Universiteit Leiden

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New at the faculty? Come to our onboarding meeting

Last year, the Faculty of Humanities started organising onboarding afternoons, where new staff members can get to know each other. ‘All new staff members are welcome.’

The onboarding meeting complements the digital onboarding module, which provides an introduction for new staff members to the main elements of the faculty in their first weeks. ‘When we evaluated that module, we noticed that people also enjoyed meeting and speaking with colleagues from other institutes and departments,’ says HR adviser Marlous Dekker.

Personal contact

The Personnel Monitor also showed that international staff in particular could often feel quite lost during their first few months at the university. The onboarding meeting therefore focuses mainly on facilitating contacts between them. ‘Most staff members join us soon after 31 August or 1 February,’ says Dekker. ‘We deliberately schedule the meeting shortly after that, so they’ve already received and processed most of the information they need, and we can then concentrate on giving them the opportunity to exchange ideas and interact with each other.’

At the meeting, the new staff members can address their questions to the HR people there, listen to best practices drawn from the research of an academic who has been working at the university for some time, take a guided tour with tips and tricks about the campus and, above all: get to know each other in an informal atmosphere. ‘We hope to welcome many participants again at the end of March,’ says Dekker. ‘From student assistants to full professors: all new staff members are welcome.’

Take part in the Work Perception Survey

It is important to the university that you are satisfied with your work, and we therefore ask for your opinion via the Work Perception Survey. We use the results to make improvements that increase job satisfaction.

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