362 search results for “united national conversion on the rights of the child” in the Staff website
‘If you know how the system works, you can stand up for your rights’
Legal protection. What do those involved in youth care and child protection understand by this concept? And what needs to change to improve legal protection? This question was explored by researchers from Leiden University’s Department of Child Law. Their research fits with the government’s ambition…
Sabine Witting
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
s.k.witting@law.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 8838
Leiden University to continue membership of The Conversation
Looking to share your academic results or insights with a global audience? Leiden University is a ‘contributing member’ of the international journalism platform The Conversation. In 2024, this resulted in 51 articles, which together were read by more than 667,000 people.
Adam Fairclough
Faculty of Humanities
a.fairclough@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 1646
Mariëlle Bruning: ‘Juvenile courts’ role in placement in care cases relatively small’
The legal protection of parents and children in cases involving placement in care must improve. That is the opinion of Mariëlle Bruning, Professor of Children and the Law.
Sluiter: ‘Accessibility, diversity and inclusion are a matter of doing the right thing’
For two years, Ineke Sluiter was president of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW). Now, she is returning to the university full time. ‘I always carry themes like accessibility, diversity and inclusion with me.’
Interview Ilya Kokorin – ‘Hup, Holland Hup, wasn’t the right answer’
Doing a PhD can be challenging. Moving to a foreign country can be challenging too. PhD candidate Ilya Kokorin, who was born in a small town in Siberia, faced both, while at the same time having to overcome a number of additional challenges and build a future post-PhD.
Eric Storm's book Nationalism in Wall Street Journal: "The conventional understanding of the nation does not reflect reality"
The Wall Street Journal reviews historian Eric Storm's new book 'Nationalism: A World History', which examines the complex history and development of nationalism and nation-states.
Kinderen kunnen nog niet overal naar de rechter stappen, maar verbetering is er wel
Kinderen hebben wereldwijd een betere toegang gekregen tot de rechter. Hoogleraar Kinderrechten Ton Liefaard schrijft dit in het tijdschrift Sociale Vraagstukken. Hij is voorzichtig positief over de resultaten van een VN-protocol voor rechtsbescherming van kinderen, dat tien jaar bestaat.
Leiden Law Cast #1: Child benefits scandal & compassion with Professor A.G. Castermans
Leiden Law Cast is a podcast made by Leiden Law School, Leiden University, for everyone who wants to learn more about current legal issues.
Mariëlle Bruning in Trouw: 'Placement in care is always harmful'
In Europe, the Netherlands is in middle position when it comes to the placement of children in care. The consequences of such a placement in care are often disastrous, says Mariëlle Bruning.
Simone van der Hof delivers 2022 Mulock Houwer Lecture
On 24 November 2022, Simone van der Hof delivered the annual Mulock Houwer Lecture. The title of the lecture was ‘Niet om de knikkers maar om het spel – Over de digitale versie van een vergeten kinderrecht’.
Developing your own self-image and choosing the right study programme
How you think about yourself is important for the choices you make. Adolescents are faced with choosing a study programme that will determine their future, while their self-image is still under development. Tough choice? Research by psychologist Laura van der Aar has shown that taking a training course…
Dario Fazzi
Faculty of Humanities
d.fazzi@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2704
Mariëlle Bruning in the media on fact sheet about placement in care
It is not possible for juvenile courts to properly assess whether it is necessary to place a child in care. This is evident from a fact sheet that has been prepared by legal scholars from Leiden University, commissioned by the Dutch House of Representatives and others.
Global Governance Journal comes to Leiden
A team of researchers based at Leiden has taken over the editorship of the journal Global Governance: A Review of Multilateralism and International Organizations. For the first time, the journal will now be based outside the United States. The new Editor-in-Chief, Associate Professor Alanna O'Malley…
Age checks need to respect children's rights
A variety of age checks are required, both in order to protect children and to ensure that they can participate online, a new study funded by the European Commission finds. The article on the study, co-authored by Simone van der Hof, Professor of Law and Digital Technologies at eLaw, was published in…
Bert van den Berg on The Conversation: "Ancient scroll reveals new story of Plato’s death"
University Lecturer Bert van Den Berg shares about the recent research by The Greek Philosophical Schools project in Italy. The research sheds new light on the life and death of Plato.
Fact sheet on placement of children in care
At the request of the Dutch Parliament, Professor Marielle Bruning, Dr Kartica van der Zon (Dept. of Child Law), Professor Lenneke Alink and Dr Sabine van der Asdonk (Education and Child Studies) have produced a fact sheet on the placement of children in care in the Netherlands.
Looi van Kessel on The Conversation: ‘Their passing is a reminder of the fragility of queer lives’
Assistant professor Looi van Kessel writes in The Conversation about the passing of drag performer The Vivienne, reflecting on their significance for LGBTQ+ advocacy in Europe.
Engaging Humanities - Exploring Impact: 'We'll work together to find the right place for your story'
Social impact is becoming increasingly important for researchers. On Thursday, Nov. 17, the Faculty of Humanities is organizing Engaging Humanities - Exploring Impact: a day all about impact.
The wisdom of the Nahua
Indigenous philosophies have been ignored for too long. This prompted Osiris González Romero to study the wisdom of the Nahua in Mexico. Their philosophy has an important message for the consumption society: see the earth and nature as living beings and not just as resources. PhD defence 22 June.
expert workshop on EU's proposed regulation on preventing and combatting child sexual abuse
Workshop brings multidisciplinary experts together to produce interdisciplinary outcomes on the EU’s Proposal for a Regulation to prevent and combat child sexual abuse.
