1,259 search results for “duurzame energie” in the Public website
Sustainable conflict resolution
(Duurzame) effecten van conflictoplossing via rechterlijke interventies.
Renewable Energy
The transition to new and renewable energy sources should be completed by 2050. Researchers in various disciplines at Leiden University are conducting unique research that will help us make this transition and reduce CO2 emissions.
Energy Survival Guide
This book provides the answers, presenting clear insights into the current state of affairs and exploring future prospects.
Temporalities of energy justice: Changing justice conceptions in Dutch energy policy between 1974 and 2022
This article describes that although the use of the concept of energy justice is new, normative interpretations have long been part of energy policy.
What is Leiden University doing to reduce energy consumption and move away from fossil energy? Where can you find information about energy? And what changes can you make yourself?
Energy & Sustainability
Twenty years from now, the world population is estimated to be around 8.7 billion people, compared to the current 7.3 billion. In combination with the improvements in living standards and the corresponding growth in consumption, this will result in an enormous increase in the demand for food, consumables,…
Energy Use
For Leiden University’s operations, sustainability is an important topic, especially looking at the CO2-footprint, renewable energy and the greening of buildings.
On the Emergence of the Energy Transition
The energy system is at the heart of two of the greatest challenges of the 21st century: decreasing CO2 emissions to meet the ambitions of the Paris agreement while fulfilling the growing energy demand associated with the economic aspirations of a growing world population.
Media on sustainable energy space uptake
The production of sustainable energy can take up to 1000 times more space than fossil fuels, environmental researcher Paul Behrens concludes in a publication in Energy Policy. Various media reported on this remarkable outcome.
Just energy transition
The energy transition is a complex transformation process that is not only about technology -moving towards renewable energy sources-, but even more so about societal and institutional change. The energy transition requires and provides opportunities for actors to take on new roles.
Analysis of Energy Systems
The Institute of Environmental Sciences has carried out and participates in several projects that deal with the analysis of energy systems.
Resources and Energy
How do technological systems impact the environment? And can they be designed in a more sustainable way? The Resources and Energy research program studies the importance of resources and energy for our society and aims to guide the shift towards a sustainable circular economy.
Opposition to energy projects
Energy transition will entail the construction of large numbers of new energy installations. Such construction projects may meet with opposition from people living close by. Assistant Professor Bríd Walsh investigated how the local community can best take part in such projects.
Sustainability Guide & Energy Saving
We would like to present to you a simple guidebook about living a sustainable life as a student in the cities of Leiden and The Hague. Whether you are a first-year student still trying to find your way around or already doing your masters – students wanting to explore more sustainable options and save…
Coherent dynamics in solar energy transduction
Promotor: Huub de Groot, Co-promotor: Francesco Buda
Electrocatalysis for sustainable energy
Marc Koper’s research focuses on electrocatalysis and electrochemical surface science for sustainable energy and chemistry. Reactions of interest are the redox reactions of the oxygen/hydrogen cycle (water oxidation, hydrogen evolution), the carbon cycle (reduction of carbon dioxide, oxidation of small…
Fundamental Research in Energy & Sustainability
Twenty years from now, the world population is estimated to be around 9 billion people (now 8 billion). In combination with the improvements in living standards and the corresponding growth in consumption, this population will result in an enormous increase in the demand for food, consumables, water…
European Energy, Environment and Health
Research on this theme addresses the systemic risks faced by European societies and affecting the quality of life of European citizens.
Public perception of energy projects
The transition from fossil fuels and the practical changes that this entails make many demands on citizens. Emma ter Mors, a psychologist and lecturer at Leiden University, is researching the factors that contribute to public perception and acceptance of new energy technologies.
Material constraints of selected energy pathways
Examining if large scale application of new energy pathways can be constrained by materials and emissions.
Biomimetic Copper Complexes for Energy Conversion Reactions
Modeling energy conversion dynamics at interfaces
Chemical reactions go hand-in-hand with an energy exchange with the environment in which they take place. Surfaces offer a variety of energy dissipation channels, constituted by the nuclear and electronic degrees of freedom of the atoms at the interface. Aiming at an improved future harvesting of energy,…
The material side of the energy transition: analyzing flows and stocks of critical and other metals
The expanding population and economic activity are driving up global energy consumption. Simultaneously, there is an urgent need to transition from fossil fuels to renewable sources to mitigate the climate crisis, primarily caused by fossil fuel combustion.
Redox catalysis for a sustainable energy infrastructure
The main research theme in the group of Dennis Hetterscheid is to understand and mimic bioinorganic multi-electron processes that are relevant to our future energy infrastructure. Reduction of protons generates hydrogen that can be used as a chemical fuel. Alternatively to gaseous hydrogen, the reduction…
Low energy electron transmission through layered materials and chiral organic films
In this Ph.D. thesis we study the interaction of low energy electrons with thin materials, namely layered materials (graphene, hexagonal boron nitride, molybdenum disulfide) and organic films. At these low energies the quantum mechanical wavelength of the electron wave function is in the order of a…
up changed: Assessing the value of social conflict on onshore wind energy in transforming institutions in the Netherlands
In this article, Annemiek de Looze and Eefje Cuppen, investigated empericallly if and how social conflict leads to institutional change.
Towards circular and energy-efficient management of building stock
Material circularity and energy efficiency are highly relevant and intertwined issues for the transition towards a carbon-neutral and circular built environment. In the Netherlands, the building sector has been rendered a priority towards a circular and low-carbon society.
