884 search results for “politics in centrum and eastern europese” in the Staff website
Marianne Maeckelbergh
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
m.e.maeckelbergh@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Andrew Gawthorpe
Faculty of Humanities
a.j.gawthorpe@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 1740
Stereotypes and Misconceptions about the Middle East - The Reading List
The perception of the Middle East is riddled with stereotypes that have had dire consequences on its people. What is myth and what is reality? How did these stereotypes come about? What consequences have they had? All of these questions and more are answered within this reading list.
New Cluster Zuid building is taking shape
A lot has happened at Cluster Zuid since the highest point of the building was reached in December. See the photo report below.
Bart Schuurman appointed Professor of terrorism and political violence
Terrorism expert Bart Schuurman has been appointed professor. As a researcher and lecturer at ISGA, he has witnessed the terrorist threat evolve and broaden. 'How can we explain these shifts and protect our society against them? That is what I want to focus on more,' he says.
‘Europe actually listens’: three Leiden political scientists about the responsiveness and effectiveness of EU policy
The image of the European Union (EU) as a remote law-making machine is widespread. Quite often journalists and politicians deliberately depict ‘Brussels’ as bureaucratic, even undemocratic, bypassing its citizens. And many of us buy into that image. Nikoleta Yordanova, Anastasia Ershova and Aleksandra…
Minerva Scholarship Fund
Bachelor, Master
ICT-contact persons
For each university unit, the ICT Shared Service Centre (ISSC) has an appointed ICT contact person responsible for applying for ICT facilities for research, teaching and operational management.
LDE Governance of Migration and Diversity Seed Fund
Master, PhD
Trustee Funds (Curatorenfondsen)
Bachelor, Master
Interdisciplinary research: labour market on the move
Migration, globalisation, technological developments, climate change: the greatest challenges of our time all affect our labour market. But how exactly? And can we influence this? Professor of Economics Olaf van Vliet regards it as his job to reveal how things really are. ‘That way, we can work on solutions…
Gitta Veldt wins Meijers prize and Van Wersch Springplank prize
The Meijers prizes are awarded each year for the best published article from each faculty research programme. Veldt received the prize for her contribution to the research programme ‘Coherent Privaatrecht’ with her article ‘De betekenis van Europese productnormen voor privaatrechtelijke normstelling’…
Political scientist Juan Masullo awarded Elise Mathilde Fund/LUF grant for research on public attitudes towards the mafia
Juan Masullo (Leiden University Institute of Political Science) receives a grant from the Elise Mathilde Fund/Leiden University Fund to conduct his research project ‘Forging an Anti-Mafia Culture: Observational and Experimental Evidence from Italy’. Masullo aims to find out what ordinary Italians think…
Clay tablets dating back thousands of years moved: ‘From receipts to the oldest literary works’
How do you move 3,000 fragile clay tablets that date back thousands of years? This was the challenge faced by staff from the Netherlands Institute for the Near East (NINO). After years of preparation, the Liagre Böhl collection has been moved on trolleys to its new home.
Dissertation: Is it One Nile? The complexity and diversity of the world's longest river
Abeer Abazeed, PhD-student at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs, will defend her thesis on Wednesday april 21st. Four questions about her PhD-research ‘Is it One Nile? Civic engagement and hydropolitics in the Eastern Nile Basin’.
Mokrosinska: 'Philosophy sharpens our understanding of everyday moral and political questions'
Dorota Mokrosinska has been Professor of Practical Philosophy since September. High time for a brief introduction about her field and academic interests.
Mayke Kaag appointed Professor of the Anthropology of Politics and Governance in Africa
Mayke Kaag has been appointed Professor of the Anthropology of Politics and Governance in Africa at the Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology (CADS) on behalf of the African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL).
CSC-Leiden University Scholarship
Extra information faculties on OER
The faculties Humanities and Science have made a page with extra information on OER.
Political elites and regime change in the Middle East and North Africa: accommodation or exclusion?
Political scientist Kevin Köhler (Leiden University) has been awarded a Consolidator Grant by the European Research Council (ERC). This prestigious grant enables him to set up a research group in the coming five years. Köhler and his team will examine how elite conflict affects processes of regime change…
Pepita Hesselberth in Hermitix podcast about her book
University lecturers Pepita Hesselberth and Joost de Bloois (UvA) were interviewed in a Hermetix podcast about their co-edited book Politics of Withdrawal: Media, Arts, Theory.
‘It is important for us young people to get involved in shaping our future’
Alain studies Public Administration and is politically active. He talks about why it is important for young people to be politically active and vote.
PhD Workshop: Scholarship and Politics
Roel Bekker
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
r.bekker@fgga.leidenuniv.nl | +31 70 800 9400
'The show must go on, but making politics less tedious is an almost effortless job these days!'
