First part of the ITK audit: ‘Candid and open sessions’
This month, the first part of the quality assurance audit (ITK) took place. A team of auditors from the Nederlands-Vlaamse Accreditatie Organisatie (NVAO) visited us to review how we ensure quality in education and how this aligns with our overall vision.
Students and teachers shared their dilemma’s and valuable insights during several panel sessions. Their dedication in terms of time and effort is recognized and sincerely appreciated by our board of directors. According to the ITK panel, the sessions were highly insightful, offering an in-depth understanding of our educational quality policies. The auditors added the sessions were ‘candid and open, with highly dedicated staff’.
Students as well as teachers from the Biofarmaceutische wetenschappen, Urban Studies, Forensische Criminologie en Crisis and Security Management contributed to the audit sessions. In addition, the audit panel questioned the board of directors, the education council and faculty councils. The subjects that were discussed during these consultations include quality assurance, recognition and valuation, social safety, international relations and our educational activities in faculties in both Leiden and The Hague.
The ITK auditors will visit us again on March 27th. During this follow up visit, they will share their preliminary assessment. Would you like to attend this part of the audit? Please feel free to join us at 14:00 hours in the Faculty Club restaurant. There will be drinks and a chance to informally share our views on the audit afterwards.