1,866 search results for “ancient greece” in the Public website
Leiden archaeologist discovers unique ancient horse grave in Sudan
A unique archeological find near Tombos in Northern Sudan. Archaeologist Sarah Schrader from Leiden University, working with a team of international researchers, has discovered a grave of a ritually buried horse that is over 3000 years old. Both the grave and the skeleton are in perfect condition. The…
Suzan van de Velde
Faculteit Archeologie
s.m.van.de.velde@arch.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Reception in Nietzsche’s Concept of Amor Fati
To what extent can Nietzsche's Amor Fati be seen as a Stoic concept?
From Sasanian Mandaeans to Sabians of the Marshes
This historical study argues that the Mandaean religion originated under Sasanid rule in the fifth century, not earlier as has been widely accepted. It analyzes primary sources in Syriac, Mandaic, and Arabic to clarify the early history of Mandaeism.
Reasoning through Art
In his Inaugural lecture of February 10th Prof. dr. Henk Borgdorff advocated positive understanding of artistic research, of reasoning in and through art, within academia.
By the rivers of Babylon: New perspectives on Second Temple Judaism from Cuneiform texts
“BABYLON” investigates the extent of the similarities between Babylonian and post-exilic forms of cultic and social organization and explores the question how Babylonian models could have influenced the restoration effort in Jerusalem.
Irene Vikatou
Faculteit Archeologie
e.vikatou@arch.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Archaeological explorations in Jordan unveil traces of ancient caravan routes
Systematic aerial surveys carried out in Jordan’s Eastern Badia region since 1998 and about 10 years of simplified satellite image analysis have led to the discovery of multiple prehistoric sites, according to archaeologist Peter Akkermans. The Jordan Times interviewed him about the new insights.
About the programme
Classics and Ancient Civilizations (Research) covers two years and can be studied in four programmes, one of them is the Assyriology (Research) programme. When you choose to study Assyriology, you will both be guided through the broadness of Assyriological sub-disciplines, as well as gradually led to…
The rise of a capital: on the development of al-Fusṭāṭ‘s relationship with its hinterland, 18/639-132/750
This thesis studies the relationship of the town al-Fusṭāṭ, located at the southern end of the Nile delta in Egypt, and its hinterland in the period between the town’s foundation in A.D. 641 and the arrival of the Abbasids in 750.
Proteins are not distributed equally in ancient teeth
In a study led by Leiden alumnus Jan Dekker, based on his research master’s thesis, he applied Mass Spectrometry Imaging to archaeological human teeth. The research shows that there are large differences in the intensity of proteins across the teeth, opening new avenues of investigation.
JEDI Fund: ‘We’re now showing clearly that the community is diverse’
If you have a plan that could improve the education or the learning environment of the Faculty of Humanities in terms of diversity or inclusion, you can apply for a grant from the faculty’s JEDI Fund. This year, Nasreen has been helping to develop a new syllabus for the first-year Ancient History co…
NEXUS1492 study on ancient human microbiomes published in Nature Scientific Reports
An international team of researchers, involving members from the ERC Synergy project NEXUS 1492 based at the Leiden University, the Universities of Oklahoma, Copenhagen and York reveal challenges when studying ancient microbiomes in a recent issue of Scientific Reports.
Digging up new information from ancient Chinese texts
How were ideas about politics and society distributed in ancient China? Hilde De Weerdt, Professor of Chinese History, investigates this using new digital methods. We speak with her about networks, big data and digital humanities.
Rescuing ancient rock art in Pakistan with a Prince Claus Heritage Emergency Grant
Pakistani archaeologist Abdul Ghani Khan (MPhil) and Dr Marike van Aerde (Leiden University) have been awarded the Prince Claus Heritage Emergency Grant for the rescue and preservation of ancient rock art in the Karakorum mountain range of the Pakistani Himalayas. The project will run for a year, from…
Ancient fire expert Femke Reidsma on Tea-Break Time Travel Podcast
In her podcast Tea-Break Time Travel Matilda Siebrecht is joined by fire expert Femke Reidsma, to talk all about how this essential tool was made and used by our ancient human ancestors. How can you recognise an ancient hearth? Why is it so important to study the first use of fire? When was the first…
Fire use in human evolution: A genetic approach
Are traces of fire use detectable in ancient hominin genomes?
Tilling and manuring prehistoric and early historic fields in western Europe
Since the adoption of agriculture people have cultivated fields. The project concerns all kinds of aspects related to raising crops.
Spatial patterns in landscape archaeology (publication)
In several Mediterranean regions archaeological sites have been mapped by fieldwalking surveys, producing large amounts of data. These legacy site-based survey data represent an important resource to study ancient settlement organization. Methodological procedures are necessary to cope with the limits…
Bert van den Berg on The Conversation: "Ancient scroll reveals new story of Plato’s death"
University Lecturer Bert van Den Berg shares about the recent research by The Greek Philosophical Schools project in Italy. The research sheds new light on the life and death of Plato.
Ruurd Halbertsma
Faculty of Humanities
r.b.halbertsma@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Annelou van Gijn
Faculteit Archeologie
a.l.van.gijn@arch.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2389
Peter Bisschop
Faculty of Humanities
p.c.bisschop@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2980
Yuye Que
Faculty of Humanities
y.que@hum.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5271514
Gerard Versluis
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
g.h.a.versluis@law.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5278515
Archaeology of the Mediterranean
In the master’s programme in Archaeology, you can follow courses on the archaeology of the Mediterranean, deepening your understanding of this fascinating region. From the many faces of ‘Hellenism’ to the early rise of the Roman Republic, to the voyages of European Crusaders in medieval times. The archaeology…
Registration for 'Navigation Through the Ages' online course is now open
Learn all about the rich history of navigation, from ancient Greece to Europe’s Gallileo Programme, in the course ‘Navigation through the Ages’. This course is the second MOOC of Space Awareness and is aimed at teachers; registration is now open.
