347 search results for “israel domestic politiek” in the Staff website
GLOBTAXGOV team and CIAT launch general anti-avoidance rule toolkit
The launch of the 'Toolkit for the Design and Effective Implementation of Domestic and International General Anti-avoidance Rules' generates strong interest among tax administrations.
Introducing: Kathrin Hamenstädt
In August 2022, Kathrin Hamenstädt has moved to Leiden from the UK to take up the position of Assistant Professor. Below she introduces himself!
Talking Palestine: The Politics of Narrating the Conflict
Political Science Master’s thesis prize 2023: the nominees
Towards the graduation ceremonies, you sense an increasing nervousness. Not only because all the tradition and glamour surrounding the event, also because that will be the day that the winner of the Political Science master’s thesis award will be announced. For 2022-2023, the jury is considering seven…
Wim Voermans in podcast on minority government
The formation of a new government is in full swing in the Netherlands. Or more accurately, it is in full deadlock. As a result, the possibility of a minority government is being discussed. Would that be a good idea?
Leiden Law Cast: Slavery & the Somerset Case with Egbert Koops
Leiden Law Cast is a podcast made by Leiden Law School, Leiden University, for everyone who wants to learn more about current legal issues.
Cleveringa Professor Frank van Vree: ‘It’s high time to discuss the ritualisation of the past’
The annual commemoration of the nation’s war dead on Dam Square and at Waalsdorpervlakte, the Dutch apologies for historical slavery and the Cleveringa Lecture itself: our relationship with history is often ritualistic, Cleveringa Professor Frank van Vree will say in his inaugural lecture on 27 Nove…
Reflecting together on Gaza conflict: 'Precisely as philosophers, we have something to say about this'
Seventy students, researchers and PhD candidates from the Institute of Philosophy gathered on Friday 23 February 2024. to discuss the responsibilities of citizens, scholars, and intellectual communities to the civilian population in Gaza.
The number of threats is increasing. But is the Netherlands less safe?
Explosions at people’s homes, gangland killings and online threats: if you follow the news, it may seem as though threat levels in the Netherlands are rising. But is that really true? Researchers from Leiden University investigated this and have presented their results in the Dreigingsmonitor (Threat…
In the Making #11: Whose creativity? Explorations of interspecies being and making
Arts and culture
Reimbursement of expenses for business trips abroad
If you travel abroad for your work, you can claim expenses for lodging, meals, minor costs and transport. The amount reimbursed depends on the country you travel to. You must have approval to travel from your manager.
eLaw teaches at Haifa University
In May 2021, Professor Bart Custers, Dr Mark Leiser and Dr Eduard Fosch Villaronga (all affiliated to eLaw, the Center for Law and Digital Technologies of Leiden University) will teach a course on Law and Technology at Haifa University, Israel.
Special Chair for Central European Studies gives Cleveringa Lecture in Vienna
On December 3, 2024, Prof. dr. Sarah Cramsey delivered a Cleveringa Lecture in Vienna. Cramsey was the special guest of the Dutch Ambassador to Austria, Mr. Peter Potman.
Lecturer receives doctoral grant for research into witness protection
Doctoral Grant for lecturer to research witness protection at the international courts.
Essi Pekonen and Ingmar Jansen win Political Science bachelor’s thesis prizes for 2022
October and November not only bring a number of proud Political Science graduates, it is also the season to determine who wrote the best bachelor’s thesis. For 2021-2022, fifteen theses were nominated. During the various graduation ceremonies the two final winners were announced: Essi Maria Teresia…
Leïla Gfeller and Tobias van Brandwijk win Political Science bachelor’s thesis prizes for 2021
2021, again, sees a rich harvest of bachelor theses in Political Science. Students have been tackling fascinating subjects—ranging from European solidarity in the COVID-19 crisis to the representation of women in democratically elected parliaments—and crowning their research projects with interesting,…
Leiden Law Cast: BONJO & an ex-prisoner
Leiden Law Cast is a podcast made by Leiden Law School, Leiden University, for everyone who wants to learn more about current legal issues.
Meet Dr. Jonathan Stökl, LJSA Member
Before coming to Leiden, Dr. Stökl was Reader in Hebrew Bible / Old Testament at Kings College London.
