360 search results for “early modern english literatuur” in the Staff website
They came, they saw, they left: on the first humans in the Low Countries
Over hundreds of thousands of years, our region witnessed the comings and goings of various types of hominin. This depended on the temperature as ice ages alternated with warmer periods. In ‘De eerste mensen in de Lage Landen’ (‘The First Humans in the Low Countries’) Leiden archaeologists Yannick Raczynski-Henk…
Willemijn Tuinstra
Faculty of Humanities
w.tuinstra@hum.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5271646
Isabel Casteels
Faculty of Humanities
i.casteels@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 1646
Leiden archaeologists discover an early form of money from Prehistoric Central Europe
People in the Early Bonze Age used bronze artefacts as a means of payment. This is the conclusion reached by archaeologists Maikel Kuijpers and Catalin Popa in a PLOS ONE article published on 20 January.
Wim van Anrooij
Faculty of Humanities
w.van.anrooij@hum.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Quinten Somsen
Faculty of Humanities
q.o.somsen@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 1646
religion did not(?) matter in the Balkans: confessionalization in early modern Southeastern Europe
Leiden archaeologists in international media on early form of money in the Bronze Age
People in the Early Bonze Age used bronze artefacts as a means of payment. This is the conclusion reached by archaeologists Maikel Kuijpers and Catalin Popa in a PLOS ONE article published on 20 January. The discovery led to a surge of media reports.
Archaeologists come up with a more precise estimate for how long modern humans and Neanderthals co-existed
Modern humans and Neanderthals may have co-existed in France and Northern Spain for up to 2,900 years until the Neanderthals disappeared. This is what archaeologists from Leiden University and Cambridge University write in a new publication in Scientific Reports.
A Social History of Elephant Watching and Elephant Keepers in Early Modern China
Lecture, LIAS Lunch Talk Series
New statistical method brings together studies at an early stage
During the coronavirus pandemic, scientists were in a hurry to find drugs that would help fight the disease. To combine the research that was being carried out around the world, PhD candidate Judith ter Schure developed a new statistical method: ALL-IN meta-analysis. This helps determine sooner whether…
An Early Start: Welcoming the Class of 2024!
Although the official start of the academic year has to wait for another fortnight, Leiden University College The Hague (LUC) welcomed the Class of 2024 to the Anna van Bueren campus this week. The new cohort of 204 incoming students will spend the next three years studying different majors and minors…
Katinka Zeven
Faculty of Humanities
k.zeven@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 1611
Now available: Open Science: A Practical Guide for Early-Career Researchers
This practical guide is aimed at PhD candidates, Research Master Students, and early-career researchers from all academic disciplines. The instructions in the guide intend to inspire young researchers and to help them practice Open Science, by sharing all aspects of research as open possible.
Carmen van den Bergh
Faculty of Humanities
c.van.den.bergh@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2067
From Modern Marvel to Environmental Tragedy: Grant for Research into Polluted Mines in Africa
At one time, the railway from Kimberley to Kambove in Southern Africa symbolised prosperity and progress. Today, the exhausted mining towns along its route are marked by decay and pollution. Professor Jan-Bart Gewald has been awarded an NWO L grant to investigate the long-term global consequences.
