Hague
Ready for Quantum?! (in Dutch)
Lecture, NGL-lezing
Van Steenis building reopening
Campus The Hague Career Event 2022
Course, Career Event
Campus The Hague Career Event 2024
Course, Career Event
Meet the Employer Campus Den Haag
Alexander van Drooge voorstellen
Alexander van Drooge even voorstellen
De dag van Jasper
Jasper Knoester is de decaan van de Faculteit Wiskunde & Natuurwetenschappen. Hoe gaat het met hem, wat doet hij precies en hoe ziet zijn dag eruit? In elke nieuwsbrief geeft Jasper een inkijkje in zijn leven.
Construction projects
Leiden University restores, modernises and builds for the users of its buildings in Leiden and The Hague. The building stock is very diverse: from historic buildings in the inner city to advanced laboratories at the Leiden Bio Science Park.
Construction projects
If you wish to find out about current construction projects, you will find an up-to-date overview of Leiden University construction projects below.
Ewine van Dishoeck goes stargazing
From the birth of the universe to the molecules in a planet's atmosphere. The first five pictures from the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) show the enormous range in which the space telescope can operate. Ewine van Dishoeck, professor of molecular astrophysics, took a look at the first images Tuesday…
Laura van de Plas: ‘We want to show that we’re a community that cares for each other’
Laura van der Plas has been Wellbeing Officer for the Campus Den Haag since the end of 2021. By means of various projects, she makes sure that more attention is given to student wellbeing. How are things going so far? And what are these projects exactly? Laura talked to us to give us an update.
Turfmarkt 99, The Hague
Introducing: Kenan van de Mieroop
Kenan van de Mieroop recently joined the Institute for History as Assistant Professor. Below, he introduces himself.
Interview with interim cabinet minister Van Leeuwen: from lawyer to diplomat to politician
In his last week as interim cabinet minister, alumnus and outgoing Dutch Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation Geoffrey van Leeuwen set time aside to give a guest lecture at his alma mater, Leiden Law School. It was the perfect opportunity for a flash interview.
Hybrid teaching
Hybrid teaching combines face-to-face teaching on campus with online attendance: some students are present in class, while others join remotely at the same time via a livestream.
Schouwburgstraat 2, The Hague
Introducing: Jessie van Straaten
Jessie van Straaten recently joined the Institute for History as a PhD candidate as part of Evelien Walhout's starting grant project 'Human Development and Its Outliers: A Global Microhistory'. Below she introduces herself.
Reserving rooms
Within the university you can reserve rooms for educational and non-regular educational purposes, but also for events, meetings and gatherings.
Martin van Hecke elected APS fellow
Metamaterials researcher Martin van Hecke has been elected American Physical Society (APS) fellow, an honour exclusive to only half a percent of the society's members.
Rudi van Maanen receives Cornelis Joppenszoon statuette
Emeritus Professor Rudi van Maanen has received the Cornelis Joppenszoon statuette. He was presented with the distinction by Deputy Mayor of Leiden, Julius Terpstra.
Lectures relocated due to leak Van Steenis
Gilles van Wezel reappointed for four years
Gilles van Wezel has been reappointed as Scientific Director at the Leiden Institute of Biology (IBL). Van Wezel has been director of this institute since September 2018 and will remain so until 1 September 2026.
Bekijk fotoserie van oratie Ineke van der Ham: 'Een illusie rijker'
Op 1 december hield Ineke van der Ham haar oratie, waarin ze vertelde hoe ruimtelijke technologie de beleving van de patiënt dichterbij kwam brengen. In het Academiegebouw ervaarden bezoekers zelf de kracht van de illusie. Hoe zag dat eruit?
New Cluster Zuid building is taking shape
A lot has happened at Cluster Zuid since the highest point of the building was reached in December. See the photo report below.
