2,240 search results for “history van de universiteit” in the Staff website
In memoriam: Prof. dr. J.T.P. de Bruijn (1931-2023)
On Monday 23 January 2023 J.T.P. (Hans) de Bruijn passed away at the age of 91. Until 1995 he held the Chair of New Persian Language and Culture at Leiden University.
Warja Tolstoj wins Ted Meijer prize
Warja Tolstoj, alumna Art History, has been awarded the 2021 edition of the Ted Meijerprijs. Named after the former director of the KNIR (Royal Netherlands Institute in Rome), the prize is awarded yearly to the best MA/ReMa thesis or PhD in the Humanities.
Speaking the same language: De invoering van de Anglo-Amerikaanse trust in het Nederlandse recht
PhD defence
Wat is er te doen op de Leidse Museumnacht?
Op zaterdag 3 juni vindt de Museumnacht Leiden plaats. Ook dit jaar zijn Leidse wetenschappers en studenten onderdeel van de programmering.
Leiden University Libraries acquires a rare map of Suriname
Leiden University Libraries (UBL) has acquired a rare manuscript map of Suriname. The map from 1830 is almost 2.5 meters long and is highly detailed. It was hand-drawn by Helmuth Hendrik Hiemcke (1808-1858), one of the official surveyors employed by the colonial administration, and shows Suriname in…
Jelle van Buuren Explains American Boogaloo Boys
A particular group of counter protesters have been sighted at numerous Black Lives Matter protests that were held in the United States. An extreme right movement known for its characteristic Hawaii Shirts and heavy weaponry that calls itself the Boogaloo Boys. Which is cause for concern among the American…
Onzekerheid beïnvloed - de rol van emoties tijdens conflicten en strafbepaling
Introducing: Yusra Abdullahi, Maha Ali & Felipe Colla de Amorim
Yusra Abdullahi, Maha Ali and Felipe Colla de Amorim recently joined the Institute for History as PhD candidates. Together they work an an integrated, collective project. Learn more about them below!
Professor Geert de Snoo Appointed New Director of Research Policy at KNAW
Geert de Snoo is making the transition from the Netherlands Institute of Ecology to the management of KNAW. Starting 1 October, the professor of Environmental Biology will begin his role as Director of Research Policy in a new, consensus-based management team.
Ellen de Bruijn about the social context of making mistakes and learning from it
During the event 'Fout?' by De Jonge Akademie, Ellen de Bruijn held a lecture about the social context of making mistakes and the psychological elements of learning from it.
Vici grant for Anouk de Koning for research on Prototyping Welfare in Europe
Leiden's cultural anthropologist Anouk de Koning is receiving a Vici research grant for her project ‘Prototyping Welfare in Europe: Experiments in State and Society’ to study welfare experiments in four countries and to examine what they tell us about the futures of European welfare states.
Van Links naar Rechts; van Rechts naar Links: De aanhoudende slingerbeweging in Latijns-Amerika
Valedictory lecture
Frans de Haas appointed Scientific Director - Change Manager at the Mathematical Institute (MI)
Frans de Haas, professor of Ancient and Medieval Philosophy and Director of the Dutch Research School of Philosophy, will join the management team of the MI on a temporary basis, in any event until 1 January 2022, in the role of Scientific Director-Change Manager.
Van aarde tot wind. Archaïsmen in de Anatolische talen.
Inaugural lecture
Op voet van gelijkwaardigheid? Schaal en democratie in de Koninkrijksrelaties
Inaugural lecture
Het grenzeloze leven: de fascinerende wereld van celwandloze bacteriën
Inaugural lecture
Perkamenten personen. De stratigrafie van het middeleeuwse boek.
Inaugural lecture
Van willen naar zijn. De ambivalentie over diversiteit en inclusie
Inaugural lecture
Dario Fazzi becomes professor by special appointment: ‘We live in an era of tremendous ecological challenges’
Historian Dario Fazzi is the new professor by special appointment at the Roosevelt Institute for American Studies (RIAS), a strategic partner of the Faculty of Humanities. He starts on 1 September and will combine his new position with his current teaching duties at the Institute for History.
