Universiteit Leiden

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Eruptions of yellow hypergiants: these are the latest revelations

They are among the rarest and most extremely luminous stars in our universe: yellow hypergiants. Their spectacular eruptions have intrigued astronomers for decades, and now an international team led by Leiden’s emeritus professor Arnout van Genderen has gained new insights into the mechanisms behind these outbursts.

A five-year study reveals that strong stellar pulsations play a key role in the explosive activity of yellow hypergiants. By analyzing 138 years of data, scientists discovered that stars like Rho Cassiopeiae experience dramatic eruptions every 10 to 40 years, accompanied by significant temperature fluctuations. This helps astronomers better understand how these stars evolve: some become Luminous Blue Variables, while others end their lives as supernovae.

The researchers published their findings in Astronomy and Astrophysics.

Further reading

Curious about how these stars go through their dramatic life cycles? Read the news article from the Royal Observatory of Belgium: Nieuwe inzichten in de mysterieuze uitbarstingen van Gele Hyperreuzen (in Dutch).

Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2025, 694, A136

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