In memoriam Professor A.C. (Aart) Hendriks
It is with great sadness that Leiden Law School has learned of the sudden death of Professor Aart Hendriks on 9 February 2025.

Aart had been Professor of Health Law at our faculty since 2004. Besides his work at the university, he held various other ancillary positions focusing on health law. For instance, at the Royal Dutch Medical Association (KNMG), the regional disciplinary tribunal for the healthcare sector, the GGZ complaints authority in Amsterdam, and also the Court of Rotterdam. Not only did he bring his academic knowledge to legal practice, he also brought dilemmas observed in the health care sector to his academic work. He did so in over 1500 publications, including books, articles, annotations and answers to legal questions in medical publications. Aart’s breadth of knowledge and expertise was remarkable, and for him human rights was always a focus. He was aware of the health law issues related to many disciplines, which made him a pillar of knowledge in the field of health law. Aart was a born academic: curious, committed, inspired, headstrong and with a big heart. Although his academic appointment was limited in hours, he achieved an extraordinary amount for the faculty and meant a great deal to many people. Aart was there – for his students, for his PhD candidates and for his colleagues. We will miss Aart immensely.
On behalf of the Faculty Board
Suzan Stoter, Dean
On behalf of the Institute of Public Law
Ymre Schuurmans, Academic Director
Anne Meuwese, Head of Department
On behalf of the Department of Child Law & Health Law
Ton Liefaard, Head of Department
Mirjam Sombroek-van Doorm, Professor of Law and Health