Universiteit Leiden

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Writing your proposal

The pages under ‘Writing your proposal’ guide you through the process of writing a proposal, and provide you with generic tools, examples and materials for writing. It is based upon the collective knowledge and experience within Leiden University supplied by applicants, committee members and evaluators, and deals with the most frequently asked questions. It also guides you to the information you may need from other supportive departments than the Grant Development Office and Luris.

Is this the right grant and the right time?

Writing a research proposal, whether it is for an individual fellowship or a collaborative project is a time consuming endeavour. Therefore, the first step is to assess your chances of success with the application checklist and decide whether or not to embark upon it. If the answer is yes, the second step is to start well-prepared and take sufficient time. The best proposals are those which have had time to mature. If time is your enemy, these pages will help you to get a quick grasp of everything necessary for submitting a proposal and pulling it off anyway within limits, of course. You sometimes have to be realistic about what you can achieve.

Hands-on support

These pages are designed to make all information accessible to you. However, please contact your faculty adviser as soon as you start thinking about writing a proposal. We are happy to discuss your outline at an early stage, guide you quickly through the writing process and are available as a sounding board and for critical review. At the faculty level, there may be internal review procedures, where you will get advice on how  to strengthen your proposal.

Is something missing?

If you cannot find the information you need, please let your local grant adviser know immediately and they will help you. 

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