773 search results for “millek politics en been” in the Staff website
Tullio Abruzzese
Faculteit Archeologie
t.abruzzese@arch.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Monique van den Dries
Faculteit Archeologie
m.h.van.den.dries@arch.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2383
The PolSci Bookshelf: books released in 2023
The end of the year often means looking back with lists, overviews and stories. This combines nicely in a list of all the books published this year by various political scientists at Leiden University. Indeed, in terms of books, these scholars have certainly not been idle. A unique collection of stories,…
How does the European Union deal with distinctiveness?
On 31 January 2024, Alex Schilin defended his dissertation ‘United in Distinctiveness: The Institutionalisation of Differentiated Integration in Economic and Monetary Union during the Sovereign Debt Crisis.’ What motivated him to research this specific topic, and how did he tackle this project? And…
This is the library you did not know you had been looking for
2,240 plant extracts from 1,299 different plant species of Dutch origin. That’s the collection of the Dutch Extract Library, which has recently been transferred to the Institute of Biology Leiden. To plant biologist and contact person for this library Pingtao Ding this is a true treasury. ‘To bring…
Andrew Gawthorpe in The Guardian about the Republicans’ more radical agenda
University lecturer Andrew Gawthorpe argues in The Guardian that the Republican's new agenda for a second Trump term is more radical than the first. He says that they seek to take control of federal agencies by replacing civil servants with ‘American First footsoldiers’.
Generating Freedom; Hegel's Conception of Political Order
PhD defence
Iris Jongejan
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
i.k.jongejan@fgga.leidenuniv.nl | +31 70 800 9500
Tuvana Aras
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
t.aras@law.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Gido Oude Kotte
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
g.e.oude.kotte@fgga.leidenuniv.nl | +31 70 800 9589
Marco Visser
m.d.visser@cml.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Conference ‘Power and Counterpower in Democracy: Multidisciplinary Perspectives'
As both old and new democracies experience increasing democratic backsliding, there is a critical societal need to rethink the design and effectiveness of democratic checks and balances. In this conference on Friday 9 June, the aim is to explore multidisciplinary insights about what makes the checks…
Changing power relations and rising stars
The norms, institutions and power relations that have defined the last decades of international political and economic relations in the European Union are undergoing major transformations. With the return of competition between great and ambitious powers, like the US, China, EU and Russia, the need…
advocates prevention for social anxiety: ‘Why wait until the damage has been done?’
Shyness is perfectly normal, Michiel Westenberg stated in his farewell lecture. But that doesn’t mean that social anxiety shouldn’t be identified and addressed in good time. ‘Serious shyness has strong genetic roots; you don’t just get over it.’
A plan of the faculty: 'In France, it would have been a plan of the boss'
The moment has finally arrived: after months of hard work, the strategic plan is finished. It was an interesting period, thinks core group member Sylvestre Bonnet. 'How we finally arrived at this strategic plan was very different from what I had thought beforehand.'
Laura Heitman has been nominated for the TOPX “Guiding Star” award (award for women in the Life Sciences)
One of our RISE members, Prof. Laura Heitman, has been nominated for the TOPX Females to Follow “Guiding Star” award. TOPX empowers promising and ambitious women, and aims to honour inspirational females with remarkable careers in Life Sciences. TOPX selected her (and 7 other female professionals) because…
Jelmer Rotteveel
Faculty of Humanities
j.rotteveel@hum.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5271646
Rozemarijn Vlijm
Faculty of Humanities
r.vlijm@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 1646
Willem Otterspeer
Faculty of Humanities
w.otterspeer@hum.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5271646
Sara Polak
Faculty of Humanities
s.a.polak@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2142
Sara Kulic
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
s.kulic@fgga.leidenuniv.nl | +31 70 800 9506
Why is it now that the Left has momentum in Latin America (and how long it will last)
The left is gaining more and more ground on the political map of Latin America, with the elections in Colombia as the most recent example. But what’s behind this pull to the left? Professor of Modern Latin American History Patricio Silva talks about the current political situation in the region.
Roundtable 1: Comparative perspectives on campaigning, polarisation, and political violence
University Entrance Exam: The Videogame 'Chinese Parents' and Its Political Potentials
Lecture, LIAS Lunch Talk Series
‘Handboeken Veiligheid’ are well known: 'Very special that this series has been running for almost 25 years'
For almost 25 years, ‘de Handboeken Veiligheid’ have been a phenomenon. Who does not have a copy on their bookshelf? In 2024, the series will be celebrating its 25th anniversary and next Monday, the Public Prosecution Handbook will be presented: the latest volume in the series. Erwin Muller talks about…
Education in Ancient Egypt: 'Everyone Used the Same Text'
For hundreds of years, children in Ancient Egypt learned to read using The Satire of the Trades, a text in which a father gives advice to his son through descriptions of different professions. PhD candidate Judith Jurjens investigated how this worked in practice.
