67 search results for “complex culturele” in the Staff website
Quiet room WSD-complex
Lipsius, Cleveringaplaats 1, 2311 BD, Leiden
- Buildings WSD complex closed on Saturday 1 February 2025
LU-Card support centre WSD-complex (Lipsius)
Lipsius, Cleveringaplaats 1, 2311 BD, Leiden
Diederik Meijer
Faculteit Archeologie
d.j.w.meijer@arch.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2444
Jasmijn Rana onderzoekt culturele normen in hardlopen in de podcast 'Everyday Runners'
Episodes 40 and 42 of the podcast Everyday Runners by Andy Fuller and Reading Sideways Press, feature a conversation with Jasmijn Rana, Assistant Professor of Cultural Anthropology and Sociology of Development.
Akrati Saxena
a.saxena@liacs.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Joram van Ketel
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
j.e.van.ketel@law.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 7536
Sebastian Fajardo Bernal
s.d.fajardo.bernal@liacs.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Frank Takes
f.w.takes@liacs.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 7143
Garnet Akeyr
g.j.akeyr@math.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 4845
De nieuwe golf: Culturele identiteit in hedendaagse Nederlands(talig)e hiphop 2015 tot heden
PhD defence
Summer schedule opening hours WSD complex
From July 11 - August 21 the WSD Complex will be open according to the summer schedule: Monday-Friday: 7.30-18.00 hrs. Saturday: 9.00-18.00 hrs. Sunday: closed
Huseyin Beykoylu
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
h.beykoylu@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Adjusted opening hours WSD complex March
Due to the corona measures, the opening hours of the WSD complex have been adjusted to: Saturday, 5 March 2022 open from 10:00 - 18:00 hrs. Sunday, 6 March 2022 open from 10:00 - 18:00 hrs. Saturday, 12 March 2022 open from 10:00 - 18:00 hrs. Sunday, 13 March 2022 open from 10:00…
Frank Schaftenaar
f.h.schaftenaar@lacdr.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 5134
Why is the formation process in Belgium so complex?
The Belgian elections are over. Now it is up to the formateur to form a cabinet, but that is difficult. Fauke Deceuninck, program leader of Politics and Governance at the Center for Professional Learning, explains to Speechmakers why that is.
What do complex molecules tell us about star formation?
How do you progress from an immense gas cloud somewhere in the universe to a star with planets? Research by Astronomy PhD student Martijn van Gelder sheds more light on the earliest phases of this process. He will receive his doctorate on November 24th.
Faculty Opening of the Academic Year: ''Navigating complexities''
The social sciences are vital in navigating complexities, fostering understanding and bridging divides. This was celebrated during the faculty opening of the academic year.
Unravelling the complexity of HIV/AIDS
Dr. Josien de Klerk, Associate professor in Global Public Health at Leiden University College The Hague recently published some of her work on HIV/AIDS. In collaboration with a team of interdisciplinary researchers from the Amsterdam Institute for Global Health and Development she came to the conclusion…
23 November: Buildings WSD-complex close at 17:00
Facility, Organisation
Jeu d'argile: céramique, identité culturelle, créolisation; Une étude archéo-anthropologique de la céramique des sociétés caribéennes multiculturelles
PhD defence
This is how physicists use light to build complex structures
Petr Steindl works on quantum dots in microcavities for his PhD research. He manipulates single-photons to create complex structures of light. Applications could include quantum communication and gates for quantum computers.
Outcome public support survey Doelen complex residents is negative for the development of Humanities Campus
Leiden University has taken note of the results of the public support survey conducted by housing corporation De Sleutels among the residents of the 58 rental appartments in the Doelen complex. The findings show that the majority of the residents of the Doelencomplex are not willing to move to alternative…
intelligence needs an overhaul because the threats are becoming more complex
Many intelligence services have an outdated view of the world while the threats they should protect us from are becoming more complex. Serviceman and researcher Bram Spoor warns that NATO and member state intelligence organisations cannot always predict the dangers.
