2,325 search results for “education” in the Staff website
Practical information for lecturers at Leiden University and information about matters such as educational quality and policy.
- Educational design
Honours education
Honours education caters to the most talented and motivated students at Leiden University. Students receive honours education in addition to their regular bachelor’s or master’s programmes. Furthermore, honours education is available to pupils in the final two years of secondary school.
Education grants
An education grant may be available for collaboration with universities outside The Netherlands. This webpage contains information about the available grants, application procedures and where to look for help and advice.
Education Dashboard
Leiden University’s Education Dashboard contains key data for all the university’s degree programmes. Please note that at present the dashboard is only available in Dutch. For more information see the Dutch staff website or send an email to cijfers@bb.leidenuninv.nl.
- Educational design
Educational Support
SOLO helps lecturers to use ICT in education. We offer practical support and advice.
Accessible Education
Studying with a disability often costs additional time and energy. Leiden University wants to do all it can to offer equal chances to students with a disability. What can you do to support a student with a disability?
- Organising education
Educational design
Designing, improving, and innovating course plans and materials.
- Blended education support
Educational support units
In all matters regarding education, Leiden University faculties are supported by the Expertise Centre for Student and Educational Affairs and the Faculty Educational Office.
- Quality of education
Innovation in education
Leiden University supports innovation in education in various ways. Teachers are able to experiment and receive support in creating new teaching methods. There are also various grants and funding schemes available.
Evaluation of education
We carry out regular evaluations with a view to improving the quality of our teaching. The programme committees and the Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders (NVAO) play an important part in this process. In addition, a student satisfaction survey is also carried out very year:…
- Quality of Education Guide
Education grants
An education grant may be available for collaboration with universities outside The Netherlands. This webpage contains information about the available grants, application procedures and where to look for help and advice.
Honours education
Honours education caters to the most talented and motivated students at Leiden University. Students receive honours education in addition to their regular bachelor’s or master’s programmes. Furthermore, honours education is available to pupils in the final two years of secondary school.
- IT and education
Educational support units
In all matters regarding education, Leiden University faculties are supported by the Expertise Centre for Student and Educational Affairs and the Faculty Educational Office.
- Vision on Blended Education
Quality of education
The quality of our programmes is monitored continuously. The assessments are conducted both by external experts and by our institutions and programmes. We use these evaluations of education to further improve our programmes.
AI in education
The use of (generative) AI in education, be it by students or lecturers, is increasing. This technology offers opportunities that can benefit teaching and learning but also comes with serious issues regarding privacy, plagiarism, integrity and ownership.
AI in education
ChatGPT and other forms of Generative AI are increasingly present in education, also at FSW. SOLO advises and informs on this topic. On this page you will find information about AI at the FSW and activities you can attend.
- Knowledge security in education
ICT & Education coordinators
Do you want advice with the ICT that supports your lectures? Or do you need help using Brightspace? Your ICT & Education Coordinator is available for all your questions.
Education of your children
In the Netherlands children attend school from the age of 4 and are legally required to do so from the age of 5. Elementary school, or primary education (basisschool), lasts 8 years.
- Quality of education
- FSW Education fair 2024
Evaluation of education
We carry out regular evaluations with a view to improving the quality of our teaching. The programme committees and the Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders (NVAO) play an important part in this process. In addition, a student satisfaction survey is also carried out very year:…
Practical organisation of education
Once you have completed the design of your course, you have to deal with the practical organisation of teaching. Here you find information about the faculty support.
Library and education
The Leiden University Library (UBL) has more to offer to lecturers than you might think. The UBL can provide you with general rules for copyright in Blackboard, information skills training for your students, or the option of using library collections as part of your teaching.
LUMC Education Building
Hippocratespad 21, Leiden
Educational support units
In all matters regarding education, Leiden University faculties are supported by the Expertise Centre for Student and Educational Affairs and the Faculty Educational Office.
AI in education
The latest generation of artificial intelligence (AI) can use natural language to answer complex questions and tasks. OpenAI launched the ChatGPT chatbot in late 2022. This has caused a stir in the world of education and is a cause of concern for many. What could AI in general and ChatGPT in particular…
Inclusive education (UTQ module)
Evaluation of education
We carry out regular evaluations with a view to improving the quality of our teaching. The programme committees and the Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders (NVAO) play an important part in this process. In addition, a student satisfaction survey is also carried out very year:…
Continuing education rules and regulations
Leiden University stimulates its employees to continue to educate and develop themselves, to get the most out of their career and to maximise their opportunities on the job market. For this reason the university has drawn up a set of rules and regulations concerning continuing education.
Leiden Teachers' Academy Education Conference
- Yearly Calendar Quality of Education
Terry Mostert
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
t.m.m.mostert@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Sylvia Vink
Leiden Learning and Innovation Centre
c.c.vink@llinc.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 4059
Fred Janssen
fjanssen@iclon.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 6590
- Education funding, grants and prizes
Educational support units
In all matters regarding education, Leiden University faculties are supported by the Expertise Centre for Student and Educational Affairs and the Faculty Educational Office.
Training course for education managers and leaders
- Faculty Network on Education and Innovation
Support for Research, Laboratories and Education (SOLO)
SOLO (Dutch: Support voor Onderzoek, Laboratoria en Onderwijs) supports FSW faculty members who need help with the use of ICT and equipment in research or education.
Weighing the AI Options: Redesigning your Education
All-gender toilet LUMC Education Building
LUMC Education Building, Hippocratespad 21, 2333 ZD, Leiden