29 search results for “boeken” in the Public website
Jasmijn Boeken
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
j.boeken@fgga.leidenuniv.nl | +31 70 800 9506
In Between Digital War and Peace
In this article, Jasmijn Boeken, explores in which ways the defining characteristics of the different zones can be found in the digital sphere.
The added value of multimedia to repeated story book reading in preschool age
Research group Cyber Security Governance
The research group Cyber Security Governance will provide cutting-edge academic research in the domain of cyber, where modern technology interacts with traditional concepts such as governance, sovereignty, law-enforcement, international relations and conflict.
Tap Dance beginners
Arts and leisure
Workplace Support Team (WST) at FGGA
At Leiden University, staff may encounter traumatic incidents in the workplace. To provide appropriate support and aftercare in such situations, the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs (FGGA) has established a Workplace Support Team (WST) as a pilot project.
The Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA) hosts two research journals and publishes the ISGA Reports series. Besides its own publications, researchers at ISGA also publish books or journal articles elsewhere. You can find all these external publications under Research output on the right.
The Leiden Papyrology+ group
Papyrology+, founded in 2014, is a collaboration of Leiden scholars studying (Abnormal) Hieratic, Demotic, Aramaic, Greek, Latin, Coptic, and Arabic papyri from a socio-historical, economic and linguistic perspective. Papyrology+ aims to explore new opportunities and directions in the study of ancient…
Opgezogen, opgespoten en opgeraapt: Vuurstenen en hardstenen artefacten van de Zandmotor en hun sedimentaire context
Voor zowel archeologen, paleontologen en geologen als vrijwilligers in de archeologie en paleontologie is het geen verrassing meer dat op de stranden van de Nederlandse kust fraaie vondsten gedaan kunnen worden. Vele artikelen, boeken, tentoonstellingen, congressen, lezingen, ‘zoekdagen’, krantenberichten,…
Book ‘De Glazen Toren’: ‘The balance isn't quite right anymore’
Writing a book on the recent history of Leiden University in corona times. For educational and policy historian Pieter Slaman (34), this has meant working in the attic of his parents’ house while they looked after his daughter, along with numerous online conversations and very few, if any, visits to…
Summer School (Radboud)
Van 4 tot en met 8 juli 2022 verzorgt Radboud Erfgoed in Nijmegen een Summer School (in het Nederlands) over erfgoedcollecties, hun geschiedenis, over sporen van gebruik en wat die ons leren over de mensen die de boeken en objecten verzamelden die nu onze collecties vormen. De deelnemers gaan aan de…
Summer School on the History of the Book
Van 21 augustus tot en met 8 september zijn de workshops en cursus van de jaarlijkse Summer School on the History of the Book van het Allard Pierson en de vakgroep Boekwetenschap. Drie weken lang is er elke werkdag een cursus, workshop of lezing over thema’s die te maken hebben met de geschiedenis van…
Afgrond zonder vangnet
Onlangs verscheen het boek ‘Afgrond zonder vangnet’ van Yra van Dijk, hoogleraar Moderne Nederlandse Literatuur. In haar boek analyseert ze verschillende thema's in het werk van Arnon Grunberg.
Jelle van Buuren and Daan Weggemans on books on jihad in Vught prison library
Radical books on Islam glorifying armed jihad and humiliating Jews and Christians are available in the Vught prison library.
What is papyrology?
Greek papyrology is the science that is concerned with deciphering and studying all texts written in Greek on papyrus. Papyrus was the writing material of antiquity and was made from strips of the papyrus plant stuck together.
Join-in courses 2024-2025
Join-in courses zijn MA-cursussen over middeleeuwse onderwerpen gegeven binnen vastgestelde MA-programma's van de zes deelnemende universiteiten van de Onderzoekschool. Op aanvraag zijn deze vakken toegankelijk voor studenten van andere (Nederlandse) universiteiten. De cursusbelasting en het aantal…
Memory and Identity
Research conducted in this group aims at furthering our understanding of how communities and individuals deal with social change, conflict and trauma through remembrance and commemoration as well as forgetting in the arts.
‘De Bijzondere Band’ – An exhibition of Dutch Art Nouveau book bindings
‘Huis van het Boek/Museum Meermanno in The Hague exhibits book bindings by leading Dutch Art-Nouveau artists from the period 1890-1910. The exhibition will be open from March 22 to June 23 2019. The title of the exhibition is De Bijzondere Band: Art Nouveau-boeken van Dijsselhof, Lion Cachet en Nieu…
Invisible forces in academia in new photo exhibition
A lecturer winning a prize, an expert appearing in the media or a professor giving their inaugural speech: these are faces we often see. But we rarely see the staff who work behind the scenes to make their work possible. They are now featured in the photo exhibition ‘The forces behind the faces’.
Exhibition Books that made history
From Galileo Galilei to Albert Einstein and from Anna Maria van Schurman to Anton de Kom: only a selection of the 25 authors who's books and ideas had extraordinary historical impact, in some cases even to this day. Leiden University Libraries and the National Museum of Antiquities jointly present the…
Cyber Security by Integrated Design (C-SIDe)
C-SIDe project involves a broad selection of associates in solving cybersecurity problems. Security of software systems has emerged as a critical need in our interconnected society. Companies developing software products look for Security-by-Design approaches accommodating security into their software…
In memoriam: Alexander Hendrik (Sander) de Groot (3 april 1943 - 1 april 2024)
Op maandag 1 april 2024 stierf onze leermeester, vriend en gewaardeerd collega Dr. Alexander Hendrik de Groot (Sander).
Internships crucial for networking and jobs
It would be better for students and organisations if internships lasted longer than two months and could be part-time. This was one of the suggestions at Leiden University Meets/Needs Employers on 27 June 2017.
Royal honour for Korrie Korevaart
Korrie Korevaart, a former director and lecturer in Dutch language and culture at Leiden University, has been made a member of the Order of Orange-Nassau. Korevaart, who has retired but is still a guest member of staff at the university, has received the honour for her work at the Faculty of Humanities…
Even voorstellen: Quinten Somsen & Joost Welten
Dit jaar begon het project 'Monarchy in Turmoil'. Dit project bracht twee nieuwe onderzoekers naar het Instituut voor Geschiedenis: PhD-kandidaat Quinten Somsen en postdoc Joost Welten. Hieronder stellen zij zich voor en lichten zij hun project toe.
Bibliotheca Enchusana
PhD defence
BRASILIAE. Indigenous Knowledge in the Making of Science: Historia Naturalis Brasiliae (1648).
Investigating the intercultural connections that shaped practices of knowledge production in colonial Dutch Brazil.
Introducing: Eurasian Empires projectgroep
The Horizon programme 'Eurasian Empires: integration processes and identity formations' started September 1st 2014. The six PhD students and two Postdocs introduce themselves.
In Memoriam: Stefan Landsberger (1955-2024)
My colleagues and I have been devastated to learn that our good colleague and friend Stefan Landsberger (born 1955) passed away unexpectedly, on 26 September 2024. Stefan had been a fixture of China Studies in the Netherlands, where he had been Associate Professor of contemporary Chinese History and…