Universiteit Leiden

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Why union membership helps: ‘My team is better off thanks to the union’

Union membership is important, especially in turbulent times. Unions negotiate on your behalf with your employer about your terms and conditions of employment. And if that’s not reason enough, you’ll get a membership discount until the end of October. So join now, says senior policy adviser and FNV member Tanja de Bie. ‘Stronger together is not just a slogan.’

Tanja de Bie

Hi Tanja, why did you join a union? 

‘I grew up in a left-wing family. Solidarity was what my family was all about. But I did not do anything with that until I started working at the university and began to look into the situation of teaching staff with temporary contracts. I was so outraged about how the colleagues I saw every day were being treated that I joined FNV in solidarity in 2019. For me, FNV was the logical option as the biggest union but there are other options to: CNV or Aob, for instance.’ 

Why would you advise colleagues to join?

‘Stronger together is not just a slogan. It’s how it works. I’ve become active within FNV as a union rep and have seen how you can make a difference by talking, writing and being there. I have often convinced colleagues to join to protect themselves. Unions do not just fight for the greater good but also represent the individual interests of their members. That may just be the push you need. As chair of the employee council, I found that FNV’s advice helped me stand up for my team during my department’s merger. They knew what they were talking about, which meant I had a counterargument. My team is better off thanks to the union.’ 

What has FNV successfully lobbied for? 

‘FNV has pushed hard for more permanent contracts and social safety and to improve the travel allowance by 2025 alongside the collective bargaining they’re better known for. And we have regularly been successful with that in Leiden, sometimes all the way to the courts. It’s also nice that we have a whole group of union reps and consultants to assist our members. You are not alone. No matter what union you join, it will definitely help.’ 

Trade Union Month: join a union now at a discount

Our collective labour agreement states that your employer, so the university, has agreed to pay a fixed sum of €100 (net) toward your dues if you join a union in September or October: Trade Union Month. One more reason to join now and enjoy all the benefits of union membership. So take a look at the websites of the three unions active at Leiden University – AObFNV and CNV – and join one by the end of October.

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