Rens Blaauwendraad
r.c.blaauwendraad@math.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
From soft drinks to beer cask: ‘De Fusie is a place for everyone’
The glasses have been rinsed, the furniture is in place and the six-member board is ready. A very short time to go before De Fusie opens its doors in the Gorlaeus Building. The brand new bar promises to be a nice addition to the social life on campus. ‘We don't just want to run a cosy bar, but also…
Mirjam de Baar reappointed as Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Humanities
Mirjam de Baar has been Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and portfolio holder for education of master’s and research master’s programmes since 2016. As a result of her reappointment, she will continue to fulfil this role for an additional four years. ‘Being asked by the Vice-Rector and the Dean…
Plastic's Legacy: From Single-Use to Sustainable Solutions
Lecture, Studium Generale
Nivja de Jong in AP: 'Students will not get the education they deserve'
Nivja de Jong, languages professor at Leiden University, warns about the impact of proposed education budget cuts by the new Dutch government.
Bart de Smit reappointed as vice-dean at Leiden Science
The Executive Board has reappointed Professor of Algebra and Number Theory Bart de Smit as vice-dean at the Faculty of Science. De Smit had already held this position since the beginning of 2019. His term has been extended by four years until the end of 2026.
Petra Sijpesteijn elected to the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres
The Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres (AIBL), one of the five academies that make up the Institut de France, has elected professor Petra Sijpesteijn as foreign corresponding member (correspondant étranger), to fill the seat of the renowned Egyptologist Edda Bresciani.
Jos Schaeken, Professor of Slavic and Baltic Languages and Cultural History, to be new interim Vice-Dean
Prof. J. (Jos) Schaeken, Professor of Slavic and Baltic Languages and Cultural History, will be the interim Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Humanities from 1 March 2025. He will succeed the present Vice-Dean, Mirjam de Baar, who will complete her second term on that date.
Ellen de Bruijn researches hormonal changes from puberty to menopause with Vici grant
Psychologist Ellen de Bruijn is investigating what hormonal fluctuations do to women's behaviour and well-being. The National science funding body NWO honoured her research with a Vici grant; earlier this year she received an ERC Consolidator Grant. Read the interview with De Bruijn about her resear…
Koen de Ceuster on the NKNews Podcast about North Korean art
Koen de Ceuster, university lecturer for Korea Studies at the Leiden University Institute for Area Studies, was interviewed on the NKNews Podcast about art in North Korea. He speaks about the role of art in North Korean society, art ‘business’, and argues why it is not possible to separate propaganda…
Daniëlla Dam-de Jong appointed to Advisory Committee on Public International Law
The Advisory Committee on Public International Law (Dutch abbreviation CAVV) is an independent body which provides the government and parliament of the Netherlands with advice, both solicited and unsolicited, on issues related to public international law.
Letters of Johan de Witt give a glimpse behind the scenes at the Disaster Year 1672
The government, the people and the country were in desperate straits. This about sums up the state of affairs in the Disaster Year of 1672. It was 350 years ago, and to mark the occasion PhD candidate Roosje Peeters collaborated on a series of letters to and from a key political figure Johan de Witt,…
Leiden Law Cast: reverend Ruben Van Zwieten
Leiden Law Cast is a podcast made by Leiden Law School, Leiden University, for everyone who wants to learn more about current legal issues.
De Verbranders, a podcast on Europe's borders and resistance against them, is online
De Verbranders, a podcast produced by PhD candidates Neske Baerwaldt (FdR/VVI) and Wiebe Ruijtenberg (FSW/CAOS), is online! You can now listen to the first episode on Soundcloud, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts. Episodes of the podcast will be introduced in various courses this year.
