Universiteit Leiden

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In Memoriam Midas Berkenveld

With great shock, we have learned of the sudden passing of Midas Berkenveld. Midas was a second-year Biology student; in 2022, he had already successfully completed his bachelor's degree in Linguistics.

Midas Berkenveld

Midas was well known and beloved by many. He participated in activities of the student association, the ‘Leidse Biologen Club’, and was active within the Leiden student scouting group, Sleutelstam. His friends wrote about him: ‘Midas was a good friend who anyone could confide in. One of his passions was hiking long distances. He even once walked along the beach from Hoek van Holland to IJmuiden. On these long hikes, he would take his IKEA rat with him and listen to Beyoncé in his earphones. He was great to have around when we faced another difficult practical or seminar. He was not just a fellow student, but a kind, helpful person with a lot of love for those around him.’

Staff and students knew Midas as an energetic student ambassador for the Biology bachelor's programme, inspiring prospective students with great enthusiasm and confidently delivering presentations about the programme during open days—always with a smile and determined to make a difference to others. His study advisor said, ‘He wanted to contribute to enriching the experiences of his fellow students, and that’s something to be greatly admired. When he spoke, he spoke with his eyes. His path crossed with many of yours, and the impact of those moments will remain with us always.’

The unexpected nature of his death deeply affects us and makes it hard to comprehend. Please don't hesitate to reach out to us if you need to talk:

You can also seek support from the university services listed on this website and make an appointment with a student psychologist (contact psychologen@sea.leidenuniv.nl  or call 071-527 8026 to schedule a meeting). Are you a staff member in need of support? You can turn to your supervisor or HR advisor.

Study association ‘Leidse Biologen Club’, together with the programme, has set up a memorial space on the first floor of the Sylvius building, where you can pay your respects to Midas, either alone or with others. A condolence book will also be available at the memorial site, where you can leave a message.

We hold Midas in our thoughts and wish his family and friends all the strength they need during this difficult time. His cheerfulness, energetic presence, and enthusiasm will be greatly missed by many.

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