1,553 search results for “criminal law criminal procedure” in the Staff website
The role of chemical weapons in the Ukraine conflict
Anneleen van der Meer discusses Russia's alleged use of chemical weapons in Ukraine in an article for The Conversation.
Erasmus+ for Teaching Assignments
PhD, Staff
Data Management Training Leiden Law School
More parties should have a say in listed companies
To get important topics such as climate and human rights higher on the agenda of listed companies, stakeholders other than shareholders and employees should officially be given more say. This is what Professor of Business Law Harold Koster said in his inaugural lecture on 18 March. He proposes introducing…
Freya Baetens writes fact sheet on free trade agreements for Dutch Lower House
Free trade negotiations and agreements are important instruments of EU trade policy. An increasing number of EU climate, environmental and sustainable development objectives play a role in free trade agreements.
Widening the horizons of outer space law
PhD defence
'The benefits and disadvantages of labour migration are unevenly distributed'
One million migrant workers are employed in the Netherlands, often in poor conditions. If we want to reduce labour migration, we need to restructure the economy, says economist Olaf van Vliet. Either way, we need to address abuses, says FNV lawyer Imke van Gardingen.
Esther Edelmann
Faculty of Humanities
e.edelmann@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2415
Nike van Helden
Faculty of Humanities
n.van.helden@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Debate on World Cup Qatar: Boycott it or seize opportunity for attention?
The FIFA World Cup will get underway in Qatar this November – an event that has attracted much discussion in recent years. This discussion is not only centred on sport. Human rights are in the spotlights in Qatar. On Friday 30 September, Leiden University organised a debate in which experts from various…
Rens Pieterse writes biography of Professor Ferd Grapperhaus
‘A tax crusader’... that’s how Ferd Grapperhaus, former Professor of Tax Law at Leiden University and father of the former Minister of Justice and Security, described himself. In his biography of Grapperhaus, Assistant Professor Rens Pieterse explains that he saw tax as a contribution to society.
Presentation Leiden research The Database of Business Ethics in Oxford
On Wednesday 7 June 2023, Dr Yvonne Erkens, Kate Verhoeff, Emma Snel, and Fleur Walravens of the Department of Labour Law in Leiden, gave a presentation on The Database of Business Ethics for the Oxford Business and Human Rights Network (OxBHR) at the University of Oxford.
Jan Vleggeert: ‘Corona’ tax good idea, but how will it work?
The coronavirus pandemic has spelt disaster for some businesses, while others have seen their profits soar. This has led to politicians to consider introducing a ‘corona’ tax where the winners from the pandemic will help the losers get back on their feet.
Qualitative Empirical Research Methods in Law
- Happy Holidays Drinks at Leiden Law School
Open Science Lunch at Leiden Law School
Debate, Lunch
Leiden researchers and SEO Economisch Onderzoek examine financing insolvency administrators
Leiden researchers from the departments Company Law and Business Studies will be collaborating with SEO Economisch Onderzoek on behalf of the WODC. The subject of their research project will be the financing of the insolvency administrator.
International media: 'Collapse of Dutch Government Highlights Europe’s New Migration Politics’
The numbers of asylum seekers and the direct family members hoping to join them were not the problem, says Mark Klaassen. The stumbling block was the housing market. He says the asylum crisis is being used for electoral gain.
Graduation Ceremony Air and Space Law
Yao Yuan speaks at conference in Rome
On 28 October 2022, Yao Yuan spoke at the conference in Rome on 'Understanding national security concerns in light of FDI screening', jointly organised by Università Telematica internazionale UNINETTUNO and Uppsala University.
Quantitative Empirical Research Methods in Law
Frequently asked questions
You can suggest topics that need to be addressed in these FAQs. Please contact us at our usual email addresses and phone number(s).
Regional complementarity: Making sense of our four tiered justice paradigm
PhD defence
- Keynote speech
Preventing Disputes: Preventive Logic, Law & Technology
PhD defence
What rights do donors have?
Collaboration is worthwhile. A joint LUMC and Leiden Law School project has received €142,500 from the Dutch Research Council (NWO). This grant will advance research into the law and ethics of regenerative medicine.
Online Information Session U.S. Business Law Academy
Waarom internationale belastingsystemen inclusiever moeten worden
Nu belastingsystemen over grenzen gaan, speelt de politiek een steeds grotere rol. Irma Mosquera Valderrama pleit voor een wereldwijd, inclusief systeem.
Video: Does our democracy need an upgrade?