Invitation to presentation of Jaap Doek Children's Rights Prize on 6 December 2022
Joachim Koops briefs UN Department of Peace Operations on Ukraine and Protection of Civilians
On 12 May, Joachim Koops, Professor of Security Studies and Scientific Director of the Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA), was invited to brief the United Nations Department of Peace Operations in New York on the situation in Ukraine, options for the protection of civilians and lessons…
Aafje de Roest: ‘As an expert in Dutch Studies you have the right skills to research hip hop’
Aafje de Roest turned her hobby into her job. She went from a teenager who enjoyed listening to hip hop music to a PhD candidate who focuses on how Dutch hip hop music shapes the cultural identity of young people in the Netherlands.
In conversation with the head of the rodent facility
Before patients can take a pill, scientists often spend years in the lab developing and testing a candidate drug. That often includes experiments with laboratory animals. As head of the rodent facility, Ilze Bot and her colleagues ensure that these experiments are conducted in an ethically responsible…
to hold 2022/2023 Rotating Honorary Chair 'Enforcement of Children’s Rights' at Leiden University
Leiden Law School is pleased to announce that Professor Ursula Kilkelly, School of Law, University College Cork, Ireland, will visit Leiden in academic year 2022/2023 as Rotating Honorary Chair ‘Enforcement of Children’s Rights’.
Surrogacy processes identified by Leiden University
How many children are born with the help of a surrogate mother in the Netherlands, and which legal obstacles can arise? Through a new interdisciplinary study, researchers at Leiden University are attempting to provide clarity about surrogacy processes.
Flash interview with alumna Kartica van der Zon
Did you know that PhD candidates are also alumni of your alma mater? High time to put a PhD alumna and her research in the spotlight. Besides, this month our UNICEF Chair in Children’s Rights is celebrating its tenth anniversary.
Mariëlle Bruning in Trouw about extra money for youth protection
The Dutch cabinet will allocate a total of 40 million euros extra for institutions providing youth protection and youth rehabilitation over the next four years. Local councils must make the same amount available. Will that be enough to solve the problems?
Simone van der Hof awarded EU funding for research on age verification and consent mechanisms
As part of the euCONSENT consortium, the Center for Law and Digital Technologies (eLaw) has been awarded European Commission funding to create a child rights’ centred cross-border system for online age verification and parental consent.
Documentary offers unique insight into the work of juvenile court judges
The documentary ‘De Stem van het Kind’ (The Voice of the Child) gives an impressive insight into the work of juvenile court judges. Documentary maker Pieter Fleury, Professor of Children’s Rights Ton Liefaard and juvenile court judge Johan Visser worked together for the past seven years to make the…
New Report Launched: ‘Deprived of Liberty, Denied Justice: Double Jeopardy for Children in Conflict Situations in Africa’.
New Report Launched by ACPF with the support of the Department of Child Law and Health Law
Social and Economic Human Rights, The United Nations and the Intimacies of International Law: A History
Lecture, INVISIHIST event
activism: 'It is precisely by being silent that you sometimes keep the conversation open'
We talk too little about silence, thinks university lecturer Gerlov van Engelenhoven. He has been awarded a Veni grant to investigate the role of silence in protest movements. Does silence sometimes really say more than a thousand words?
Bert Koenders new chairman of the Foreign Policy Advisory Council
Bert Koenders, professor of Peace, Law and Security at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs, has been appointed chairman of the Advisory Council on International Affairs (AIV), or foreign policy.
John Concannon, Director General of the Global Ireland Unit visits Leiden University
The Leiden interdisciplinary research programme Global Transformations and Governance Challenges and the Embassy of Ireland are co-hosting a special meeting in The Hague. On Tuesday 30 January, John Concannon (Director of the Global Ireland Unit), ambassador Brendan Rogers and dr. Alanna O’Malley will…
‘Podcast gives its listeners a sense of identity and belonging’
In the Netherlands, when we talk about the United Nations, the conversation is almost always about the member states from the northern hemisphere. But the most interesting players come from the ‘Global South’, Professor Alanna O'Malley and her team argue in a podcast.
On the nature of the right to resist
PhD defence
Mies Grijns
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
m.grijns@law.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Finding the right fit
PhD defence
Choosing the right track
PhD defence
Lucy Opoka
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
l.a.opoka@law.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 6438
Dr Graça Machel in Leiden: human rights, the crucial role of academia and the importance of intergenerational dialogue
Almost three years after receiving her honorary doctorate, Dr Graça Machel returned to Leiden University. Over the course of two days she spoke with students, researchers, and other interested persons, about human rights – particularly those of women and children – in a world in which these are continually…
Leiden - ACPF AMR Workshop
Leiden University and African Child Policy Forum hold ‘ground-breaking’ workshop on antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and human rights in Africa
UN Special Rapporteur visits Leiden: ‘Suspend the supply of arms to the warring parties’
Francesca Albanese, UN Special Rapporteur for human rights in the occupied Palestinian territories, visited Leiden Law School on 8 December within the scope of International Human Rights Day.
Presentation of the new United Nations Library platform (Online)
Virtual presentation
André Gerrits
Faculty of Humanities
a.w.m.gerrits@hum.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272949
UNICEF Student Team Leiden: ‘We all have our own role to play here at Leiden University’
20 November 2024 is World Children's Day. To mark this occasion, the UNICEF Student Team Leiden is organising a lecture on children's rights. We spoke to board members Rewina Teferi Hagos and Tugwell Chadyiwanembwa to find out what motivates them.