ERA4Health grants for Bram Slütter, Amanda Foks and Ilze Bot
Recently, Bram Slütter, Amanda Foks and Ilze Bot all individually obtained an ERA4Health research grant from the CARDINNOV 2023 program. In this program, which is co-funded by the EU and in the Netherlands by ZonMW, 17 consortia consisting of 3-5 European academic partners were selected for funding…
Mark Driessen's Jordan fieldwork features in Photo Exhibition
The National Museum of Antiquities in Leiden features a small photo exhibition on Mark Driessen's fieldwork research project in Southern Jordan. In this small exhibition you will see a selection of nine photos, made in Udhruh. This ancient Jordanian settlement lies fifteen kilometres east of Petra,…
Jet Bussemaker
Faculteit Geneeskunde
m.bussemaker@lumc.nl | 070 8009047
Collaboration BSc Security Studies and the Police Academy: 'Looking for the best students'.
An internship at the Police Academy in Apeldoorn. This will be possible for the first time for third-year students of the bachelor's programme Security Studies as of September 2021, now that Leiden University and the Police Academy have joined forces. ‘The internships offer students a unique opportunity…
‘If you want to understand China, read what Chinese scholars are writing’
Contrary to what one might expect, societal actors influence China’s foreign policy. PhD candidate Sabine Mokry investigated how Chinese academics and think tanks impact the authoritarian leadership’s views on what constitutes the country’s national interest in the international arena. On 14 November…
Deconstructing a more assertive China: How did its foreign policy change?
Since 2009-2010, the West viewed China as more assertive. Especially after Xi Jinping came to power in 2012, the country abandoned Deng Xiaoping’s ‘low profile’ foreign policy. Friso Stevens explains in his dissertation where this change has come from. The dissertation defence is on 28 March.
Archaeology student Anne Wagemakers wins LISF prize for report on research in Spain
With the help of a LUF grant, archaeology student Anne Wagemakers investigated an archaeological assemblage in Spain. Now her research report has won the annual LISF prize.
Heritage expert Gül Aktürk Hauser investigates climate change adaptation of cultural heritage
Recently, Dr Gül Aktürk Hauser took up the position as Assistant Professor at the department of Heritage and Society. Originally an architect, she got caught up in the study of historical vernacular buildings in northeastern Turkey. Now her focus lies on the impact of climate change on cultural heri…
- Important deadlines for registering travel and homeworking days in Shuttel
Earlier treatment of PTSD symptoms in women staying in the women’s shelter in Amsterdam at LUBEC Leiden
Veel vrouwen in een opvanghuis kampen met een posttraumatische stressstoornis (PTSS). Deze PTSS-klachten herkennen en direct behandelen biedt volgens het Leids Universitair Behandel en Expertise Centrum (LUBEC) de meeste kans op succes. Daarom werkt LUBEC per 1 september samen met vrouwenopvangorganisatie…
Vier onderzoekers van FSW krijgen een ERC Starting Grant
De Starting Grant wordt jaarlijks door de European Research Council (ERC) toegekend. Dit jaar zijn er in Nederland 51 onderzoekers die een Starting Grant ontvangen, waaronder 4 onderzoekers van FSW.
Interdisciplinary symposium on restitution policies seeks more diverse perspectives
Taking responsibility concerning colonial heritage and restitution is a pressing issue for countries and museums worldwide. On 23 and 24 May, a Leiden University interdisciplinary symposium will explore new perspectives as a basis for policies. Organising professors Carsten Stahn and Pieter ter Keurs…
Jan Kleijssen to deliver Hans Franken Lecture 2023
On 30 June, the Center for Law and Digital Technologies of Leiden University (eLaw) will hold the annual Hans Franken Lecture. This year, the lecture will be held by Jan Kleijssen, the recently retired human rights director at the Council of Europe. The title of the lecture is: 'AI and Human Rights'…
Marieke Liem explains that the typical Hollywood serial killer image is not scienfically valid
In Belgium Radio 1, Marieke Liem (professor of Violence and Interventions) gives a scientific perspective on serial killers and explains the typical Hollywood image of serial killers is not in line with reality.
Marieke Liem talks about the term 'troubled person' in Dutch magazine Elsevier
In Dutch magazine Elsevier, Marieke Liem explains the issues with using the term ‘troubled person‘ in reports on homocide.