Probing molecular layers with low-energy electrons
Molecular materials have been a subject of interest in fundamental research and applications for decades, and have been studied as bulk crystals, (thin) films and as individual molecules, due to the large variety in their properties. This dissertation explores pentacene crystals near the two-dimensional…
A smarter approach to energy and raw materials
Over the past century, the world population has grown exponentially, as has our need for energy and raw materials. If we wish to continue to live prosperously in the future, we have to radically restructure our economy and consumption. Scientific research shows us how to do this.
A smarter approach to energy and raw materials
Over the past century, the world population has grown exponentially, as has our need for energy and raw materials. If we wish to continue to live prosperously in the future, we have to radically restructure our economy and consumption. Scientific research shows us how to do this.
Heating and cooling in an energy efficient way
Over time, the temperature in all buildings will be regulated in a sustainable manner. In this way, using gas will not be necessary anymore.
Latency, Energy, and Schedulability of Real-Time Embedded Systems
Systems are called real-time systems, if the correctness of the system does not only depend on the correctness of the system output but also on whether the output is delivered on time.
Adiabatic Energy Loss in Hyperthermal H Atom Collisions with Cu and Au: A Basis for Testing the Importance of Nonadiabatic Energy Loss
Nonadiabatic energy transfer from the translational motion (T) of a molecule impinging on metal surface to the metal’s electrons may determine whether the molecule can lose enough energy to adsorb or react.
Silicon pore optics for high-energy optical systems
This thesis examines silicon pore optics (SPO), a technology that exploits silicon wafers from the semiconductor industry to create extremely high quality X-ray optics, by studying its manufacturing process, applications, and prospects.
The role of the tumor suppressor Lkb1 in energy homeostasis
The work in this thesis describes the fundamental role of Lkb1 as a conductor of metabolism-related processes in zebrafish larvae.
Surface Reactivity of Activated CO2 Selective use of energy in splitting CO2
25 million euros for research into energy from plants and algae
On Friday 10 July the Towards Biosolar Cells research programme was granted a budget of 25 million euros by the Dutch Government. The Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality recommended the programme because it will contribute to green energy, improve food supplies and a create a more sustainable…
Earth, Energy and Sustainability (BSc Major of Liberal Arts and Sciences: Global Challenges)
At the start of the 20th century there were fewer than 2 billion people. Now at over 7 billion, Earth’s population is on target to reach 8 billion by 2027. How has this dramatic increase in human population impacted Earth’s life support systems and natural resources? How should we understand the meaning…
Proper and improper uses of MCDA methods in energy systems analysis
In this article, Marco Cinelli, assistant professor at Leiden University College The Hague, examines proper and improper uses of Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) methods in energy systems analysis.
Withstanding the cold: energy feedback in simulations of galaxies that include a cold interstellar medium
Understanding how galaxies form, interact, and evolve comes largely from comparing theory predictions with observational data. Numerical simulations of galaxies provide the most accurate approach to testing the theory, as they follow the non-linear evolution of gas and dark matter in great detail and…
CADS Alumna Eva Schouten in Duurzame Jonge 100 (Sustainable Young 100)
The Duurzame Jonge 100 (Sustainable Young 100) is an annual election for young entrepreneurs, young professionals and students who show that a sustainable future is possible. The 100 most inspiring people in the field of sustainability are chosen from all participants and appear on the list. This year,…
Solid State NMR and modelling of photoinduced energy and electron transfer
Huub de Groot is professor in Biophysical Organic Chemistry. With his team he works in the field of photosynthesis and artificial photosynthesis. The molecular basis for photosynthesis is formed by protein complexes and organelles that contain chlorophyll molecules. The antenna systems herein capture…
Stefan Cetkovic
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
s.cetkovic@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 70 800 9500
Stop wasting energy!
Unplugging equipment that's secretly guzzling electricity, putting the curtains behind the radiator and only using a water-saving showerhead. The students participating in the Student Energy Race are given tips that everyone who cares about the environment and their wallets should learn from.
Making energy personal: policy coordination challenges in UK smart meter implementation
Governments are increasingly facilitating the roll-out of so-called “smart meters”, a technology for measuring energy consumption that are able to transmit and receive data using a form of electronic communication. However, implementation has been slow or even stalled.
Low-Energy Electron Microscopy on Two-Dimensional Systems: Growth, Potentiometry and Band Structure Mapping
Promotor: Prof.dr. J.M. van Ruitenbeek, Prof.dr. R.M. Tromp
Superlattices in van der Waals materials: A Low-Energy Electron Microscopy study
n this PhD thesis, the recombination of different atomic lattices in stacked 2D materials such as twisted bilayer graphene is studied. Using the different possibilities of Low-Energy Electron Microscopy (LEEM), the domain forming between the two atomic layers with small differences is studied.
Environmental assessment and guidance for the future offshore wind energy development
This thesis aims to address offshore wind energy (OWE)-related environmental impacts.
Transport coefficients and low energy excitations of a strongly interacting holographic fluid
In this thesis, classes of strongly interacting quantum field theories, have been studied.
nexus policy design: a Mediterranean perspective on managing water-energy interactions
In order to analyze the challenges linked to data use in the context of nexus governance, Giest & Mukherjee use a policy design lens and more specifically the perspective of organizational policy instruments to look at the Mediterranean region.