Universiteit Leiden

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Faculty Council: stand for election and have a say at our faculty

Elections for the Faculty Council are scheduled for May. Like to have a say in ongoing issues at our faculty or advise the Faculty Board? Find out what the Faculty Council does and how you can stand for election.

The Faculty Council (Faculteitsraad (FR) in Dutch) is a participation body that acts as an intermediate between the various sections of the faculty. It aims to create co-participation by voicing the opinions of representatives from among students and staff. In this way, Faculty Council members can participate, advise and influence faculty policy on behalf of all staff and students. 

The Faculty Council has the right of consent and advice on all kinds of faculty matters, such as parts of the budget and the Course and Examination Regulations (OER). Members are elected to represent both students and staff and act as a sounding board for the Faculty Board. The Faculty Council meets with the Faculty Board once every six weeks. These meetings are public and take place based on an agenda agreed in advance. 


The Faculty Council is composed of two sections: staff representatives and student representatives. Leiden Law School’s Faculty Council has fourteen members: seven staff members and seven student members. Students are elected for one year, staff members for two years. 

The following parties are currently represented in the Faculty Council: 

  • Staff: the Progressive Party (PP) and the Independents (Onafh.) 
  • Students: ONS Leiden and the Liberal Student Party (LSP) 

Leiden Law School works with a system using a list of candidates. You can vote for one candidate from a party list, like in elections for the Dutch House of Representatives or local councils. Important to note: you can’t stand for election in a personal capacity. You have to join an existing party or start a new party yourself. 

Dates of Faculty Council elections in 2025

This year, elections are scheduled for both staff and students. The most important dates to note are: 

9 April Deadline for nominating candidates from staff and students via their party 
12 to 15 May Elections
16 May Results


If you have any questions, comments or would like to discuss something, please send an email to a member of the Faculty Council or to faculteitsraad@law.leidenuniv.nl 

Faculty Council 2024-2025
Faculty Council 2024-2025

f.l.t.r.: Mert Hover, Carleyn Zengerink, Bodine Kornman, Hannah Hilberink, Cees de Groot, Kirsten van Tol, Cecily Rose, Roel Becker en Gelijn Molier.

Absent: Floris Jan Boutens, Symen de Lange, Mojan Samadi, Tim Verdoes, Rachel Gooijer.

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