In a lecture for the University of the Netherlands, Reijer Passchier, assistant professor in constitutional and administrative law, speaks about the state of our democracy. ‘Is it not time to upgrade our democracy?’
Kinderen zijn tijdens echtscheidingen bang om het 'verkeerde' te zeggen tegen rechters
Houdt de rechtbank tijdens een echtscheiding wel voldoende rekening met de ervaringen van een kind? Onderzoek van Villa Pinedo toont aan dat kinderen vaak vrezen het verkeerde te zeggen tegen rechters. Hoogleraar jeugdrecht Mariëlle Bruning praatte erover met NRC.
Jan van de Streek: ‘Koopkrachtreparatie is razend ingewikkeld’
De coalitie houdt woensdag en donderdag topoverleg over de koopkrachtdaling van 6,8%. Het kabinet wil deze ongekende koopkrachtval compenseren, maar hoe kan dat effectief en enigszins betaalbaar?
‘Put payment transations for private clients under one new state-owned bank’
From receiving our salary to doing our shopping: we are completely dependent on commercial banks for all our payment transactions. But what happens if they collapse? In his inaugural lecture, Professor Bart Joosen calls for a rigorous change: ‘Put payment transactions for private clients under one…
Graduation ceremonies Advanced Master's Leiden Law School 2020
Graduation ceremony
Eric De Brabandere: 'Ruling against Shell will inspire other cases'
For the first time, a court has ordered a company to reduce its carbon dioxide emissions. Lawyers see it as a landmark ruling that will have far-reaching consequences for Shell and possibly also other similar companies.
Legal personhood of enslaved people under Dutch Law
VVI Research Meetings 2022-2023
Mark Leiser appointed International Research Fellow
Dr Mark Leiser, Assistant Professor in Law and Digital technologies at eLaw, has been appointed an International Research fellow at the Coordinated Research Center in Information Society and Law of the University of Milan in Italy. The aim of the Center is to conduct research on issues related to the…
Yet another minister resigns: 'Moral democratic compass is lacking'
Cora van Nieuwenhuizen (VVD) has resigned as Minister of Infrastructure and Water Management with immediate effect. She has decided to take up a position outside politics and will become chair of the lobby organisation for the energy sector, Energie Nederland.
In the media: Martijn Nouwen's research into EU tax body
In het onderzoek van docent Martijn Nouwen wordt voor het eerst aan het grote publiek blootgelegd hoe de ‘geheime’ Europese Gedragscodegroep er niet in is geslaagd om verschillende vormen van schadelijke belastingconcurrentie uit te bannen.
Europa Lecture: Paying tribute to those who apply European regulations at the national level
The tenth Europa Lecture was delivered by Corinna Wissels, State Councillor at the Administrative Jurisdiction Division of the Dutch Council of State, deputy justice of the Dutch Trade and Industry Appeals Tribunal and member of the EU-UK Withdrawal Agreement arbitration panel.
Book presentation ‘Cybersecurity, Privacy and Data Protection in EU Law’
Current affairs lecture: shelve the rule of law? (Dutch)
Dr Graça Machel to visit Leiden Law School
Gianclaudio Malgieri on L4T Podcast about legal vulnerability and digital platforms
Gianclaudio Malgieri, Associate Professor at eLaw – Centre for Law and Digital Technologies at Leiden University, was recently interviewed on the Legal 4 Tech (L4T) podcast. The discussion centred on legal vulnerability in digital platforms, including challenges individuals face in asserting their fundamental…
Mariëlle Bruning in Trouw: 'Placement in care is always harmful'
In Europe, the Netherlands is in middle position when it comes to the placement of children in care. The consequences of such a placement in care are often disastrous, says Mariëlle Bruning.
Government publishes legal document on MSC Zoe disaster at LAPP's insistence
The cargo lost at sea as a result of the MSC Zoe disaster should be considered environmental pollution and information about it should be made public. This was the case made by Leiden Law School’s Leiden Advocacy Project on Plastic (LAPP). Following their investigation, the government has finally decided…
Roundtable: Accountability in the Digital Age
Roundtable discussion
Why Humanities? Frans-Willem Korsten about Literature & Law
The Common Market Law Review 60th Anniversary Conference
80th anniversary of United Nations War Crimes Commission-its legacy and relevance
Charlotte Parree wins Jaap Doek Children's Rights Thesis Award
Charlotte Parree won the Jaap Doek Children's Rights Thesis Prize on Tuesday afternoon, 6 December, with her thesis entitled 'Suffering knows no age; active termination of life does.' The prize was awarded for the tenth time by em. prof. Jaap Doek.