243 search results for “vries en veiligheid” in the Staff website
- AI en invloed juridisch onderwijs
Faculty Research Day 27 January
Paul Nieuwbeerta affiliated professor at Statistics Netherlands
From April 2022, Professor Paul Nieuwbeerta will be working one day a week as affiliated professor for Statistics Netherlands (Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS)). He is Professor of Criminology at the Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology, Leiden University.
Effecten van korte gevangenisstraffen en de prijs die we ervoor betalen
Alumna Tessa Schiethart: 'If I could go back to my student days, I’d go right away'
That Tessa Schiethart finished her bachelor's degree in International Studies with a thesis on Indonesian women's reasons for veiling was a coincidence. Or so she thought. Six years later, her book Seeing and Being Seen, in which she writes about her life with a wine stain and vision loss, is in the…
New faces and roles in the Faculty Bureau of Archaeology
Organisation, Human resources
Trips to areas/countries with a green or yellow travel advice
Organisation, Human resources
Eight projects receive funding from JEDI Fund
From a queer art exhibition to a podcast about people with disabilities, the JEDI Fund this year again honored several projects that contribute to diversity and inclusion.
Minister Ollongren impresses with personal speech: 'Our strongest weapons are people'
After 2.5 years as defence minister, it is time for Kajsa Ollongen to hand over the baton. In front of a packed audience, she gave her farewell speech at Leiden University in The Hague on Tuesday, which included personal lessons and memories, from sleeping on the ground with the prime minister to the…
The Hague aims to attract legal tech start-ups
In an interview with Jaap van den Herik, Professor emeritus Law and IT, legal magazine Mr. writes that The Hague municipality wants to attract more legal tech start-ups. The municipality has therefore commissioned the Leiden Centre of Data Science (LCDS) of Leiden University to conduct a study into…
Diversity in society: ‘We are looking for a new approach to an existing phenomenon’
What is the best way for us as a society to deal with all the different forms of diversity? Professor Marlou Schrover will use the EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF) to explore this question with colleagues and the public.
naar online prijsdiscriminatie? Kimia Heidary, Bart Custers, Helen Pluut en Jean-Pierre van der Rest schreven hier een artikel over.
Hoe kijken Nederlandse bedrijven naar online prijsdiscriminatie? Kimia Heidary, Bart Custers, Helen Pluut en Jean-Pierre van der Rest schreven hier een artikel over.
Last van koloniale dingen. Kennisvorming, Indonesische perspectieven en de zoektocht naar verlichting
Inaugural lecture
van Antoine de Saint-Exupéry - Bouwen aan de samenwerking tussen recht en gezondheid
Inaugural lecture
Wat is hier de bedoeling? Tussen eenvoud en meervoud in publiek leiderschap
Inaugural lecture
Er is zo Veel Meer tussen 1 en 0; Opmaat voor een Antropologie van Digitale Diversiteit
Inaugural lecture
IPR als onderdeel van de internationale architectuur: over een januskop en contact met de buren
Inaugural lecture
Veerkrachtig Verleden. Een reflectie op archeologie, archeologen en musea in het Anthropoceen
Inaugural lecture
Over barrières en bruggen - Auto-immuunziektes op weg naar genezing
Inaugural lecture
New professor Elise Dusseldorp: ‘The longer you’re in research, the more humble you become’
Elise Dusseldorp has been appointed Professor in the Methodology and Statistics of Psychological Research. In the same way that she spends her spare time rambling through the forest, as a professor she sifts through colleagues’ research data. ‘I often come across information that doesn’t appear in the…
Skilled students: this is how the Science Skills Team supports you as a teacher
Education is more than just knowledge transfer: students also develop numerous important skills. But which skills are addressed in which courses? And how can we help students train these skills? The Science Skills team is actively engaging with teachers to answer these questions for all courses. Want…
Capital humano femenino en la minería chilena: asociaciones público- privadas, responsabilidad social empresarial y género
PhD defence
algemene belangenafwegingen in het Europese staatssteunrecht: tussen verbod en verenigbaarheid
PhD defence
Van liefdadigheid naar abortusstrijd. Leidse vrouwen en de Nederlandse vrouwenbeweging van 1860 tot 1990.
PhD defence
- Back in the office? Register your publications
UB and LAG win University elections
The results of the 2022 University elections are in. This year, staff could vote for the staff section of the University Council. The two new parties Universitair Belang (UB) and Leidse Academische Gemeenschap (LAG) did well, with three and four of the eight seats, respectively.
Sophie Vériter Discussant at Annual Dahrendorf Lecture, Oxford University
On 29 April, doctoral researcher Sophie Vériter will join the annual Ralf Dahrendorf Memorial Lecture at St Antony’s College, Oxford University as a discussant.
New course evaluation system for Archaeology
NWO Grant for Research into the History of Languages: ‘It tells us something about our past as humans’
A collaboration between linguists, geographers and anthropologists aims to uncover how languages spread across South America over thousands of years. Associate Professor Rik van Gijn is responsible for the linguistic side of this NWO project.
