571 search results for “externe geweld” in the Staff website
- How to record a do-it-yourself video
Training and supervision
From the start of your PhD you make agreements with your supervisors concerning your personal development and the supervision you receive. These agreements should be recorded in a Training and Supervision Plan. This plan contains agreements concerning your research, supervision, training, and potential…
Groei collaboration
On this page you will read all about the Groei funding tool.
Financial policy
What are the sources of income of Leiden University? And how do we preserve the effectiveness and reliability of the University? Below you will find more information about our financial policy.
Courses offered
The university encourages its employees to use and develop their talents. We do this by supporting you in your career and in your personal and professional development. We try to ensure that you get the opportunity to realise your full potential. That is why the university offers a wide range of training…
ECTS grading table
The ECTS grading table provides an insight into the value of a student’s grades and facilitates international grade comparison.
Regulations and guidelines
The University’s financial management and reports are based on various rules and regulations. The University must adhere to legal requirements and any internal agreements that apply within the organisation. In doing so, the University guarantees a high standard of financial reporting.
Design and advertisements
The Strategic Communication & Marketing (SCM) department and the Graphic Centre of the University Services Department (UFB) support the faculties and other organisational units with regards to printed materials and advertisements.
Programme accreditation
Degree programmes must be assessed and accredited once every six years to ensure they provide a high standard of education. You may be asked to speak to the assessment panel.
PhD Association LACDR (PAL) - Leiden University
The PhD Association of the LACDR (PAL) is here to support YOU! Our team of 8 dedicated members represents every division at LACDR, ensuring that all PhDs—whether employed, contract, or external—have a voice.
To find funding, you first need to define your goal. Do you need to fund your own salary? Go abroad? Start up a collaboration? Buy equipment or do field work? Develop a company based on an invention that came out of the research? Next, find a match between your goal and the many funding opportunitie…
Jean-Pierre van der Rest
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
j.i.van.der.rest@law.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 6135
Frequently asked questions about privacy and security
Veelgestelde vragen privacy en security
Registration and contract
As you are a new Leiden University staff member, a number of things must happen before we can draw up your contract and activate your ULCN account. This is also the case if you are affiliated with the university as external staff, for example if you were hired as a freelancer.
Research in the media
How can you ensure that your research hits the headlines? How can you bring your research output, such as PhD research or a publication, to the attention of the public?
Safety and security
On this webpage, you will find more information about (types of) security, who to ask for advice and where to report incidents.
Camera surveillance
Whether you’re a student, staff member or external service provider, it’s important that you feel safe at Leiden University. A range of measures are in place to assure safety and security in all the university’s buildings and grounds.
Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Universities
Leiden University, Delft University of Technology and Erasmus University Rotterdam have been collaborating intensively for many years. In 2012 this collaboration was formalised in the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Universities strategic alliance. This has allowed us to approach important and complex societal…
Evaluation of education
We carry out regular evaluations with a view to improving the quality of our teaching. The programme committees and the Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders (NVAO) play an important part in this process. In addition, a student satisfaction survey is also carried out very year:…
Meetings and events
Are you organising a symposium or event and are you looking for a professional and experienced team to take care of the arrangements? Looking for a great venue in Leiden or The Hague, or will the event be taking place online? The Events Office is here to help.
Crisis management
If the University is involved in a crisis or calamity, a crisis management team will be formed. For small incidents, every building has its own Emergency Response Coordinator.
If you see something that doesn’t seem quite right, it’s important to report it to the confidential counsellor for malpractice. This could be excessive spending on a project, for example, or the improper use of a lab. The more we know, the more we can do about it. Your anonymity is guaranteed at all…
Code of Conduct on Integrity
Anyone who comes into contact with Leiden University should be able to trust that we will act with integrity. The Code of Conduct on Integrity describes how we can work together to ensure that this is the case, whether in relation to research, interactions with students, purchasing or the use of University…
Read where to go with your questions.