‘The complex puzzle of housing and urban development makes this work so fascinating’
Chris Suijker, since 1 July the new director of Real Estate, likes healthy and sustainable university buildings where you ‘get the feeling you’re right at the heart of society’. Her aim is to achieve the same effect with even more buildings.
Adjusted closing hours WSD complex and parking garage Maliebaan during the holidays
Adjusted opening times WSD-complex (incl. parking Maliebaan) during the summer
Adjusted closing hours WSD complex and parking garages Maliebaan during the holidays
Archaeologist Jennifer Swerida investigates emergent social complexity in the Omani desert
In June 2024 the Faculty of Archaeology welcomed a new Assistant Professor. Dr Jennifer Swerida, originally from the United States, will strengthen the Faculty’s expertise on the archaeology of West Asia. ‘I explore human-environment relationships inside an ancient oasis and the surrounding land. Previous…
Connecting the Doelen complex to the Thermal Energy Storage in 2025
Leiden University is working hard to make its buildings more sustainable, also on the Humanities Campus. An important step in this context is the construction of a Thermal Energy Storage (TES) system. Following the successful completion of the first phase, in which the Herta Mohr building was connected…
Director of Operations Saskia Goedhard: 'Nice that the faculty is such a complex organisation'
Saskia Goedhard was previously director of operations at the Hogeschool van Amsterdam and the UvA. Since April, she has brought her expertise to the Faculty of Humanities as director of business operations. 'Good business management is like water from a tap. You only notice it when it’s no longer th…
Dissertation: Is it One Nile? The complexity and diversity of the world's longest river
Abeer Abazeed, PhD-student at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs, will defend her thesis on Wednesday april 21st. Four questions about her PhD-research ‘Is it One Nile? Civic engagement and hydropolitics in the Eastern Nile Basin’.
Satellite swarms, random walks and a cup of tea
He brings order to chaos and analyses satellite swarms. During his PhD research, mathematician Oliver Nagy delved into random networks and how they reach equilibrium. Along the way, he also developed a handy tool. This knowledge is valuable for calculations related to communication networks.
Anne-Laura van Harmelen: In the media
Stay tuned for updates on relevant media appearances of Anne-Laura van Harmelen.
Maria Mytiliniou
mytiliniou@physics.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 1243
Julio Melio
melio@physics.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 8403
Esmée Adegeest
adegeest@physics.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Complex networks in perspective
Alessio Catanzaro
catanzaro@lorentz.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Jeremy Ernst
ernst@physics.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Francesca Giuffrida
giuffrida@lorentz.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Parisa Omidvar
omidvar@physics.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
'It’s the complexity of this group of patients that makes the challenge of improving their quality of life so interesting’
Dialysis patients experience a range of physical and mental symptoms that interact and influence each otherIn her doctoral research, psychologist Judith Tommel wanted to find the optimum approach to help these dialysis patients improve their quality of life. ‘We need to make sure we avoid excluding…
Intelligence for a Complex Environment
PhD defence
Topological decoding of biomolecular fold complexity
PhD defence
Reactivity of Cobalt(II)-Dichalcogenide Complexes
Prof. E. Bouwman Prof. C. Fonseca Guerra
Metals, energy and geopolitics, a complex mix
Lecture, Tuesday Talks: Science Insights
Complex multiplication constructions of abelian extensions of quartic fields
Prof. P. Stevenhagen Prof. A. Enge (Université Bordeaux)
Statistical learning for complex data to enable precision medicine strategies
PhD defence
Mechano-transduction mediated by integrin-based adhesion complexes
Prof. A. Sonnenberg Summary: Cellen in epitheelweefsels hechten zich aan de onderliggende extracellulaire matrix (ECM). Integrines zijn een familie van transmembraan eiwitten, die een belangrijke rol spelen bij de hechting van cellen aan de onderliggende ECM en bij de verankering van het cytoskelet…