First experiences with digital testing platform Ans
In the second semester of this academic year (February 2025), the Faculty of the Humanities will switch to Ans for digital exams. Several lecturers have already gained experience with the new platform through pilot exams. Two lecturers from Dutch Studies, Liesbet Winkelmolen and Myra Arends, share their experience.
'We have never received so much support during a digital exam. We were assisted by ECOLe during the preparation, in the exam hall and the wrap-up.
It was quite something: the first ‘real’ pilot with the new digital testing platform Ans. And, we thought, quite a complicated test with video and audio fragments, different types of questions and the need for a specific order of questions and answers as well. We were very glad that there was a backup in the old testing platform just in case.
But everything went well. The migration of our course content was well prepared by ECOLe and students were given access to a clear Ans manual in preparation for the exam. All of them managed to enter the software without any issues, there was help where needed, and the system was easy to understand for them. They found it easy to use.
One student noted on Ans that: 'It's clear, and there were no technical issues. I could take the test smoothly. I think this is a good and useful tool to use for language assessment.'
We, as teachers, found it useful that we could submit the test if the student had forgotten to do so, but mostly had the ability to allow students to reenter exam if they submitted it by accident. A feature that is new compared to the previous platform.
For the assessment and grading, we went through the entire test with Jiske Angenent from ECOLe. We had to try out a few things to see the effect of the way questions were set up to be graded. For example, we found it difficult to create a formula for grading and we needed to change how the system handled students selecting all options as correct for multiple answer questions
Despite this, we consider the pilot a success. We have not encountered any ambiguities or major shortcomings and the findings of the pilot has provided the migration team with great pointers for adjustments. We have full confidence in the migration to Ans!'
Liesbet Winkelmolen and Myra Arends
Dutch Studies program
More information about the migration to Ans
The migration to Ans is in full swing: find out more on FGW Learning.
Curious to find out how Ans works in practice? Register for a workshop or contact ecole@hum.leidenuniv.nl to schedule an appointment!