After almost a year of working from home during this Covid pandemic, Scientific Director Paul Nieuwenburg conveys how the Institute of Political Science is sailing through waves and lockdowns: from transformation to bi location to 'non location', from teaching on the beach to teaching to 'black cubes'…
Number 1 in The Netherlands; number 22 in the world: Political Science at Leiden University
Where to study ’politics’? According to the QS World University Rankings, Leiden University is a good choice. In the 2021 edition, Leiden and The Hague retain their position in the top 25 of the most esteemed institutes worldwide. Within the Netherlands, we again claim the first position.
Brendan Carroll
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
b.j.carroll@fgga.leidenuniv.nl | +31 70 800 9389
Wouter Veenendaal appointed as Research Director of the Institute of Political Science
As of 1 April 2022 Wouter Veenendaal is appointed as Research Director of the Institute of Political Science.
Jeroen Duindam
Faculty of Humanities
j.f.j.duindam@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2759
Saga Sjöberg and Thijs Brinksma win Political Science bachelor’s thesis prizes 2024
All students receiving their bachelor diploma in Political Science last week had a reason or two to celebrate. Two of them especially so: they won the annual award for the best thesis in the International Relations and Organisations and the Politicologie/Internationale Politiek programmes. Congratulations,…
Luuk van Roozendaal wins Political Science Master’s Thesis Prize 2021
In the 2020 presidential elections, voters in several, mostly southern, electoral districts of the United States saw ‘their’ polling stations closed by the local authorities. In order to cast their vote, they had to travel further or use the mail ballot. Media reports and civil rights activitsts often…
media: 'Collapse of Dutch Government Highlights Europe’s New Migration Politics’
The numbers of asylum seekers and the direct family members hoping to join them were not the problem, says Mark Klaassen. The stumbling block was the housing market. He says the asylum crisis is being used for electoral gain.
Leiden Leadership Lunch: Political leadership and the COVID-19 crisis
Even though the COVID-crisis continuously evolves and is marked by new realities and uncertainties, we can carefully begin to take stock looking back on the first phases of Dutch crisis management. What can we learn reflecting on the crisis strategies of this extraordinary and transboundary crisis that…
van Staalduinen receives Best Dissertation Award from the American Political Science Association
Assistant Professor Briitta van Staalduinen has received the Best Dissertation Award from the American Political Science Association, Section on Class and Inequality. Her dissertation, Ethnic Inequality in the Welfare State, aims to reconcile the persistence of ethnic inequalities in expansive welfare…
Cleveringa Professor: Holocaust remembrance has led to very different political lessons
From memorials to the armed forces to memory stones for individual victims. It was only later that the Holocaust took a central role in Western remembrance culture, Cleveringa Professor Frank van Vree notes. ‘Nationalists and human rights activists both invoke the experience of the Holocaust.’
The 25th Anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement: Working together to fulfil the promise of peace
Natália Kubalová
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
n.kubalova@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Robert Zwijnenberg
Faculty of Humanities
r.zwijnenberg@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Raymond Fagel
Faculty of Humanities
r.p.fagel@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2730
Randal Sheppard
Faculty of Humanities
r.c.sheppard@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2656
Noa Schonmann
Faculty of Humanities
n.schonmann@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 1432
In the media: Martijn Nouwen's research into EU tax body
In het onderzoek van docent Martijn Nouwen wordt voor het eerst aan het grote publiek blootgelegd hoe de ‘geheime’ Europese Gedragscodegroep er niet in is geslaagd om verschillende vormen van schadelijke belastingconcurrentie uit te bannen.
Military pilot and political scientist Jorik ter Veer: ‘I work with the invisible heroes of society’
Jorik ter Veer studied Political Science in Leiden. How does he look back on his student days?
Hans Mol
Faculty of Humanities
h.mol@hum.leidenuniv.nl | 071 527 1646
Annaya Taradyla Rangkuty and Femke Verhelst win Political Science bachelor’s thesis prizes 2023
All Political Science graduates have good reasons to be proud of themselves, having successfully completed their studies and having demonstrated considerable personal growth. This October, fifteen bachelor students can be extra proud: their theses were nominated for a thesis prize. In the class of 2023,…
(urgent!): student-member of the Programme Board of the Institute of Political Science
Organisation, Human resources
Dennis Broeders in World Politics Review on UN Governance of Cyberspace
Earlier this week, a working group of the United Nations, comprising all 193 of its member states, adopted a consensus report on norms for responsible state behaviour in cyberspace. Dennis Broeders, full professor of Global Security and Technology at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs, Leiden…
Havar Solheim
Faculty of Humanities
h.a.s.solheim@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 5342
Vishwesh Sundar
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
v.sundar@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | 070 8009512