Break for Landlocked: Migration Policy Reform in Kazakhstan
Lecture, Lunch Research Seminar
Standing up for yourself, while keeping good relations (Effective communication)
Communication, Working effectively
Advanced Project Management for PhDs
Management, Research, Working effectively
Leiden University Excellence Scholarship (LExS)
Career policy for academic staff
Leiden University wants to attract the best academics. What requirements does it set for new academic staff members? What requirements must you meet for a career in academia? Read more about our career policy for academic staff.
Quality of education
The quality of our programmes is monitored continuously. The assessments are conducted both by external experts and by our institutions and programmes. We use these evaluations of education to further improve our programmes.
Scholarly Publications and LUCRIS Publication Management
Leiden University Scholarly Publications is a database of publications by academics from and institutions affiliated to Leiden University. Researchers and PhD candidates use LUCRIS Publication Management (PM) to add publications (except for doctoral theses) to the Repository. Wherever possible, publications…
Step 2: Video formats
In this step, you will find examples and an explanation of each video format, but remember: video making is a creative process, so don’t let formats limit your imagination. Build on them to find and create your own style that fits your message.
Do you find it difficult to set boundaries? Do you suffer from work pressure? Do you want to avoid unhealthy stress, or restore your balance? Our coaches can help you to reflect on yourself, allowing you to do your work with renewed energy and enthusiasm.
Scientific integrity
Scientific integrity is an important element in the PhD trajectory, and is addressed in several different settings.
Printed materials and templates
Do you need business cards, letter paper or other materials printed? Or do you need flyers, posters, roll-up banners or theses? Please contact the Graphic Centre of the University Services Department. They can also be hired to do layout or DTP work. The Graphic Centre can also produce displays, advertising…
Support and community
If you need any help with your research or if you encounter problems during your PhD track, Leiden University provides several different types of support for PhD candidates. There are also groups, networks and communities in which you can meet other PhD candidates.
Reuvensplaats 2-4, Leiden
Internationalisation in research
Leiden researchers work together with other researchers from across the world. The University has developed a regional policy focused on three specific regions with which we maintain intensive contact through a number of faculties: China, Indonesia and Latin America and the Caribbean.
At Post you will find information about the services offered by the Central Post room (Centrale Postkamer), postal rates and delivery rounds. If you have any special requests, please get in touch with the Post room.
Guidelines for news articles
How do you write a good news article? Here are a number of guidelines to help you.
- Transformation and refurbishment of Dean’s office and Faculty Room
Find a coach
Are you looking for a coach? If so, you’re welcome to contact one of the university’s internal or external coaches; you can do this directly yourself, after choosing a coach who seems suitable.
Club PhD | Time Management +
Personal development
Data management refers to creating, saving, updating, making available, archiving and long-term storage of research data. The final goal of this process is often defined in terms of the FAIR principles: 'Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Re-usable'.
Central government grant and funding
Leiden University receives funding from several external sources, although most of its funding comes from the government. This is termed the first stream of income. Together, government funds and the tuition fee form the first stream of income.
Step-by-step plan towards more impact
An important question being asked, both in the academic world and in society, concerns the impact of our research and education. By providing a well-supported answer, we not only create a strong position for our research, we also increase our chances of success in applying for research grants and retaining…
Reducing work pressure
Work pressure is still high across the entire organisation. Leiden University is not unique in this respect, as all Dutch universities are facing high levels of work pressure. In an effort to reduce work pressure, we have launched a toolkit including practical measures at central, faculty, and individual…
Privacy and secure collaboration
Teachers work with sensitive information on a daily basis: student data, exam information and communication about education, for example. It’s essential to process this information securely and to protect yourself and your students against digital risks, such as phishing, unauthorised access and other…
Bilingual mailings
What should you do if you want to create and send a newsletter or mailing in both Dutch and English?
Step-by-step plan towards more impact
An important question being asked, both in the academic world and in society, concerns the impact of our research and education. By providing a well-supported answer, we not only create a strong position for our research, we also increase our chances of success in applying for research grants and retaining…