Sjef Barbiers new Managing Director of INT
Professor Sjef Barbiers will be appointed Managing Director of the Institute for the Dutch Language (INT) with effect from 1 September 2025. He will step down as scientific director of LUCL as of that date.
'It is unfortunate that I cannot finish my term as scientific director, but this is a great opportunity, and I have every confidence in my successor at LUCL,' Barbiers said of his change of position. On the INT's website, he also let it be known that he is happy with his new position: 'As a Dutch scholar and linguist with experience in setting up and leading scientific infrastructure projects, I consider it an honour and a challenge to be able to contribute to the further flourishing of this knowledge and infrastructure institute that is so important for the Dutch language.'
Barbiers has been professor of Dutch linguistics since 2016, specialising in the syntax and dialects of Dutch, particularly in comparison to other languages. He has also served as chair of the programme in Dutch, as well as director of the Centre for Digital Humanities. Since 1 January 2024, he has been scientific director of the Leiden University Centre for Linguistics (LUCL), a position he is leaving to join the INT. This institute studies all aspects of the Dutch language, including vocabulary, grammar and language variation.