A journey towards change: The fAiM Roadshow
The Faculty's Academia in Motion (fAiM) Roadshow has embarked on an inspiring journey across our institutes. The goal? To work together with all the expertise within the faculty towards a cultural transformation focused on Recognition & Rewards and Open Science.
We are building an open knowledge community where knowledge flows freely between research, education, and society, and where collaboration thrives across disciplines and diverse teams. By valuing different perspectives and contributions, we aim to spark curiosity and foster innovation. In doing so, we collectively work towards solutions for societal challenges and prepare students for their roles as engaged citizens, professionals, and researchers.
Moving towards concrete action in challenging times
We live in an era filled with challenges, making it all the more important to clearly define who we are, what we value, and how we aim to contribute. The cultural transformation initiated by fAiM is a crucial part of the faculty’s strategy and serves as a compass for the future. Hanneke Hulst, Scientific Director of Psychology and Chair of the fAiM team, explains: “We started by exploring the 'why' behind this movement, but by 2025, we aim to take concrete steps to bring Academia in Motion (AiM) to life in practice.”
Prioritizing and creating an integrated approach
Open Science and Recognition & Rewards are still in a phase of exploration and growth. By clarifying the framework and sharing practical examples, we initiated discussions at each institute about the opportunities and challenges that arise. These insights directly inform the prioritization of our fAiM implementation agenda for 2025. As culture broker, Steven van Wijk takes these needs into account when shaping an integrated culture program, ensuring that insights from the personnel monitor, the strategic plan, and the fAiM agenda reinforce each other.
Sharing results at the New Year’s Reception on 7 January
The fAiM Roadshow has gathered useful insights from conversations with the institutes. These findings will be shared during the New Year’s reception on 7 January, 2025, where our Rector Magnificus, Hester Bijl, will also be present. During this event, we will present the initiatives that will guide our efforts to further advance AiM in 2025. It will be a moment to reflect on the journey we’ve undertaken and look ahead to the first tangible steps. Your involvement is essential to this process, and we hope to see you there!
Questions or want to learn more?
If you have any questions about the fAiM Roadshow or the results, please feel free to contact the fAiM team.