Mariëlle Bruning: No full figures on waiting lists for youth care
The waiting lists in youth care are alarmingly long. This has been confirmed again by a study carried out by a Dutch foundation The Forgotten Child.
- Jan Kleijssen to deliver Hans Franken Lecture 2023
Marieke Liem releases podcast NRT DOCS: Hotel met tralies
What does it mean to be in a Dutch prison? What is true about the prejudices about being in jail? Criminologist Marieke Liem has released a podcast on Dutch national broadcaster NPO Radio 1: Hotel met tralies.
Farewell to Diversity Officer Aya Ezawa: Tireless advocate for D&I
Aya Ezawa bade farewell as Diversity Officer of Leiden University at a celebration in the Academy Building on 11 June. Since her appointment in 2019, she has been a tireless advocate for culture change and a champion for diversity, inclusion and equal opportunities for all.
Leiden University to continue membership of The Conversation
Looking to share your academic results or insights with a global audience? Leiden University is a ‘contributing member’ of the international journalism platform The Conversation. In 2024, this resulted in 51 articles, which together were read by more than 667,000 people.
Five questions on why we are talking about academic freedom
On 14 February, we will discuss the role of academics in the public debate and how this relates to academic freedom. All students and staff of the university are cordially invited. Are you curious about this dialogue on issues such as Israel-Palestine, caps and gowns on the A12 and academic titles on…
Poor countries recycle far more of our plastic than we thought. But it's not enough.
Countries that import plastic waste recycle an average of at least 63 percent of it. This is surprising, as we previously believed that the vast majority was incinerated or ended up as litter. This was discovered by PhD candidate Kai Li and his colleagues from the Institute of Environmental Sciences in…
Mariëlle Bruning and colleagues on cry for help concerning secure residential youth care
Practice and science show that secure residential youth care in the Netherlands should no longer be used as a catch-all solution. This is the conclusion of several professionals including Professor of Child Law Mariëlle Bruning in Dutch newspaper NRC.
Hans Franken Lecture by Jan Kleijssen, former Human Rights Director at the Council of Europe
On June 30, eLaw - Center for Law and Digital Technologies of Leiden University organised the annual Hans Franken Lecture. This year the lecture was delivered by Jan Kleijssen, former Human Rights Director at the Council of Europe.
CIAT and GLOBTAXGOV publish general anti-avoidance rule toolkit
The Inter-American Center of Tax Administrations CIAT and the GLOBTAXGOV project have published the 'Toolkit for the Design and Effective Implementation of Domestic and International General Anti-Avoidance Rules'.
Korean delegation from Ministry of Government Legislation visits IIASL
On 31 August 2022, a delegation from the Korean Ministry of Government Legislation visited the International Institute of Air and Space Law (IIASL) at Leiden University as part of their official visit to the Netherlands. The delegation’s visit was aimed at exchanging knowledge and experience on interaction…
Call for submissions: symposium ‘Changing Approaches Towards Restitution and Return of Colonial Heritage’
Marieke Liem in The Economist on drug-related murders in Europe
Marieke Liem, professor at ISGA, discusses how the number of drug-related murders has not decreased in the last years
Carlotta Rigotti at Kyoto University
On Thursday 23 May, Carlotta Rigotti, postdoctoral researcher at eLaw, gave a guest lecture on the regulation of image-based sexual abuse (IBSA) in the European Union at Kyoto University.
Thuiszorghulp voortaan recht op sociale zekerheidsregelingen: 'Baanbrekend'
De rechtbank van Rotterdam geeft zorghulp Carol Kollmann gelijk in haar rechtszaak tegen het UWV. De zorghulpverlener vond dat ze recht heeft op een WW-uitkering en het meetellen van haar arbeidsverleden voor de WW, nadat ze erachter kwam dat ze daar door de zogeheten Regeling dienstverlening aan huis…
Mariëlle Bruning: coronavirus measures and pressure on children’s rights
Children are suffering disproportionally from the coronavirus measures. They feel depressed more often compared to other age groups. But what about the legal perspective? Are children’s rights being violated?
Bart Schermer about attack on citizens' right to demonstrate
Media outlets Investico, de Groene Amsterdammer and Trouw reported on the wide-scale collection by the Dutch police of personal data of demonstrators and their family members. Bart Schermer, Professor of Privacy and Cybercrime, commented on the issue.