Two Cultural Anthropology students awarded Pieter de la Court Medal 2021
Claire van den Helder (fourth-year Cultural Anthropology student) and Orestes Kyrgiakis (second-year Cultural Anthropology student) won the Pieter de la Court Medal 2021. The Pieter de la Court Medal is an initiative for students by students and is awarded annually to students who voluntarily contribute…
Sarah de Rijcke new dean Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Prof. Sarah de Rijcke will succeed Paul Wouters as dean of Leiden University's Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences (FSW) from 1 January 2024. Paul Wouters will retire at the beginning of January.
Recently the book “Privaatrecht 2050. De weg naar ecologische duurzaamheid” is published
Recently the book “Privaatrecht 2050. De weg naar ecologische duurzaamheid” is published.
Eric De Brabandere: 'Both Ukraine and Russia have an interest in a ceasefire'
Last week Russia and Ukraine met for the first time since the outbreak of the war. The talks took place in Belarus.
University historian Pieter Slaman: ‘I can point to valuable constants and experiments that went too far’
As University historian, Pieter Slaman researches the University’s past, but he’s equally interested in its present. ‘It’s useful to be familiar with issues from the past. Not to be rooted in the past because some developments from history are things you definitely don’t want to repeat.’
Van liefdadigheid naar abortusstrijd. Leidse vrouwen en de Nederlandse vrouwenbeweging van 1860 tot 1990.
PhD defence
Mirjam de Bruijn receives NWO grant to research digital warfare in the Sahel
Professor Mirjam de Bruijn will research digital warfare in the North African Sahel with an NWO Open Competition grant. The focus of the research will be on Fulani social networks in war and cultural violence.
Eric De Brabandere over rol EU in kwestie rond Westelijke Sahara
Marokko zegt het contact met de Duitse regering op. Volgens Marokkaanse media is ministeries en andere overheidsinstanties per brief gevraagd direct de samenwerking op te schorten met de Duitse ambassade in Marokko.
Eric De Brabandere on Shell’s liability for oil spills in Nigeria
Shell Nigeria is liable for damages from oil spills in Nigeria. The Hague Court of Appeals gave this ruling in a case that was brought by four Nigerian farmers.
Thijs Brocades Zaalberg: 'How does the discourse on war influence practice?'
As a student, Thijs Brocades Zaalberg was primarily interested in diplomacy surrounding conflicts. Through research on peace operations and subsequently the fight against guerrillas, he became increasingly involved with the most violent aspects of colonial warfare. Per 1 September 2024 he is appointed…
‘Tijdens mijn stage heb ik geleerd hoe de theorie in de praktijk wordt toegepast’
Elise Darras studeert aan het Leiden University College (LUC) en be besloot een maand lang stage te lopen in Frankrijk bij H2Air.
Al Qaeda in de Islamitische Maghreb ontrafeld: de brede blik ontbrak
Sergei Boeke has once again proven that there are more roads than one that lead to Rome with his PhD research into al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb. It is both the core point of his conclusions as well as the leitmotiv for his approach. Boeke’s dissertation is comprised of five academic articles that…
Best poster presentation award for Jill de Mol at the GEMseq 2024 meeting
During the 6th edition of the Graz Expert Meeting on Single-cell sequencing technologies in the cardiovascular field, held on September 15 and 16 in Graz, Austria, Jill de Mol from the group of Dr. Amanda Foks from the Division of BioTherapeutics received the award for best poster presentation.
Meike de Boer: ‘The word 'uh' can help track down suspects’
In the new video series 'The World of Linguistics', alumni and researchers talk about their passion for their field. PhD candidate Meike de Boer knows everything about the word ‘uh’.
Kees Verduin
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
c.j.verduin@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Laurie Cosmo
Faculty of Humanities
l.k.cosmo@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2249
Casper de Jonge: 'By broadening the canon we keep antiquity modern'
On 1 May, Casper de Jonge will be appointed Professor of Greek Language and Literature. ‘Greek literature did not come from Athens alone: authors from Egypt, Syria and Asia Minor also wrote in Greek.’