Ancient DNA reveals impact of the “Beaker Phenomenon” on prehistoric Europeans
In the largest study of ancient DNA ever conducted, an international team of scientists has revealed the complex story behind one of the defining periods in European prehistory. The study is published this week in the journal Nature.
‘Even Ancient and Medieval ideas can help the Modern World’
Ahab Bdaiwi, University Lecturer of Islamic history, religion and philosophy, was received the first Faculty Impact Award. His interest lies in ‘everything that has to do with antiquity’, especially the religious and philosophical ideas that arose at that time. ‘They can move people. And many of those…
Archaeologist Alejandra Roche Recinos investigates ancient immigration in Southern Guatemala
In June 2024 the Faculty of Archaeology welcomed a new Assistant Professor. Dr Alejandra Roche Recinos, originally from Guatemala, will strengthen the Faculty’s expertise on the archaeology of Central America. ‘I want to explore the lesser known archaeology of Southern Guatemala.’
coverage of innovative research presenting a new method for recovering ancient human DNA
Since the publication of the article in the interdisciplinary journal Nature, over 200 news outlets have showcased the pioneering research.
Berthe Jansen receives Early Career Award for research into ancient Tibet
Berthe Jansen receives an Early Career Award from the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) for her research on Buddhism and law in ancient Tibet. She receives the prize, an amount of 15,000 euros and an artwork, for her innovative research.
Amorites in the early Old Babylonian Period
This thesis explores several aspects of these Early Old Babylonian Amorites.
The urban system in the North Western provinces
The first objective is to create a catalogue raisonée, i.e. a structured database that will store the main attributes of each town in a standardized format database, which will be freely accessible when completed; the second objective is to exploit theories and methods that can help us to understand…
Migration and Mobility in the Early Roman Empire
Migration and Mobility in the Early Roman Empire by Luuk de Ligt and Laurens E. Tacoma (Eds.)
LOCVS. Memory and Transience in the Representation of Place From Italic Domus to Artistic Environment
This study links up the concept of place with memory, with the idea of transience and the transition from life to death.
Starchy foodways
Surveying Indigenous Peoples’ culinary practices prior to the advent of European invasions in the Greater Caribbean
Beyond Egyptomania: Objects, Style and Agency
The material and intellectual presence of Egypt is at the heart of Western culture, religion and art from Antiquity to the present. This volume aims to provide a long term and interdisciplinary perspective on Egypt and its mnemohistory, taking theories on objects and their agency as its main point of…
Inventing anchors? The function of ‘Greek models’ within the process of innovation in Early Roman Drama
To what end and how does Plautus constantly underline the Helleni(sti)c provenance of his art? How does this aspect relate the author’s originality?
Ancient DNA study reveals large scale migrations into Bronze Age Britain
A major new study of ancient DNA has traced the movement of people into southern Britain during the Bronze Age. In the largest such analysis published to date, scientists examined the DNA of nearly 800 ancient individuals. Publication in Nature on December 22, 2021.
Applying for jobs during the coronavirus pandemic: Ancient History alumni share their experiences
Three alumni of our Master’s degree programme in Ancient History talk to us about how they found a job after graduation during the coronavirus pandemic. During the interview, Gabriël hung a huge board covered in post-it reminders behind his laptop, Molly was glad that the members of the selection committee…
Dr. Andrew Sorensen at University of the Netherlands: Lecture on Ancient Fire-Use
When is the last time you made a fire? Not light a candle with a match, but an actual fire from scratch. Thousands of years ago, humans already made fire. Archaeologist Andrew Sorensen (Leiden University) explains when and how they did this.
Best BA and MA Thesis on the Ancient Near East, 2018
NINO BA and MA Thesis Prize 2018
Samatar Botan investigates ancient Aksum with a Mosaic 2.0 grant
In July 2022 our alumnus Samatar Botan received the news that he had received the NWO Mosaic 2.0 grant. This grant enables him to start a PhD research at our Faculty on the ancient Aksumite Empire, a topic that is close to his heart. We speak with him about his ambitions and drive. ‘I want to know more…
Skype a Scientist: talking about ancient bones with people all over the world
Skype a Scientist is an online platform that matches scientists with classrooms and families around the world. At the start of the corona crisis, PhD candidate Maia Casna got involved with this online platform. Now she holds online sessions to talk about science and her research project during the lockdown.…
Marike van Aerde
Faculteit Archeologie
m.e.j.j.van.aerde@arch.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 1138
Michael Kerschner
Faculteit Archeologie
m.kerschner@umail.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Archaeologist Andy Sorensen in National Geographic Magazine about ancient fire use
When and how commenced the use of fire by early humans? Armed with stones, peat moss, and fungi, archaeologist Andy Sorensen tries to answer that question. In the February edition of the Dutch language version of National Geographic Magazine his research features in the section The Discovery.
Dr. Henry in Nature: How Ancient People Fell in Love with Carbs
In 2011, Dr. Amanda Henry published her findings from dental plaque picked from the teeth of Neanderthals who were buried in Iran and Belgium between 46,000 and 40,000 years ago. Plant microfossils trapped and preserved in the hardened plaque showed that they were cooking and eating starchy foods including…
Hakan Külcü
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
h.kulcu@law.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727