Universiteit Leiden

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Transition of the Scientific Director Position from Hubertus Irth to Miranda van Eck

On August 22nd, 2024, the LACDR reflected on the transition of the Scientific Director Position from Hubertus Irth to Miranda van Eck. Hubertus Irth’s second term as Scientific Director ended on September 1. From this date, Miranda van Eck took over the role of Scientific Director of LACDR.

After the speech of Hubertus, Thomas Klompmaker gave the word to Miranda van Eck, Merei Huigsloot, Jasper Knoester, Thomas Hankemeier, Bob van de Water and Gerard van Westen who all had a few words for Hubertus to express their gratitude for what he has done for LACDR. After this, a memory book on behalf of LACDR was given to Hubertus. The afternoon concluded with the annual LACDR barbecue.

LACDR would like to thank Hubertus Irth for his tremendous contributions to LACDR and to wish him lots of success in his role as Scientific Director at IBL. LACDR also would like to wish Miranda van Eck lots of success in her new role Scientific Director at LACDR.

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