Manifesting Minutes and Mapping Cosmographies: Time and Place in Early Modern Deccan
Lecture, Annual Leiden Terra Incognita Lecture
Ruth Clemens
Faculty of Humanities
r.a.clemens@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2165
44th Symposium on Old English, Middle English and Historical Linguistics in the Low Countries (#SOEMEHL44)
Conference, Symposium
Regulating Relations: Controlling Sex and Marriage in the Early Modern Dutch Empire
PhD defence
Maintenance at KOG building: no access to bike basement in early May
'Rome after Rome': a unique student-scholar exploration of early medieval Rome
Debates about the ‘end’ of the Roman era, how, when, and even if it ended, are still very much alive and raging. However, what happened after the (long) late antique period is a lesser-known and lesser-studied subject. The post-Roman past needs, however, as much energetic investigation and discussion.…
Workshop Early Photography of the Middle East - In Contact with Collections
On Thursday, May 16, Leiden University Libraries is organizing a workshop on early photography of the Middle East. In the workshop, curator Maartje van den Heuvel shows photos of three adventurous Dutch nineteenth-century travel and photography pioneers. They created beautiful photos and photo albums…
Between the Court and the Village: Uncovering how was Early Modern Warfare Really Waged in Southeast Asia
Lecture, COGLOSS
Modern Moroccan Photography
Check it out: NIMAR contributes to COBRA museum exhibition
This summer, the COBRA Museum will be focusing on Moroccan art. 'The other story' exhibition presents for the first time Moroccan modernism in the Netherlands. The Netherlands Institute Morocco (NIMAR) contributed to its exhibition
Valerio Gentile
Faculteit Archeologie
v.gentile@arch.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Vincent Chang
Faculty of Humanities
v.k.chang@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2151
A princess’s psalter recovered? Pieces of a 1,000-year-old manuscript in Alkmaar book bindings
A special find has been made in the Alkmaar Regional Archive: a number of 17th-century book bindings contained pieces of parchment from a manuscript from the 11th century. The original manuscript may have belonged to a princess who fled England after the Norman Conquest.
Before the Law: Skepticism, Performance as Proof, and Law as Magic in Early Modern Witch Trials’ – Lecture by Julie Stone Peters (Columbia University)
Call for Papers - Monarchy in turmoil: princes, courts, and politics in revolution and restoration 1780-1830
For every period, it is a challenge to unearth the details of political trafficking; yet the effort needs to include all relevant persons, groups, and institutions – not only those wielding formal responsibilities. We hope to reinvigorate this effort by inviting specialists to present their research…
Jürgen Zangenberg
Faculty of Humanities
j.k.zangenberg@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2579
Marie Soressi
Faculteit Archeologie
m.a.soressi@arch.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 5355
Acquisition of early African photographs by explorer and photography pioneer Alexine Tinne
Over 160 years ago, the Hague-based photography pioneer and traveler Alexine Tinne (1835-1869) captured current South Sudan and its inhabitants on film. These photographs represent some of the earliest images taken in the heart of the African continent.
Begriffe der Moderne
PhD defence
Theological Speculation in Arabic: What Can We Know about Early Islamic Theology?
Lecture, LUCIS What's New?! Series
KNAW Early Career Award for Alisa van de Haar: ‘I want to take a more positive approach to migration and multilingualism’
Alisa van de Haar is one of three humanities scholars to win a KNAW Early Career Award this year. The university lecturer of Ancient French Literature is receiving the award for her innovative research on multilingualism and migration. 'It would be nice to use this to set up a project with students.…
- Symposium on Old English, Middle English and Historical Linguistics in the Low Countries (SOEMEHL)
Geeske Langejans
Faculteit Archeologie
g.h.j.langejans@arch.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 6003
Maize, Monsters, Modernity
45th Symposium on Old English, Middle English and Historical Linguistics in the Low Countries (#SOEMEHL45)
PhD research: Was there already Dutch-Dutch and Belgian-Dutch in the past?
What developments preceded modern Standard Dutch? PhD candidate Iris Van de Voorde conducted research on ‘pluricentricity’, or the idea that language norms arise in different places and spread outwards from there. PhD defence on 19 April.
Clodagh Murphy
Faculty of Humanities
c.murphy@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2874
Dennis Worst
Faculty of Humanities
d.worst@hum.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5271646
Frans Willem Korsten
Faculty of Humanities
f.w.a.korsten@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2196
Katarzyna Cwiertka
Faculty of Humanities
k.j.cwiertka@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2599
Crystal Ennis
Faculty of Humanities
c.a.ennis@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 5635
Nidesh Lawtoo
Faculty of Humanities
n.lawtoo@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2644
Márcia Gonçalves
Faculty of Humanities
m.a.goncalves@hum.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272946
46th Symposium on Old English, Middle English and Historical Linguistics (#SOEMEHL46)