New committee to assess fossil fuel collaboration
From 1 March 2025, a new university ‘fossil fuel collaboration’ committee will assess potential new collaborations with the fossil fuel industry and determine whether they comply with the Paris Agreement.
The university decided earlier this year that it will not undertake new research projects with companies from the fossil fuel industry that are not intensively and demonstrably committed to achieving the Paris goals.
Exceptions will only be made if a project will clearly help the energy transition. ‘In this case, too, the necessity of collaborating with such a company will be assessed’, said the Executive Board in a statement last spring.
The committee will initially be established for a year after which the new process will be evaluated.
Countries and governments
The committee will then become part of an overarching Sensitive Collaborations process, which will enable considerations regarding such collaborations to be addressed from various thematic perspectives. This will also provide an opportunity to examine how to incorporate ethical considerations concerning partners with close ties to the fossil fuel industry, with regard, for example, to issues such as human rights and knowledge security.
Ultimately, the goal is for this Sensitive Collaborations approach to develop through a learning process within the university into a transparent pathway that people can also consult for advice and guidance.
Committee’s process
The new committee will comprise academics from different disciplines with expertise in climate change and energy transition. It will compile an annual list of companies that comply with the Paris Agreement.
If a company does not comply with the Paris climate goals, there is another way to show how the project will further the energy transition. Applicants can submit a ‘reflection report’ providing further information about the company and project, and explaining the importance of the project.
The committee will then reach a decision, to which an objection may be lodged with the relevant faculty board. If the faculty board supports the objection, the dean will consult the committee and a definitive decision will follow.