What makes our university strong and distinctive? Let your voice be heard!
What sets Leiden University apart from other universities? And what research themes would you like us to showcase to the outside world? Share your ideas in our online consultation over the next two weeks.
It is more important than ever for the public, politicians, leaders, civil society organisations and industry to see the value and necessity of our research and teaching. A plain and clear profile will help. It will allow us to show our strengths and what sets us apart from others. It will also help us build a stronger identity and distinguish ourselves from other organisations, and proactively seek new opportunities for new or additional funding. And it will serve as inspiration for new partnerships.
What themes would you choose?
Over the past few months, a mixed group of staff including academic staff, heads of research, faculty managers and policymakers have been considering Leiden University’s knowledge domains and potential themes for the university’s positioning. Positioning means drawing attention to a number of research themes. We call these profile themes. We are choosing themes in which we as a university stand out or see opportunities in the outside world.
Positioning does not mean we will put less effort into other themes, but that we will focus on our university’s strengths.
The deans and Executive Board are now calling on all Leiden University staff to help: what themes would you choose to showcase our university? On Wednesday 4 September, you will receive an invitation to share your ideas about this in an online consultation environment (by Thursday 19 September). You can select themes based on your knowledge of the organisation or on current developments in science and society. For more information see our FAQ about the process.
It is worth noting that positioning is not about choosing what research we do and what subjects we teach. It is a choice about what we showcase. Positioning does not mean we will put less effort into or dispense with other themes. What it does mean is that we will focus on our university’s strengths and choose more direction in our communication, for example. It will also mean we can offer targeted grant support and that these themes will be part of our knowledge transfer and public affairs strategy.
What is the value of a clear profile? We put this question to some of the staff who were involved in the preliminary process.

Pieter Schipper, Head of Academic Affairs, Faculty of Science
‘Leiden is a very broad university with an enormously wide range of research themes. You name it and our researchers study it. And that research is also of very high quality. You could compare our organisation to a shop that sells a cornucopia of products but only has limited room in the window to display these. You then have to think carefully about what exactly you want to achieve with this window display and how to go about that.
‘I have a feeling that people don’t generally associate our university with collaboration with industry. I see this consultation as a step to changing that. For us as a faculty, collaboration with industry and community partners is a hugely important way to achieve impact on society. A clear profile will help us connect with research partners: it will explain why they need to come calling in Leiden.’

Hester Bijl, Rector Magnificus
‘Here at the university we have an incredible amount of knowledge that can benefit society. Our wide range of research themes is our strength but also a challenge. How do you explain the value of our research and teaching to the public, politicians or potential partners, and make it short and snappy? What do you focus on? How do you ensure you are relevant to society and don’t miss out on collaboration opportunities? You need a clear answer, especially now with politicians and many people so critical of scientific research and teaching.
‘I am glad we are working on this as the Executive Board and deans. That we as a university are deciding together what to put in our shop window. The online consultation will make it easy for staff to have their voice heard. I’m particularly interested in the reasons for their choices: they can explain that in detail in the consultation environment. This will be extremely valuable input for us as the Board. I would urge everyone to take part, whatever your role.’

Marlieke Ernst, Strategic Knowledge Broker, Faculty of Humanities
‘As the Faculty of Humanities Knowledge Broker, I am in a lot of contact with different community partners. If I tell them we are the oldest university in the Netherlands, they are not particularly interested. But if I tell them we’re the ones to call for knowledge about heritage, languages and cultures, then it comes alive for them. A clear profile outlining what our faculty and university have to offer will make it easier for partners to understand why they should work with us.
‘The themes will also give direction to my work. There is a lot of work to do, so you have to make choices. Another advantage of the profile themes is that they will make it easier to work with other faculties. Once the themes are clear, we will be able to join forces. And that will make us stronger as a university.’

Anouschka Versleijen, Luris Director
‘Luris creates and facilitates connections between Leiden researchers and market players to ensure optimal use is made of scientific knowledge. As a university, we are in the midst of society. A clear profile will help us gain visibility for the themes we possess expertise on, both at a broad level and for specific topics.
‘The university exchanges knowledge with the Municipality of Leiden about, for example, biodiversity, fighting crime and supporting people who are in debt. And businesses, ministries and other parties also benefit from our innovative science. Immediately, with the latest scientific insights on anxiety in children, for example. And later, in ten or twenty years, when we have new drugs or treatments for diseases or have built up a new economy around quantum algorithms. A strong profile will help make all of this easier to comprehend. Say one of our profile themes is “generation of the future”, then it is immediately clear that our expertise is relevant to many fields. A clear profile will make our work more accessible and strengthen our position in society.’
About this consultation and our positioning
We have set up a website with more information about the consultation. What do we mean by positioning? Why do we want to choose? What does this mean for themes that are not chosen? And once the themes have been decided, what will we do next? Read the answers on the website. If your question is not covered, email us at profilering@bb.leidenuniv.nl
Banner: Monique Shaw