New Master’s programme in Transfusion Medicine and Cellular and Tissue Therapies
LUMC and Leiden University will start the new two-year online master's program in Transfusion Medicine and Cellular and Tissue Therapies from October 2023.
Activism, Indigenous Survival, and Settler Colonialism in the Unist’ot’en Camp’s Resistance against the Coastal GasLink Pipeline
Leiden University to evaluate Dutch counterterrorism legislation
A research team from Leiden University, in cooperation with Bureau Boekhoorn Sociaal-Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek en Advies (BBSO), is to evaluate Dutch counterterrorism legislation.
Appropriation foncière, migrations agricoles et conflits armés en Pays Dogon (Mali)
PhD defence
Pauline Schuyt: 'Life imprisonment demand ineffective if goal is deterrence'
The number of life sentences in the Netherlands is rising sharply. This is a clear response to the serious drugs violence and brutal attacks on our rule of law. However, criminal justice experts do not believe that this will deter future offenders from carrying out liquidations.
NWA grant for health law as part of NWA Cure4life
Mirjam Sombroek, Aart Hendriks and Martine de Vries (LUMC) will work on mapping the ethical and legal aspects of gene therapy. The aim is to establish a best practice of how society can best deal with these therapies. For example with guidelines on how to regulate, reimburse and make these therapies…
LLX roundtable on coronavirus relief fund NextGenerationEU
On Friday 21 May, the Europa Institute held an online roundtable on the European Union’s coronavirus relief fund NextGenerationEU. The roundtable was organised in the context of the Leiden Law Exchanges (LLX). Their aim is to facilitate an exchange of ideas on current legal issues between academics,…
Depot or place of honour: what to do with Nobel laureates in the museum?
What do you do with a museum collection full of individual white Nobel laureates at a time when diversity, inclusion and teamwork reign supreme? Ad Maas, professor by special appointment, and researcher Hilbrand Wouters have been awarded an NWO Museum grant to answer that question.
Transitie tussen de Romeinse periode en de vroege middeleeuwen in een perifeer gelegen microregio van Noord-Francia
PhD defence
"Enfin, die werkt zal eten, en daarom maar vol ijver door" Brouwers Fabriek van Aarden Vaatwerk 1901-1905
PhD defence
Helping people live healthier lives? A game may be the answer
The LUMC, Leiden University and The Hague University of Applied Sciences want to help health professionals support behaviour change in the population. Such change would help people live healthier lives and reduce their risk of disease. The Municipality of The Hague is supporting this educational project…
Hall of Fame Leiden Law School staff 2023
Lots of employees celebrated special successes in 2023. Here’s a list of all those scholarships, awards and honours.
Maritime historians and vocational college students together create historical database
What do you do when you’re suddenly given access to a whole lot of data but don’t know how to organise and analyse it? Maritime historians in the Faculty of Humanities joined forces with vocational college (MBO) students to build a database. ‘We’re so compatible with each other.’
Bart Custers discusses facial recognition on Nieuwsuur
Despite a lack of specific legislation on this issue, Dutch Minister of Justice and Security Dilan Yeşilgöz is allowing the national police force to experiment with facial recognition technology.
A healthy start for all
Many children have an unhealthy diet and do not get enough exercise. Sanne de Vries wants to help everyone get a healthy start in life.
Archaeology Student Assessor Imen el Idrissi reflects on the upcoming academic year
Education, Organisation
Lecture series: The Dutch crisis management system
Are you interested in expanding your knowledge on the Dutch crisis management system? Leiden University is organising a unique lecture series on the subject in collaboration with the Netherlands Institute for Public Safety (NIPV). The lectures will take place on 22 April, 13 May, and 3 June.
Faculty Research Day: Various academic perspectives
At Leiden Law School’s first Faculty Research Day, scholars were invited to consider the ongoing war in Ukraine from their own perspectives and expertise. Various aspects surrounding this topic were addressed during lectures, discussions, and workshops.
Education in Ancient Egypt: 'Everyone Used the Same Text'
For hundreds of years, children in Ancient Egypt learned to read using The Satire of the Trades, a text in which a father gives advice to his son through descriptions of different professions. PhD candidate Judith Jurjens investigated how this worked in practice.
Multilingualism of Frisian children: Evelyn Bosma wins Keetje Hodshon Prize
Postdoc and linguist Evelyn Bosma receives the Keetje Hodshon Prize for her dissertation. For her research on the multilingualism of Frisian children, Bosma previously won the Klokhuis Science Prize and the Campus Fryslân Science Prize.
Subsidie voor Shelley van der Veek om peuters gezonde eetgewoonten aan te leren
Het onderzoeksproject heeft als doel ouders te helpen hun kleuters gezonde eetgewoonten aan te leren door het bevorderen van sensitieve voeding tijdens de fase wanneer peuters kieskeurig met eten worden.