Olaf van Vliet appointed Professor of Economics
The Executive Board has appointed Olaf van Vliet as Professor of Economics at Leiden University, specialising in social security and labour market policy from an international perspective. The chair is affiliated to both the Department of Economics (Leiden Law School) and the Institute of Public Administration…
Closure Van Steenis building during the holidays
Gerard van Westen wins KNCV Gold Medal
Gerard van Westen has received the KNCV Gold Medal, the most important Dutch award for chemists under 40. 'It's a huge honour,' says the professor of AI and medicinal chemistry. 'I am now part of the group of people I was always impressed by.'
Nicole van Os wins Academy Kiss
Nicole van Os won the Academy Kiss 2022. Van Os, study coordinator and advisor who also chairs the Delegation of Workers' Organizations in The Local Consultations of the AOb teaching union, won the award because of her commitment to the cause of giving language teachers permanent contracts, over hiring…
Introducing Ed van den Berg
Ed van den Berg started his role as the new interim Director of Operations in September. He will hold the fort until a permanent successor to Dirkje Schinkelshoek has been found. What will Ed be doing exactly, and who is he? We’ll leave that to Ed to tell you...
Introducing: Sander van der Horst
Sander van der Horst recently joined the Institute for History and the Royal Institute for Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies (KITLV-KNAW). He is a PhD candidate in Cultural Histories & Decolonization in Southeast Asia. Below, he introduces himself.
What do complex molecules tell us about star formation?
How do you progress from an immense gas cloud somewhere in the universe to a star with planets? Research by Astronomy PhD student Martijn van Gelder sheds more light on the earliest phases of this process. He will receive his doctorate on November 24th.
Tazuko van Berkel receives Ammodo Science Award
University lecturer Tazuko van Berkel is one of this year's laureates of the Ammodo Science Award. The award includes a sum of 350,000 euros that she can use as she wishes to explore new avenues in basic scientific research.
Maintenance on window blinds Van Steenis building
Winter holidays closure Van Steenis restaurant
Peter van Bodegom on sustainable horticulture
Dutch greenhouse horticulture is a world leader when it comes to innovative capacity and sustainability, but ‘the challenges are great in terms of energy, water, environment and biodiversity,’ says Peter van Bodegom, coordinator of AgriFood at the Centre for Sustainability of the Leiden, Delft, Erasmus…
In Memoriam - Joan van der Waals
On 21 June, our beloved colleague Joan van der Waals passed away after a long and rewarding life.
Alex Reuneker awarded Frans van Eemeren prize
University lecturer Alex Reuneker has won the Frans van Eemeren Prize for his paper 'Assessing classification reliability of conditionals in discourse'.
Closure Van Steenis weekend 17-18 February
'Visible and invisible violence against women' by Marieke Liem and Renate van der Zee
On Friday 9 December, Renate van der Zee and professor Marieke Liem held a lecture on 'Visible and invisible violence against women' at the Campus The Hague.
Afronding decanaat Joanne van der Leun
Afronding decanaat Joanne van der Leun
De dag van Jasper
Jasper Knoester is the dean of the Faculty of Science. How is he doing, what exactly does he do and what does his day look like? In each newsletter, Jasper gives an insight into his life. This time, Jasper writes his column from Singapore.
#ShowYourStripes flag flies over Van Steenis
Obituary Geert-Jan van den Hoek
On 22 July 2024 our colleague Geert-Jan van den Hoek passed away. Geert-Jan started in the role of Strategic Secretary for Leiden University in February 2023. Unfortunately, after far too short a period, health problems forced him to stop working. Sadly, recovery was ultimately not possible.
Workplace in the office
Who should you contact to set up, move or adjust your workplace?
Experience Day Leiden University College The Hague - Green edition
Study information, On Campus Experience
Five years ago, Recep fled from Turkey; he is now a university teacher
For fifteen years, Recep Uysal carried out research on positive psychology in Turkey; it is even the subject of his PhD. That was until he had to flee Turkey and start again from scratch in the Netherlands. Re-entering the academic world was a challenge, but he rediscovered his love for the field in…
Tools and facilities
Digital tools and campus facilities for active learning and digital assessment.