Sharing Digital Humanities Knowledge
If you missed the annual LUCDH Winter School Week of Digital Humanities workshops and Pilot Project Symposium (27 – 31 January 2025) this time around, you’ll have a chance to take part next year. Save the dates for the last week of January 2026!
After LUCDH's move in the summer 2024 from P.J. Veth, we were more than happy to see that workshop participants found their way to the new Digital Lab in Huizinga 0.09 located in Huizinga Humanities Hub. All our workshops were full and a good mix of colleagues from all the Humanities Institutes attended the Pilot Project Symposium.
Whether you needed to brush up your digital skills and learn how to create a digital data paper, or visualize and map your data points, or manage and analyse different types of qualitative data, or utilize the power of AI to create models out of handwriting recognition, then workshops led by expert lecturers on Quarto publishing, QGIS mapping, ATLAS.ti qualitative data analysis, and Hand-Written Text analysis using Transkribus were awaiting you. Apart from Digital Skills Workshops in this special week, look out for workshops taking place in the Digital Lab throughout the year.
At the Pilot Project Symposium, recipients of LUCDH Small Grants showcased their digital humanities projects in a lively afternoon of DH topics and discussion, such as, training from scratch an HTR model on unique handwriting that puzzlingly did not fit into 17th nor 18th century AI models; creating a Latin alphabet to Lontara – a traditional Indonesian script – translator with Transkribus; the fascination of translating literary metaphors; and the ups and downs of a data collection project amongst many other research questions. Further updates about these projects can be seen at: 2024 DH Research Projects.
In the upcoming year, we look forward to staff and students visiting and employing the labs, studios and resources of the Humanities Hub for their digital humanities research.