Public relations
We can help you to bring the results of your research to the attention of the media. Ideally, you should do this before your article or book is actually published.
Article or book
If you want to share the results of your research with a wider audience and/or the media, please contact the university’s central Scientific Communication Adviser or your faculty's communication department. Ideally, you should do this before your article or book is actually published (for example, once you have been informed that your research has been accepted for publication). Send the abstract or the article (under embargo) to the Scientific Communication Adviser or to your faculty's communication department, if necessary accompanied by a brief explanation of why the research may be relevant to a wider audience. In consultation with you, the communication advisers will determine whether and how to publicise your article or book.
PhD dissertation
No later than four weeks before the date of the defence, the PhD candidate submits a short public summary of their dissertation via an online form. This summary is published in the agenda item concerning the PhD defence on the Leiden University website. The website editors decide whether they wish to publicise the results of the PhD research to a wider audience, for example by publishing a press release and/or bringing this to the attention of the press. This depends on the newsworthiness of the research, and can only be done in consultation with the PhD candidate.