Multilingualism of Frisian children: Evelyn Bosma wins Keetje Hodshon Prize
Postdoc and linguist Evelyn Bosma receives the Keetje Hodshon Prize for her dissertation. For her research on the multilingualism of Frisian children, Bosma previously won the Klokhuis Science Prize and the Campus Fryslân Science Prize.
Subsidie voor Shelley van der Veek om peuters gezonde eetgewoonten aan te leren
Het onderzoeksproject heeft als doel ouders te helpen hun kleuters gezonde eetgewoonten aan te leren door het bevorderen van sensitieve voeding tijdens de fase wanneer peuters kieskeurig met eten worden.
Hoe kan de gemeente Leiden het contact met internationals verbeteren? Studenten Bestuurskunde zoeken het uit
Tweedejaars studenten van de Bachelor Bestuurskunde, track Bestuur Beleid en Organisatie (BBO), hebben tijdens het vak BBO II: Multi-level governance gewerkt aan een praktijkopdracht voor de gemeente Leiden. De bevindingen werden aan elkaar gepresenteerd tijdens een interactieve sessie.
Church and Politics, Humanity and Resistance: The Case of the Bethel Church Asylum in The Hague
Traitors, profiteers or collaborators: ‘The Jewish Council has long been judged too harshly’
For too long the Dutch collective memory has judged the Jewish Council too harshly. This perspective needs to be adjusted, Bart van der Boom argues in his new book ‘De politiek van het kleinste kwaad’ (lit. ‘The Politics of the Lesser Evil’).
‘The child protection system really isn’t in good order’
Last Thursday the Dutch House of Representatives held a debate on children being put into care when the childcare benefits scandal (toeslagenaffaire) had caused problems for their families. Four Leiden University academics were asked by the House to produce a fact sheet for this debate, bringing together…
‘It’s a complete stalemate in Belarus’
What with coronavirus, the American elections and the Brexit botheration, we had almost forgotten that something miraculous happened in 2020: the repressed people of Belarus rallied against dictator Alexander Lukashenko, who has been in power for 26 years. Months later, what remains of the protest?…
‘You have not made it as a tax consultant until you have been discussed by Rens Pieterse’
In 2021, Assistant Professor Tax Law Rens Pieterse published a biography about former professor in tax law H.J. Hofstra. Dutch magazine ‘Het Register’ did an extensive spread on Pieterse, his writing and other activities.
Lunch lecture: ‘Geo’-Politics and Animist Social Contracts in the New Himalayas
Declutter, disconnect, dismantle! Reflections on degrowth and cultural politics
Household Robots : Training Datasets & the Politics of Categories
Lecture, Film Screening + Q&A
Radical Spotlight: The Economics (and Politics too) of Care
Lecture, Radical Spotlight seminar
Sara Polak: 'We have seen a failed attempt at a revolution'
A flood of news reports, push notifications and even extra news broadcasts: on Wednesday, the world was shocked by the storming of the Capitol in Washington. Americanist Sara Polak discusses the events.
The Political Economy of an Enigma: Exploring Vietnam's Domestic Dynamics and International Role
Lecture, LAC Asia Academy
Daan Weggemans
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
d.j.weggemans@fgga.leidenuniv.nl | +31 70 800 9375
The United States and the War in Gaza: History, Politics, and Culture
Debate, Panel and Q&A session
Liveable planet lunch meeting - Politics of Attention for the Environment: Small Steps and Big Leaps.
Maria Gabriela Palacio Ludeña
Faculty of Humanities
m.g.palacio.ludena@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2189
Lars Brummel
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
l.brummel@fgga.leidenuniv.nl | 070 8009500
Kiara Thais Castaman Diaz
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
k.t.castaman.diaz@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Sarah Stevens
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
s.a.stevens@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | 070 8009500
Esra Nartok-van der Kist
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
e.e.nartok@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Carlos Rilling Tenorio
Faculty of Humanities
c.g.rilling.tenorio@hum.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5271646
Mariana Gaba
Faculty of Humanities
m.r.gaba@hum.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5271646